Grey Shadow

The Grey Shadow is a self-proclaimed activist group (officially a criminal organization) that operates in the Eimaui Confederation. Their members are viewed as highly dangerous a skilled, although the organization insists that their motivations are completely motivated by political change. According to them, they want to bring down the current system, which favors arcanists, and establish a system that is truly independent from the arcane Schools.  


The Grey Shadow was created in Uaiana about 70 years ago, after the Congress of the Confederation passed a law that allowed self-defense magic in situations that many people deemed unnecessary. The law was highly unpopular, as it allowed arcanists to legally use magic on other people without consent with fewer criminal repercussions than ever before.   They first became popular 65 years ago, when they committed a terror attack on a public square where a festival celebrating magic and the Schools was taking place. Many people died, including some high-profile arcanists, and the Grey Shadow came out with a statement establishing their ideology and introducing themselves.   In recent times, the organization has decreased its levels of activity. Some people say they've become weak, others are afraid they're just preparing something big.  

Goals and methods

The prime goal of the organization is establishing a political system where arcanists aren't treated differently from mundanes. They aren't against the arcane arts (in fact, they have many arcanists among their ranks), but against the structures that give them privilege, such as the Schools and the government.   They employ an extensive network of safehouses, some of them connected with arcane gateways and others isolated for protection. They have a mundane-led hierarchy, with a single leading council and individual cells for different cities and areas with their own minor leadership.
Illicit, Syndicate


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