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Goblin Expedition XXIX

Year of the Serpent, Month of the Dog, Day of the Commander Te'Ressu: We have arrived at the northern most explored point.   Sharp edges indicate that these mountains are young, quite unlike the peaks of our homelands. I estimate these peaks to be between 200 and 300 years old. While they have existed here before the human tribes their recent growth spurt has unearthed even older civilizations. From the outside the caves appear to be constructed from something other than nature.   With their strong intra-clan trading routes it is unlikely to that there would be no historical Dwarven records of a clan this deep into the mountains. There would be more clans between here and their current holdings.   Most of our dig sites net us tradable, human created goods. I do not expect this trend to overturned at this site, however I have not seen any of their ruins be buried so deep that it required a mountain range to dig it up.   Quite ironic we trade it back to them, their creations have become our exports.   We will set up camp next to theirs and begin an accounting of all that was left behind. Hopefully we will find a trend in missing items that will give us much needed clues.   Only Goblin tracks were found in the surrounding area. Shamans tested the river water and found it safe. No poisonous or hallucinagetic plants were found. It all looks so safe.   As we approached the caves some heard a faint, but constant, high pitch noise. For myself, I heard nothing and believe this to be nerves of young goblins, though uncertainty began to spread around the camp.   We assembled an Alpha Team with instructions to map only open hallways and not to push beyond shouting distance. The caves inside would be cramped, though not completely uncomfortable, for humans. The doors were sized too large for goblins.   The cave consists of straight hallways with only 90 degree turns. It has been crafted entirely of a gray metal with colorful cylinders running along the lengths. The doors have no handles but do have a multitude of shining gems embedded into the walls next to them.   Parts of the cave have been breached by the mountains but it otherwise seems structurally secure. Tomorrow we go in deeper to create a complete map and begin salvaging tradable goods and will begin sending them to CAPTITAL CITY.

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Cover image: Tavern Interior by Dean Spencer


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