Arclands The Emperors and Protectors of Arc Timeline

The Emperors and Protectors of Arc

The rich and intricate tapestry of Arc's history is woven with the threads of its dynamic and influential rulers, the emperors and protectors that guided the city through periods of prosperity, conflict, and change. As one of the most prominent and enduring political entities, Arc saw its fortunes shaped by the deft hands of these leaders, who navigated the treacherous waters of regional politics, economics, and shifting power dynamics. In the early days of Arc, the city's emperors were often of Vannic origin, signifying a transition of power from the waning Vannic Empire to the rising star of Arc. This period of shared heritage gave way to a unique blend of cultural influences and political strategies, as Arc asserted itself as a formidable force in the region.   Seemingly endless struggles and crises have gripped the city as emperors sought to mediate between the competing interests of the noble and mercantile classes.   As the timeline progressed, the era of emperors eventually gave way to the First Age of Protectors, a time marked by the rise of the Protectorate system, which sought to address the issues of imperial excess and corruption. This period saw a number of remarkable rulers who championed social reforms, military prowess, and technological advancements, all of which contributed to the city's growth and prosperity.   The Second Age of Protectors was characterized by the Ranniger Coup, which led to the establishment of the first Protectorate dynasty. During this age, rulers from the Ranniger family wielded dictatorial power and marginalized the Azure Chamber, a governing body that had once been instrumental in shaping Arc's destiny. Despite the oppressive nature of their rule, the Ranniger dynasty did contribute to the city's development and stability.   The Third Age of Protectors marked a turning point in Arc's history, as the Azure Chamber regained its influence, and the once-powerful protectors found their authority diminished. Over time, the merchant class triumphed over the nobles and even the protectors, asserting their control over Arc's political landscape. This age saw a series of rulers who, despite their limited power, played crucial roles in maintaining stability and fostering progress in the city.   In essence, the timeline of the emperors and protectors of Arc is a testament to the city's resilience, adaptability, and determination to thrive in a complex and ever-changing world. The legacies of these rulers continue to echo through time, shaping the character and destiny of Arc as it forges ahead into the future.

Late Vannic Era

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    Founding of the Vannic Empire

    Founding of the Van Empire (binding): The Vannic people originally lived in small farming and fishing communities along the shores of the Greater Arc Sea. In the centuries before the most recent binding (where the Keeper reformed itself and drew magic from the world back into itself), they were the only people known to understand the location and use of Spell Forges. They were guided in their understanding of magic by the Graces, who visited them and informed them of the Keeper’s wishes (even though the Keeper had been Sundered for several thousand years at this point).

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    Dures II
    Era beginning/end

      Dures II was one of the last emperors of the Vannic people, as he began to see the end of the Vannic empire as inevitable, he established a new dynasty, the Ordrish rulers to rule the successor state in Arc. He also engaged in the biggest building projects since the creation of Arc itself, including the creation of the Library of Harenis. Dures feared that much of the wisdom and knowledge of the Vannic people would be lost as a result of the Vannic Civil War. Dures II was one of the most significant and important rulers of the Vannic World and is remembered across Aestis as a powerful and determined ruler.   In the 32 years after his death from -2172 to -2140 two of his children, Dures III and Antrages I ruled the Vannic Empire as it fragmented and they attempted to move its capital to Arc. Antrages died without an heir but it was his nephew Traedas Ordrish who established the Ordrish dynasty, the first great rulers of Arc.  

    Related events:

      The Rise of the Esoteric Heresy (-2175 to -2150): For millennia before the decline of the Arc Empire, the Keeper (see The Story of the Keeper), the one god who held all magic, weakened and suffered a slow decline. A surge of interest in arcane magic and the exploration of new magical techniques emerged during this period, partly resulting from the building of the new Library of Harenis. Cunning and ambitious mortals began seeking ways to access the power that the ailing Keeper could no longer fully control. These mortals, driven by a desire for power and knowledge, formed secretive cabals and learned dark arts from the Legion of Damnation. They set about creating the first-ever artificial spellforge: the The Memnarch Device. This groundbreaking invention allowed these select individuals to leech magic directly from the Keeper, bypassing the natural order of magic distribution.   The establishment of several renowned magical circles was another significant development during this period. These groups, known as Esoteric Heresies by the early Aruhvian Church provided a platform for sharing and expanding the knowledge of magic, which were now accessible to mortals. The academies attracted talented individuals from across the Vannic Empire, who delved into the secrets of the Memnarch Device and developed innovative spells and magical items that would shape the future of the Arclands.   The fate of the Esoterics is unknown but Aruhvian scholars argue that the Keeper's wrath fell upon them and his Graces were dispatched to end their plunder.

    More reading
    Emperor Dures II

The Ordrish Dynasty

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The Ordrish ruled Arc for 150 years between -2140 and -1990 and during this time they did much to establish the city's wealth and power. They waged almost endless war across the Greater Arc Sea to gain control of trade routes, ports and capture vital markets. They also turned their attention inland and crushed the various successor states to the Van Empire, though they became overstretched and failed to re-establish the empire, this would take a further century and a half to achieve.

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    Traedas Ordrish
    Era beginning/end

    Traedas Ordrish, the first Emperor of the Ordrish dynasty, had a monumental task ahead of him when he assumed power. He faced the daunting challenge of unifying Arc under his rule, inheriting an empire on the precipice of collapse. Nevertheless, Traedas was unyielding, combining his political savvy and military prowess to secure his position.   To establish the Ordrish dynasty in Arc, Traedas undertook extensive administrative reforms and infrastructure development. He centralized power, while also promoting local governance to ensure loyalty among the different regions. Traedas also fortified Arc, transforming it into a formidable fortress city and a symbol of the Ordrish rule.   Claiming the legitimacy of his Vannic forebears was another challenge. Traedas made substantial efforts to highlight his direct lineage from Emperor Dures II. He commissioned monumental structures and artworks dedicated to the Vannic emperors, including a grand statue of Dures II in the heart of Arc. These actions were aimed to remind the people of Arc of the greatness of the Vannic empire and, by extension, the legitimacy of his own rule.   The final, and perhaps the most daunting task, was the reclamation of the fragmented Vannic empire. Traedas initiated numerous military campaigns to regain control over the lost territories. He successfully recaptured many regions, often through a combination of military force and diplomatic negotiation. But the cost was high, and the resistance in many areas remained fierce.   In the twilight of his life, Traedas could see the results of his labor: a unified Arc, a reign legitimized by the echoes of the Vannic past, and the rebirth of an empire. However, the struggle to regain and hold the old Vannic territories was far from over. On his deathbed, Traedas understood the trials his descendants would face. With a weary heart, he bequeathed to his successors the legacy of a century of warfare, a commitment to continue the journey he had begun.

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    Annai Ordrish
    Era beginning/end

    Annai was the troubled daughter of Traedas Ordrish, who grew up desperate for her father's love and recognition. Traedas had one obsession over all else and that was the maintainance of his own personal power. If he had love for his daughter, it was lost over the years as he yearned for greatness, recognition and a legacy of his own. When her father died she married two times, both unhappily, firstly to Yeruthline Kavvar, an old Vannic prince who hoped to re-establish himself in Arc. Annai looked upon him as the father she never had, but he was only capable of causing her misery and betrayal. He died at sea, some have claimed he was murdered by Annai's loyal advisors when his philanderings were revealed. She then married Tovar Andrase, a young knight of Arc from noble lineage. The marriage was looked upon as scandalous, as Annai had married beneath her, but it was cut short when Tovar went to war in Del'Marah and was slain at the battle of Festulys in -2085. As the years passed Annai grew ever more bitter and reclusive, eventually dying in -2040.

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    Annai Ordrish
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    Yula Ordrish
    Era beginning/end

    When Annai died childless, Yula, her neice and eldest of the grandchildren of Traedus came to the throne at the age of sixteen. Yula vanished for several months near Gol just after she came to power along with several of her retainers. She returned barefoot to Arc and never wore anything on her feet again. There were fearful rumours among the common folk of the city that she had become some manner of sorceress when she vanished and she did little to dispel such talk, even though it was well understood that magic had long since drained away from the world. She had two children Ravaar and Thorane who would feud over the throne after her untimely death in -2018.

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    Yula Ordrish
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    Ravaar and Thorane: The Rule of the Twins
    Era beginning/end

      Ravaar and his sister Thorane, took power in Arc when their mother Yula died as a result of a compromise to prevent war from breaking out in the city and the empire. Ravaar, the first born of the two saw it as his right to rule alone and resented his sister for assuming that she had any place on the throne of the empire. Ravaar was advised by Kenje Atrume, the wise Del'Marahan sage from acient Pheff that the regional governors of the growing empire would not all fall behind him and that he had a simple choice; risk open war across the empire and see it vanish in flames, or find a way to share power with his sister. Thorane had always been written off by her brother as naive, slow and passive but she was none of these things. She was quiet, patient and determined and had gained the favour of some of the most influential noibles from across the empire to back her. The result has been described as Ravaar's compromise, but this term is misleading. Historians have suggested that Ravaar allowed Thorane to share power with him as a result of his good will, but the truth was that he realised he could not win, Thorane had outwitted him. In -1995 Ravaar broke with his promise and planned to wage war on his sister and her son Hakei.

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    Hakei Ordrish: The Blood Prince
    Era beginning/end

      In -1995 Thorane Ordrish was assassinated by Ravaar and Hakei, her only son swore revenge, declaring himself emperor in the summer of that year. In two years he had waged war against Arc, supported by his loyal friend Jorei Starrander and laid seige to the city and in -1990, then known as the blood prince (a reference to his blood line and legitimacy as heir), marched through the city gates. Ravaar held out in the Vastrand Keep at the centre of the city and managed to slay Hakei before he could be crowned. Starrander slew Ravaar and his men and in doing so ended the Ordrish line. He was subsequently offered the throne to the empire, thus bringing to an end the war of the twins.

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    Jorei Starrander (1990-1982)
    Era beginning/end

    When Hakei Ordrish, the Blood Prince, died without an heir in -1990 the electors of the Azure Court (Arc's parliament of guilds) offered the throne to Jorei Starrander (John the Feather, as he was known on the streets of Lower Arc), an impetuous and headstrong young prince. Starrander was encouraged to take the Azure court's views into account on every issue and in the weeks between Hakei Ordrish death and Jorei Starrander's coronation, the court appointed a group of ministers who would serve the new king from the Rulderhall ( a large ornate domed building in the heart of Arc, the centre of bureaucracy for the city and the empire), known as the 'Lords of the Dome'. Starrander was furious and worked to undermine the council, but was unable to get rid of them. He sidelined the council and ruled as absolute king for eight years until -1982 but in the winter of that year began to obsess about plots against him. He died mysteriously the following spring, weeks before a planned bloody purge of the Azure Court.   Despite his short reign, Jorei Starrander had a lasting impact on the history and culture of Arc, with many Arcish citizens remembering him positively. He is regarded as a figure who was willing to stand up to the interests of the Azure court and the monied classes of Arc, with many Arcites assuming he had their interests close to his heart. Most historians of renown in Harenis view this as being extremely naive.

Starrander Era

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Jorei Starrander (1990-1982)   Faerdyn Askar-Tarro (1982-1941)   Drassa Askar (1941-1920)   Lures Askar (1920-1901)

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    Jorei Starrander (1990-1982)
    Era beginning/end

    When Hakei Ordrish, the Blood Prince, died without an heir in -1990 the electors of the Azure Court (Arc's parliament of guilds) offered the throne to Jorei Starrander (John the Feather, as he was known on the streets of Lower Arc), an impetuous and headstrong young prince. Starrander was encouraged to take the Azure court's views into account on every issue and in the weeks between Hakei Ordrish death and Jorei Starrander's coronation, the court appointed a group of ministers who would serve the new king from the Rulderhall ( a large ornate domed building in the heart of Arc, the centre of bureaucracy for the city and the empire), known as the 'Lords of the Dome'. Starrander was furious and worked to undermine the council, but was unable to get rid of them. He sidelined the council and ruled as absolute king for eight years until -1982 but in the winter of that year began to obsess about plots against him. He died mysteriously the following spring, weeks before a planned bloody purge of the Azure Court.   Despite his short reign, Jorei Starrander had a lasting impact on the history and culture of Arc, with many Arcish citizens remembering him positively. He is regarded as a figure who was willing to stand up to the interests of the Azure court and the monied classes of Arc, with many Arcites assuming he had their interests close to his heart. Most historians of renown in Harenis view this as being extremely naive.

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    Faerdyn Askar-Tarro (1982-1941)
    Era beginning/end

      Following the death of Starrander, the Lords of the Dome elected a new Emperor Faerdyn Askar-Tarro, a powerful and talented Arc General who had fought many battles in the Arclands to keep the city safe from the tribes that surrounded it. There was no direct descendent from to inherit the throne from Starrander, and Faerdyn had been loyal to his master throughout his career, allowing the fiction that he was in some way, a Starrander Emperor; maintaining this fiction prevented a dynastic war for the throne from tearing the city and the empire apart. Faerdyn's surname, Askar-Tarro, was earned from the battle of Askar, north of Gol, where the city of Gol was relieved by Faerdyn's armies (Tarro is a general term for warrior, general or can mean code of the warrior). Faerdyn was generally popular, but this might have more to do with his presiding over a period of prosperity, where growing trade, low grain prices due to plentiful harvests and the beginnings of cultural golden age in Arc all led to a contented populace. Aruhvian texts argue that Faerdyn was visited by Graces who showed him in visions the shape of a new white stone city where the current Arc stood that he and his ancestors would build. He was told it would take three centuries to complete but would eventually become the mightiest city in Aestis and would be the 'foundation stone of the earth'. It was during this period that the ancient burial caves at the peninsula of Dancare began to be developed into the vast mausoleum city that it became on the great western straits.   Faerdyn ruled until -1941 when he abdicated in old age and infirmity for his daughter Drassa Askar, who ruled along side her consort Viyeldin and the most famous Arc general of the age Nurian Mondrias. It is thought that Drassa, no fool, suspected Nurian of planning a coup and the establishment of a military dictatorship so she exiled him to a remote outpost or 'Dran', five hundred miles to the south. Nurian claimed that he had been granted a royal charter to found a new city that would one day become the third great capital of the Arc empire.

    More reading
    Faerdyn Askar-Tarro
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    Drassa Askar
    Era beginning/end

      Drassa Askar was considered by many of those who had mentored her, unsuited to the job of ruling. Her father had spent much of his reign belittling her and treating her as weak and incapable. As a child she had been banished to a Malermic Temple in the the Arcish wastes to the north, where a life of silent contemplation was interrupted by tragedy. When her eldest brother Merodin died in a hunting accident months after his father, Drassa was brought back to Arc, where she was crowned empress, following the elderly emperor's abdication. Faerdyn had intended to hand over the reigns of power to his son, and was consumed by grief and anger when he was forced to step aside for his daughter. It was the Arcish general Nurian, then a charismatic commander of the Arcish third army who escorted her back to the city, accompanied by her advisor, the Malermic Brother Aeolfan, who sensed that Nurian could not be trusted. His suspicions were confirmed when he discovered that Nurian and Faerdyn plotted together to return the old emperor to power and to kill Drassa. Nurian had been assured that he would inherit the throne once the Faerdyn eventually passed away. The old man was driven by nothing more than spite and the desire to thwart his daughter. When Drassa fell in love with the Golan ranger captain Viyeldin, she provoked further outrage from her father, who had intended that she marry into the noble Loverien family (on the understanding that if he failed to assassinate his own daughter, the family would be loyal to his throne and find their own way to remove her). Viyeldin and Aeolfan discovered Nurian's coup and managed to persuade his supporters not to act against Drassa (reminding them of the terrible consequences should they try and fail). Drassa sent Nurian north to command her armies around the small military outpost that would eventually become Dran. She dared him to disobey her, and Nurian, sensing that the moment to mount a coup had passed, declined to do so. It was in this act, however, that the long term seeds of conflict were sown and centuries of bloody rivalry between Dran and Arc began.

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    Drassa Askar
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    Lures Askar (1920-1901)
    Era beginning/end

      Lures Askar and his mother had a close bond and he grew up fiercely defensive of her, knowing that throughout her reign she had been surrounded by enemies and those that sought to undermine her. When she died of the shaking sickness in -1920, he was devastated by her loss and returned for months to the Malermic Temple, which in turn became a shrine to his mother. Lures became more deeply connected with the Malermic faith and spent the first year of his reign in absentia, lost in silent contemplation that nearly drove him to the point of madness. He claimed later in his more secret correspondences, that in the howling wind of the plains he heard powerful booming voices of creatures that claimed they were from the very beginning of time itself, and that the Keeper and the religion he had built around him was a sham and a lie. Lures was finally brought to Arc, where he managed to maintain part of his innate reclusiveness. His brother Malerin ruled for several years in his stead as a regent and proved to be an effective and popular administrator. The eventual fate of Lures is unknown, it is suggested that he came into conflict with the Aruhvian Church that had established itself in Arc after the Council of Gol, as he harboured suspicions about the church from his Malermic days. One popular myth that abounds is the story that Lures simply took to the sea, leaving Arc in the dead of night by sailboat, and was never seen again. With his death ended the short century of Starrander monarchs. Historians view this period as one of exceptional growth in living standards across the Arclands (often at the expense of the rest of Aestis). It was also a cultural golden age and much of the art and culture that is widely treasured and valued in Aestis is referred to as Starrandic.

    More reading
    Lures Askar
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    Lathanel Gorer

    Lathanel Gorer was the first of the Lunar Kings, a classification created by the historian and sage Mordei Morhanan. The many Lunar Kings and Queens were initially given this title as it was thought to imply that they presided over a golden age of the Arclands. However, later in life Mordei Morhanan revealed that it was a name that pointed to their hubris. The centuries of the Lunar Age would be marked by a rapid expansion in the power and grandeur of the Arc Empire, but also the seeds of its decline would also be sown.   Lathanel Gorer was distantly related to the Starrander line, his great grandfather Dalathine Gorer had been a knight steward to Jorei Starrander and was permitted to marry Starrander's neice Althromyne Andaris Starrander. When Lures Askar died, the royal lines that would naturally have taken the throne in his stead had gradually expired. A century of colonial expansion and war had seen the attrition of the Arcish aristocracy, along with several waves of the shaking sickness that killed both poor and rich alike across the Arclands. The Gorer family had a slender claim to the throne and it was only with the backing of the powerful lending houses of Arc, against competing rival noble houses that Lathanel was able to rise to the Arcish imperial throne. Gorer was seen by many as a disappointment, the enemies of the Starranders had grown impatient in the final years of the dynasty to see much of their work undone, particularly the guilds of Arc who felt that the power of emperors inhibited trade and constrained their desire to form monopolies. Gorer was no fool, he was aware of the whims and desires of his backers but at no time did he acquiesce to them, instead, he viewed his role as the maintainance of the power of the imperial throne, and he eventually turned to the nobility who he had beaten to become emperor to support him against the guilds who felt betrayed and who were angry they could not control the empire with him as their puppet. The urban poor of the Arclands, who felt their petitions had been ignored by the Starranders, also found Gorer and his ancestors unresponsive. Gorer is thought of as the first of the Lunar Kings, under whose rule Arc's power rose and then dwindled, one reason for asserting this is the tensions that emerged as a result of his rise to power. Many wise scholars have observed, however, that tensions between the guilds and the nobles pre-dated the Gorer dynasty

The Lunar Kings Era

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Lathanel Gorer   Aymund Gorer   Solomund Gorer   Sharrinde Vryse   Askar Vryse   Thymunde Vryse   Salla Vryse   Raymun Talar-Vryse   Thashal Talveryse   Grathan Talveryse   Auel Talveryse

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    Lathanel Gorer

    Lathanel Gorer was the first of the Lunar Kings, a classification created by the historian and sage Mordei Morhanan. The many Lunar Kings and Queens were initially given this title as it was thought to imply that they presided over a golden age of the Arclands. However, later in life Mordei Morhanan revealed that it was a name that pointed to their hubris. The centuries of the Lunar Age would be marked by a rapid expansion in the power and grandeur of the Arc Empire, but also the seeds of its decline would also be sown.   Lathanel Gorer was distantly related to the Starrander line, his great grandfather Dalathine Gorer had been a knight steward to Jorei Starrander and was permitted to marry Starrander's neice Althromyne Andaris Starrander. When Lures Askar died, the royal lines that would naturally have taken the throne in his stead had gradually expired. A century of colonial expansion and war had seen the attrition of the Arcish aristocracy, along with several waves of the shaking sickness that killed both poor and rich alike across the Arclands. The Gorer family had a slender claim to the throne and it was only with the backing of the powerful lending houses of Arc, against competing rival noble houses that Lathanel was able to rise to the Arcish imperial throne. Gorer was seen by many as a disappointment, the enemies of the Starranders had grown impatient in the final years of the dynasty to see much of their work undone, particularly the guilds of Arc who felt that the power of emperors inhibited trade and constrained their desire to form monopolies. Gorer was no fool, he was aware of the whims and desires of his backers but at no time did he acquiesce to them, instead, he viewed his role as the maintainance of the power of the imperial throne, and he eventually turned to the nobility who he had beaten to become emperor to support him against the guilds who felt betrayed and who were angry they could not control the empire with him as their puppet. The urban poor of the Arclands, who felt their petitions had been ignored by the Starranders, also found Gorer and his ancestors unresponsive. Gorer is thought of as the first of the Lunar Kings, under whose rule Arc's power rose and then dwindled, one reason for asserting this is the tensions that emerged as a result of his rise to power. Many wise scholars have observed, however, that tensions between the guilds and the nobles pre-dated the Gorer dynasty

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    Aymund Gorer

    In the taverns and debating chambers of Arc, Aymund Gorer's legacy has been the subject of fierce debate. It is widely agreed that he was far more decisive than his elder brother Lathanel, but the extent to which this is viewed as a virtue has freqently been the subject of controversy. To some Aymund was a brutal tyrant who crushed opposition, and to others he was an emperor who understood implicitly how to maintain the power of the Arcish nobility and acted to protect it. Aymund Gorer was never intended to be emperor, and as the youngest of the Gorer line only succeeded his oldest sibling by chance, following the untimely death of his brother Yatre and sister Aumne. Aymund Gorer had served as a general in the Third Army, taking his orders directly from Lathanel, and his opportunity to rise to the throne came during his middle years. Aymund had little direct experience of court politics, something that actually became a virtue during he reign. Recognising that not being in thrall to the aristocracy or the guilds was a key strength, he was able to decide who to support in the endless power struggles between the two. Aymund backed the nobles against the banks and used the power of his own enforcers, the Reeves, to arrest and persecute guild masters who sought to use their growing power to attack inherited wealth and titles. Aymund gained the undying gratitude of the nobles (those noble families who were ejected from Arc but who still live across the Arclands treat him with barely concealed reverence and wait for the next 'Aymund' to return). Guild members in Arc today spit when they hear his name.

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    Solomund Gorer

    Solomund Gorer, son of Aymund, inherited simmering tensions from his father. The nobility of Arc, distressed at the gradual erosion of their status to the guilds, had enjoyed the restoration of their power under Aymund and saw any move towards compromise and concillation with the hated merchant class of Arc as little more than treachery. Solomund, a reflective and intelligent man believed that Arc would be eclipsed by Dran (the city state most involved in financing Arc's nobility, many of whom were descending into genteel poverty as the economic climate favoured commercial over inherited wealth), unless an historic compromise could be struck between both sides. Solomund's base of support within his own court was weak, he was surrounded by nobles who saw no advantage to their cause in agreeing concessions with a merchant class they had already defeated. The Vryse family organised resistance to Solomund's policy or rapproachment and embraced a reactionary policy of retrenchment of noble power, even though this placed Arc's role as the dominant mercantile power in Aestis in jeopardy. Solomund and his wife Atrye, daughter of the Del'Marahi (the Emperor of Del'Marah), were assassinated by killers loyal to the Vryse faction in -1806. The killing was followed by the dawn purge, a mass killing of guild leaders across the city at sunrise, breaking the power of the guilds for a generation. 'The Blood of Solomund Gorer' became a well known if infamous folk song across the Arclands - a lament for a principled but weak leader who was replaced by a bloodthirsty dynasty who would rule Arc for the rest of the Lunar Era - The Vryses

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    Sharirrinde Vryse
    Era beginning/end

    Following Solomond Gorer’s assassination, Sharrinde Vryse sought to consolidate his power and establish a dynasty. As the most vocal and public opponent of Gorer’s reforms Vryse had secured the support of the nobility prior to his coup. Arc’s armies were drawn from the vassals of the nobility, lending the army a distinctly reactionary character, and thus were largely supportive of Gorer’s assassination. However, the Arcish bureaucracy and civil service, without which the wheels of Arc’s Empire would stop turning, were largely supportive of Gorer’s agrarian reforms, seeing the mismanagement of Arc’s noble estates as a significant impediment to the expansion and consolidation of Arcish power in the wake of an increasingly powerful, and hostile, Dran. Sharrinde feared that officials aligned with Gorer could present an insidious fifth column that could slowly cripple the Arcish state, instigating a popular revolt. Sharrinde understood that his support base among the nobility could easily dry up in the face of popular resistance and that it was necessary to mitigate any potential economic fallout, to avoid being branded a tyrant. Though Sharrinde intended to consolidate the interests of the nobility, it was necessary to make temporary concessions to the Arcish people, to allow enough time for his dynasty to entrench itself, and to safeguard against a popular revolt. Sharrinde declared a unilateral amnesty to civil servants who had spearheaded Gorer’s reforms, he bequeathed each of them an auresian ductat, a gold signet ring inscribed with the insignia of the noble house. These rings were given to loyal aldermen of a noble estate. Aldermen could use them to as a form of collateral on loans, signifying that the noble estate would act as a surety to the loan, with interest being collected in the form of goods produced by the vassals of the estate. Such rings created a relationship of patronage between the nobility and the agrarian reformers, aligning the personal interests of the proponents of reform with the nobility, since the rings would become worthless if the estates were taken out of noble hands. Noble houses, in order to increase the value of the surety of their noble name and crest would make very public ostentatious displays of wealth, often competing with one another. Traditionally such rings were given to the aldermen of minor vassal houses to Arc’s great houses, allowing them to live in accordance with the expectations of their station, and thus maintain face, in the wake of increased impoverishment. The bequeathal of a ring was based on a mutual understanding that their lord would take responsibility for their debts in exchange for service, vassals who abused their ductats, would more often than not find themselves at the bottom of the Arcish sea. It was unprecedented to extend what were previously vassalric privileges to Arcish officials. The bearing of such a ring, entitled its owner to a family crest of their own, as well as a small homestead in the countryside with their own serfs. The source of the greatest tensions between the nobility and the burgeoning administrative class, was that in spite of the latter’s often considerable abilities, they had little official status in the Arcish court, and would be forced to pay deference to the nobility, walking several steps behind even the lowest yeomen of a noble entourage, and eating several tables down from the nobility, with the highest civil servants holding little more status in official ceremonies than the highest ranking of the imperial household servants. Sharrinde sought to co-op Arc’s officialdom by integrating it into the feudal system, giving them the status they craved, and tying their personal prosperity directly to the fortunes of the most powerful noble families. Though not all high ranking officials were receptive to the auresian ductats, and continued to lobby for the reforms, Sharrinde managed to split the reformist officials, since by continuing to insist on their reforms, the dissident officials would be seen by those who took the offer as not only working directly against their personal interests, but also implicitly highlighting the lack of integrity of those who took the rings by their principled stance. This provided Sharrinde with a support base among Arc’s bureaucrats and civil servants. Sharrinde was thus able to leverage officials who had been initiated into the Arcish feudal system to oust the remaining supporters of Gorer’s reforms, exiling them to remote regions of the Arcish mountains in less than favorable conditions without openly attacking the civil service, and thus rallining the administrative classes against the nobility.

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    The rule of the Triumvirate (Askar, Thymunde and Salla Vryse)

    The Vryse dynasty was the first Arcish imperial family to abolish the practice of primogeniture. The need to reward eldest children with the throne was seen by many Vryse family seniors as a dangerous handicap for the future well being of the family's power. There were several examples of weak contenders to the throne that primogeniture presented from the Vryse family alone, and the Vryses only had to look to the recently dispatched Gorer dynasty to see at least two emperors unsuited to the throne. Instead of primogeniture, therefore, the Vryses allowed their imperial monarchs to stipulate in a last will and testament, sealed by the Archmandrite of Dancare on the emperor's deathbed, who would be the heir. This was accepted by all siblings upon pain of death (though disgruntled potential successors were often offered all manner of attractive sinecures and bribes to help lessen the sense of disappointment). The Vryse family had practiced this internally for over a century before Sharrinde Vryse accessed power, and it rested on him actually leaving a will in the first place. When it transpired that he had died intestate, the members of the Imperial Counsel, the Lord Counsel, Older Tyan, and the grandees of the Vryse family were all presented with a dangerous conundrum to resolve. Which, of Sharrinde Vryse's six children would inherit the throne? Two, Habe and Alvand were children, under the age of fifteen and too young. A third Melcaram, died in mysterious circumstances whilst on campaign with the Army of the Southern Banner. That left Askar, Thymunde (often referred to as Holdaran Hood) and their half sister Salla, who were persuaded by the rest of the family to rule together as a Triumvirate. Older Tyan was under no illusions that this decision could not avoid future strife, only postpone it. Askar, the eldest brother, sat upon the imperial throne, convincing his siblings in the short term that power and decision making was equally shared with them. For several years Askar made some attempt delegate to his siblings, but mistrust and resentments quickly developed between them, and by -1761, he had removed both Thymunde and Salla from power and by -1759 sent them both to Mastaer castle, an island fortress a hundred leagues away from Arc, where they lived as de facto prisoners, even if at first their living conditions were luxurious. Salla first recognised that she and her half brother would eventually rot in a dungeon or be murdered in their sleep unless they took action. She convinced Thymunde to use his influence with the other noble families of Arc to help them both escape. The nobility was happy to oblige, as they grew weary of Askar's economic incompetence and diplomatic weakness in the face of endless Dranian provocation. Salla murdered Thymunde as they rowed in a small boat to the mainland and was met by the soldiers of the Talar family. She married the heir to the dynasty, Lokryd Talar on the beach and Nedywnth Bay and returned to Arc at the head of the Talar army. By the time Askar knew what was happening it had already happened. He sent dispatch riders to the armies of the three banners to call for aid but no message reached them. A popular folk story of the era is that of the young rider Orbe Dressen, who encountered odd and obstacles, monsters and disasters along the way to find the Army of the Banner of the East, only to discover that its general, Jonah Dythe, had already been bought by the Talars. Salla and her husband burned Askar alive on the steps of the Three Sisters as a warning to any noble family or branch of the Vryses conspiring against them. Their descendents, the Talar-Vryses and then simply the Talveryse ruled until the end of the Lunar era.

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    Carrand Croyse

    Whilst Carrand Croyse was a descendant of Solomund Gorer, there was little in common between the two. Croyse sold himself to the Azure Chamber as a great reformer, much as his ancestor was, but the reality was quite different. His reformism was hollow and there was little real will to improve the lives of imperial subjects, deal with the excesses of the nobility or protect the wealth of the empire, which was steadily being eroded by Arc’s main rival Dran. As the reality for Arc’s mercantile classes sank in that they had produced a ruler who enjoyed the trappings of power but who had no idea how to use it, many began to abandon the city for Dran, including the Greyll family, whose ancestors are among the most powerful families in Dran at the present moment (the year 295). Another reason for mercantile, and eventually even noble families leaving the city was mental and emotional condition of the Emperor himself, who began to hallucinate that he had been visited and controlled by a shadowy presence called Lyniacus. Physicians and scholars from across the Arc Empire were summoned to treat the emperor, who became increasingly reclusive and palid. Sometimes those who were given the task of understanding what ailed him actually heard the voice of the creature that called itself Lyniacus. The Croyses had made the Almeayar Palace their home, and it quickly gained a fearful reputation amongst courtiers, servants and guards. There was a dreaded sense of foreboding along the great empty corridors and in the shadows of its silent, still halls. In the year -1600, Croyse, in one of his more lucid moments, summoned an Olorian Khepi (one of the hermits of the delta, whose traditional tribal role was to ‘spear’ dark spirits in the waters, swimming from the open water inland). The Khepi, called Nalacamat, claimed that Croyse had been visited by a Dokuman, one of the evil beings from Olorian legend that ‘crawled the earth and blackened the waters’. Nalacamat was treated with overall contempt and mistrust by the Emperor’s advisors, but sensing he was close to madness and death, they became willing to try what the Khepi suggested. Croyse, who languished in bed, was placed in the centre of the great imperial throne room and the room flooded to waist height with the waters of the Olorian Delta, transported by sea on the Emperor’s flagship, Almalgon. Nalacamat believed that the Dokuman would show itself in the waters, and he waited with his ceremonial spear. When the creature manifested as a writhing mass of black tentacles, he speared it, and it exploded from the waters creating a pillar of fire that mortally wounded the Khepi and the Emperor, dissipating in a black cloud throughout the city. Croyse’s daughter Amealian, would be the next of the dynasty to content with Lyniacus

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    Amealian Croyse
    Era beginning/end

    Amealian Croyse, eldest and favourite daughter of Carrand Croyse, nursed her father through the last years of his life and was present at his death, when the true horror of Lyniacus was revealed. She left the Empire in the hands of her younger sister Raana for long periods of her reign as she journeyed and searched for answers as to what Lyniacus was, and why it had haunted her family. As she searched Aestis, consulting the wisest of the Carathene Order, she began to realise that the spirit had never left Arc, and that it existed in latency in every stone, every wooden beam, every cobbled street of the city. Lyniacus revealed itself again to her when she returned to the city and to the newly built royal residence, the Khovendria Palace. It would appear in mirrors, whispering its incomprehensible language. Amealian was transfixed, desperate to learn what the creature wanted. Gradually she began to believe that it meant her no harm, that it was somehow trapped and needed her help. To outsiders, it appeared that she had been driven to insanity like her father. Raana attempted to have all the mirrors in the palace smashed, their shards buried as her sister became more and more transfixed by them, and by Lyniacus. It was Raana who saw her mother's last moments surrounded by a hurricane of shards as she stepped towards, and was swallowed up by the great Anyrus mirror in the Emperess's  chambers. Raana, realising that her family's tormentor was real and not the figment of two tormented imaginations, created a story, along with her most trusted courtiers, that her sister had taken her own life, consumed with some deep melancholy. Raana and her son Tolver did not make the same mistake and draw Lyniacus to them, but they remained vigilant for the rest of their days for signs that the creature had returned.

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    Raana Croyse
    Era beginning/end

    In polite Arcish society, it is generally accepted that the Croyse years are never discussed, as the question of what Lyniacus was (a shared madness throughout the entire family is the line that the Aruhvian Church insists upon, as it refuses to accept that evil spirits are able to exist in the mortal world), is too troubling for most Arcish gentry to acknowledge.   The story of Raana Croyse's rule is even more disturbing, because her advisers came to believe that Lyniacus's essence had left the imperial palaces following the death of her mother and had become absorbed into the very stones of Arc itself. For a generation there were terrifying rumours that the city and its people had been cursed. a wave of shocking murders amongst the wealthy of the city, and the appearance of a dark, viscous liquid in the city's wells led to many of Arc's gentry leaving the city for a generation.   Raana Croyse also had to contend with the threat of the 'people of the mist', a strange and terrifying phenomenon that occured for ten seasons in the midst of her reign. A vast sea for called the Haar would roll in from the Greater Arc Sea in the autumn, and in the midst of it tall humanoids with glowing golden eye would stalk the docks and Storm Row, taking their victims out into the mist with them.    Raana was forced to abandon the traditional remoteness that and empress adopts, and was famed for leading her soldiers from the front, and in the final year of her short reign decided to meet the mist people with force on the streets of Storm Row. Perhaps poorly advised, perhaps simply living with the traumas of her forebears, Raana Croyse seemed to have abandoned all trappings of royalty by the end of her reign, and there are plenty who have speculated that she had never been able to fully accept the life of an empress and the formality and protocol that went with it. She vanished on Khelend Road in Storm Row, enveloped by the mist. She was last seen laying down her sword and walking towards one of the people of the mist, who seemed to beckon to her.   Raana Croyse, traumatised by the fate of her mother, was unsure of herself when she came to the throne, but aided by her mother's advisors who had experienced the evil of the creature Lyniacus   Found that Lyniacus had seeped into the stones of Arc, resulting in years of crises, murders, cults, strange ‘walking men’ - Raana is eventually murdered by her courtiers, inspired by the creature.

Twilight Kings Era

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Carrand Croyse   Amealian Croyse   Raana Croyse   Tolver Croyse   Yaner Croyse   Lorunder Croyse   Aeshan Croyse   Loriland Varraline   Aesker Varraline   Mereal Varraline   Linden Varraline   Yagand Varraline   Sourchun Varraline   Harriland Varraline   Ghethand Varraline   Saralas Varraline   Veder a Dryn   Yorul a Dryn   Toun a Dryn

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    Carrand Croyse

    Whilst Carrand Croyse was a descendant of Solomund Gorer, there was little in common between the two. Croyse sold himself to the Azure Chamber as a great reformer, much as his ancestor was, but the reality was quite different. His reformism was hollow and there was little real will to improve the lives of imperial subjects, deal with the excesses of the nobility or protect the wealth of the empire, which was steadily being eroded by Arc’s main rival Dran. As the reality for Arc’s mercantile classes sank in that they had produced a ruler who enjoyed the trappings of power but who had no idea how to use it, many began to abandon the city for Dran, including the Greyll family, whose ancestors are among the most powerful families in Dran at the present moment (the year 295). Another reason for mercantile, and eventually even noble families leaving the city was mental and emotional condition of the Emperor himself, who began to hallucinate that he had been visited and controlled by a shadowy presence called Lyniacus. Physicians and scholars from across the Arc Empire were summoned to treat the emperor, who became increasingly reclusive and palid. Sometimes those who were given the task of understanding what ailed him actually heard the voice of the creature that called itself Lyniacus. The Croyses had made the Almeayar Palace their home, and it quickly gained a fearful reputation amongst courtiers, servants and guards. There was a dreaded sense of foreboding along the great empty corridors and in the shadows of its silent, still halls. In the year -1600, Croyse, in one of his more lucid moments, summoned an Olorian Khepi (one of the hermits of the delta, whose traditional tribal role was to ‘spear’ dark spirits in the waters, swimming from the open water inland). The Khepi, called Nalacamat, claimed that Croyse had been visited by a Dokuman, one of the evil beings from Olorian legend that ‘crawled the earth and blackened the waters’. Nalacamat was treated with overall contempt and mistrust by the Emperor’s advisors, but sensing he was close to madness and death, they became willing to try what the Khepi suggested. Croyse, who languished in bed, was placed in the centre of the great imperial throne room and the room flooded to waist height with the waters of the Olorian Delta, transported by sea on the Emperor’s flagship, Almalgon. Nalacamat believed that the Dokuman would show itself in the waters, and he waited with his ceremonial spear. When the creature manifested as a writhing mass of black tentacles, he speared it, and it exploded from the waters creating a pillar of fire that mortally wounded the Khepi and the Emperor, dissipating in a black cloud throughout the city. Croyse’s daughter Amealian, would be the next of the dynasty to content with Lyniacus

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    Amealian Croyse
    Era beginning/end

    Amealian Croyse, eldest and favourite daughter of Carrand Croyse, nursed her father through the last years of his life and was present at his death, when the true horror of Lyniacus was revealed. She left the Empire in the hands of her younger sister Raana for long periods of her reign as she journeyed and searched for answers as to what Lyniacus was, and why it had haunted her family. As she searched Aestis, consulting the wisest of the Carathene Order, she began to realise that the spirit had never left Arc, and that it existed in latency in every stone, every wooden beam, every cobbled street of the city. Lyniacus revealed itself again to her when she returned to the city and to the newly built royal residence, the Khovendria Palace. It would appear in mirrors, whispering its incomprehensible language. Amealian was transfixed, desperate to learn what the creature wanted. Gradually she began to believe that it meant her no harm, that it was somehow trapped and needed her help. To outsiders, it appeared that she had been driven to insanity like her father. Raana attempted to have all the mirrors in the palace smashed, their shards buried as her sister became more and more transfixed by them, and by Lyniacus. It was Raana who saw her mother's last moments surrounded by a hurricane of shards as she stepped towards, and was swallowed up by the great Anyrus mirror in the Emperess's  chambers. Raana, realising that her family's tormentor was real and not the figment of two tormented imaginations, created a story, along with her most trusted courtiers, that her sister had taken her own life, consumed with some deep melancholy. Raana and her son Tolver did not make the same mistake and draw Lyniacus to them, but they remained vigilant for the rest of their days for signs that the creature had returned.

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    Raana Croyse
    Era beginning/end

    In polite Arcish society, it is generally accepted that the Croyse years are never discussed, as the question of what Lyniacus was (a shared madness throughout the entire family is the line that the Aruhvian Church insists upon, as it refuses to accept that evil spirits are able to exist in the mortal world), is too troubling for most Arcish gentry to acknowledge.   The story of Raana Croyse's rule is even more disturbing, because her advisers came to believe that Lyniacus's essence had left the imperial palaces following the death of her mother and had become absorbed into the very stones of Arc itself. For a generation there were terrifying rumours that the city and its people had been cursed. a wave of shocking murders amongst the wealthy of the city, and the appearance of a dark, viscous liquid in the city's wells led to many of Arc's gentry leaving the city for a generation.   Raana Croyse also had to contend with the threat of the 'people of the mist', a strange and terrifying phenomenon that occured for ten seasons in the midst of her reign. A vast sea for called the Haar would roll in from the Greater Arc Sea in the autumn, and in the midst of it tall humanoids with glowing golden eye would stalk the docks and Storm Row, taking their victims out into the mist with them.    Raana was forced to abandon the traditional remoteness that and empress adopts, and was famed for leading her soldiers from the front, and in the final year of her short reign decided to meet the mist people with force on the streets of Storm Row. Perhaps poorly advised, perhaps simply living with the traumas of her forebears, Raana Croyse seemed to have abandoned all trappings of royalty by the end of her reign, and there are plenty who have speculated that she had never been able to fully accept the life of an empress and the formality and protocol that went with it. She vanished on Khelend Road in Storm Row, enveloped by the mist. She was last seen laying down her sword and walking towards one of the people of the mist, who seemed to beckon to her.   Raana Croyse, traumatised by the fate of her mother, was unsure of herself when she came to the throne, but aided by her mother's advisors who had experienced the evil of the creature Lyniacus   Found that Lyniacus had seeped into the stones of Arc, resulting in years of crises, murders, cults, strange ‘walking men’ - Raana is eventually murdered by her courtiers, inspired by the creature.

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    Tolver Croyse
    Era beginning/end

    Tolver Croyse was the eldest son of Raana Croyse and was ten years old when she vanished. During the first six years of his reign, the Lord Counsel Arriland Hyrdes ruled the empire in his stead; the years of the Arriland Regency saw no let up from what was described as the 'Curse of the Croyses', the seeming weakness of the dynasty inspired Arc's enemies, particularly in Dran to extract greater concessions from the city. Arriland Hyrdes was despised by the Arcish nobility as weak, but subsequent historians have been more sympathetic. The declining fortunes of Arc and the horrific events of the Croyse years meant that he began his reign from a weakened position. When Tolver came of age he seemed unable to focus on his royal duties, his mind constantly drifting, wandering. Within three years of ruling he absented himself from the throne in -1531 and left Arc with a small retinue of followers, he travelled to Harenis in order to find out if the library itself contained the answers to the horrors that had plagued his family, or to the whereabouts of his mother. He spent the vast majority of his reign away from Arc, with Arriland Hyrdes and his two sons Vandan and Thorle Hyrdes ruling as regents until Tolver returned to rule in -1509 for the final three years of his life. Tolver died a broken man, his mind crushed under the weight of the enigmas and riddles that he had pursued. His youngest son, Lorunder, came to the throne as a boy, once again under the supervision of the Hyrdes family.

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    Yaner Croyse

    Presided over a period of reconstruction, convinced most people that enemies of Ar were to blame

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    Lorunder Croyse
    Era beginning/end

    In his final dying years, Tolver Croyse would draw and whisper, though much of what he wrote seemed incomprehensible and for hours he would endlessly repeat the mantra 'A fire, a fire, a fire in the heart of knowing," smiling as he did. Lorunder Croyse was deeply affected by his father's death and by the belief that the family was cursed, but he was prepared for the throne by Behane Hyrdes, daughter of Arriland (the Hyrdes family became the young emperor's closest companions, though the belief that they coveted the throne for themselves was widespread). Lorunder seems to have anticipated the return of Lyniacus (perhaps from making sense of his father's dying words), and in the year -1500 travelled westwards to Wardenhal and from there to the The Firg Lands, where he crafted a weapon of immense power, the Hautryan Maul, which he intended to use in order to slay the creature once and for all. When Lyniacus returned to silently walk the halls of Arc's palaces and to terrorise the Croyse family, he did so as a being called The Man of Ancient Faces, who was able to change his appearance, but appeared to Lorunder wearing a grnarled wooden mask that spoke in a hideous rasp and claimed to have seen through dead eyes long before humans ruled the lands, and during the time that the Keeper waged his blood war on the Fey kingoms. Lorunder had learned to fight with the maul in the halls of the Firg master warriors and dealt a mortal blow to the Man of Ancient Faces. The eternal enemy of the Croyse dynasty stabbed Lorunder in the side with a poisoned blade before he died, and Lorunder passed away hours later. Those that saw him lying at rest remarked on how peaceful he seemed, perhaps knowing that the torment of the Croyse dynasty was over at last.

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    Aeshan Croyse
    Era beginning/end

    Historians are divided about the reign of Aeshan Croyse, for some it is the a golden era, three decades of abundance as Arc recovered from the effects of Lyniacus. For others, the prosperity came too little too late. Whilst they struggled to explain what had befallen Arc, the city's enemies, particularly Dran did not hesitate to exploit the city's weaknesses. In the decades that followed the end of the horrors of Lyniacus, Arc's empire fragmented significantly and the Five Houses of Dran for the first time demanded seperation from Arc, and even began to recruit allies within the empire to achieve this. Aeshan was not the forceful diplomat that Raana Croyse had been and lacked the determination to face down or even militarily defeat the rising lords of Dran. Instead, Aeshan conceded to the Dranian rulers that they could have greater autonomy in the empire. For seven years he even allowed a period of joint rulership, creating an imperial council of the two cities which collapsed when Dran's demands for imperial taxes and trade routes to be diverted away from Arc were rejected. The collapse of the imperial council did more to foster resentment between the two cities that almost any other factor. In reality, the weak situation that Aeshan inherited meant that Dran would always have been likely to contest Arc's power and it ensured that Arc struggled to meet the challenge. The fragmentation of the empire was therefore yet another legacy of the creature Lyniacus.

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    Loriland Varraline
    Era beginning/end

    When Aeshan Croyse died without a surviving heir, the Lord Counsel of the Empire sponsored the obscure Varraline family to the throne, determining that they were the nearest acceptable branch of the Croyses that could rule with legitimacy, whilst being acceptable to the Azure Chamber and the nobility alike. The Varralines were warriors and their eldest daughter, Loriland, was a member of 'Young Vannists', junior commanders in the army and diplomats who believed that Dran had defied and humilated Arc for long enough. Loriland Varraline wished to demonstrate to Dran that if it chose to break away or to challenge Arc for supremacy, that it would have to pay an unbearably high price in order to do so. From the moment of her coronation, Dran's rulers looked upon her as a divisive and agressive figure and began to train huge numbers of soldiers and mariners at Nurian's Rock. The Lord of the Mondrias family, Exharion, believed that a show of strength by Dran would discourage Loriland from taking any rash, warlike future actions and he instructed Dranian warships to block sealanes to Arc and to blockade ports of cities and coastal fiefdoms loyal to Arc. His expectation that the untested and younger Loriland would back down were dashed and instead she arrested Khoden Glarin, Dran's ambassor in Arc and his entourage in response to this provocation. When the ships were not withdrawn, she put the entire Arc navy to sea and offered up sufficient gold as to hire every privateer and every fleet between Arc and the Molvar peninsula. Her message to Dran was simple and Exharion's ships withdrew. It became customary to remark that Loriland had shown that the 'purse always beats the sword'.

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    Mereal Varraline
    Era beginning/end

    Loralind Varraline was murdered, this alone, historians agree upon, but there is little agreement as to who the assassins actually were. Some believe that her generals, always wary of her belligerent stance finally poisoned her when she proposed to lay siege to Dran. Others assume that they were aided by Dranian agents, it is no secret that soldiers from both sides had a great deal of affinity for one another and treated each other with respect. Periodically this led to fraternisation which served to reduce unnecessary tensions. Following her death, her younger brother Mereal came to the throne aged fifteen. He was guided by the Lord Counsel Aeringe, whose own personal ambition was balanced by the genuine affection he held for the boy. Aeringe was a cunning and skillful manipulator of his enemies, running (as all Lord Counsels do) networks of spies across the Arclands gathering the information vital for the survival of the empire. He and Mereal found it impossible by the -1330s to contend with the determination and ruthlessness of Kheraas Mondrias, the young and headstrong lord of Dran. Mondrias was certain that if Dran were able to break away from the Arc Empire, he could bring with him a host of resentful city states and provinces, hoping that they might fare better under the leadership of the 'Hammer of the East'.    Following the death of Aeringe in -1327, Mereal found he lacked the strength and the skill to resist Kheeras Mondrias's demands for a Rhavan, or great meeting of the imperial provinces. Rhavans had only ever been called under the Vannic Empire and they were always direct, non military challenges to the rulership of the imperial throne itself. Most emperors and Lord Counsels had been wise enough and wary enough of Rhavans to resist them, but Mereal acquisced. The Rhavan was called at the scholastic city of Harenis and became the first Council of Harenis.    In -1325 the Council of Harenis began and lasted for six months, where the issues facing the empire were debated, but it was carefully managed by Kheeras who knew that he would not be granted independence for Dran, but instead he skillfully manipulated the attendees in order to give Dran its own cassus belli.   In -1324, the year of Mereal's death, Dran went to war to fight for its independence, claiming that it had tried to use diplomacy in Harenis. In reality, Harenis had been a show and had simply given Kheeras Mondrias the diplomatic veneer of respectability he needed.

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    Aesker Varraline

    Mereal Varraline -1365 -1300 (-1325 First Council of Harenis called by Kheraas Mondrias. Dran’s war of Independence starts the following year -1324. Until this point, Dran had been effectively a dominion and a general thorn in Arc’s side)   In -1319 Dran wins the war of independence when the Arcish Armies were defeated in the epic battle of Martanas (half way between Arc and Dran, where the Arcish army had built up its forces in preparation to laying seige to Dran, but was surrounded by the Dranian Army and ground into submission).

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    Linden Varraline
    Era beginning/end

    Linden Varraline, Mereal's son, came to the throne as the first clashes of the Dranian war of independence occurred. Mereal died of the shaking sickness whilst on campaign in Gol and his headstrong son vowed to defeat Dran and destroy its power for a generation. A naval blockade reduced Dran to starvation, the only Dranians who were able to eat anywhere near a full ration of food were its soldiers; Dran's armies, billetted across the Arclands and beyond were able to plunder the resources of the lands they occupied. The support of other Arcish provinces for Dran rapidly declined as their soldiers looted and behaved not as friends but as occupiers. Linden, convinced of his forthcoming victory over Dran became arrogant and impetuous, lacking the careful and methodical judgement of his forebears. He gathered an army at Martanas in preparation to march to Dran itself and lay siege to the landward side of the city. Ghoren Varren, a young Dranian general spied an opportunity to strike a blow at the enemy and during the long winter of -1320 to -1319 he surrounded the Arcish armies in the valley of Martanas, slowly starving them of supplies and resources. In the spring of -1319 he attacked, leaving the melting snows to soak the blood of his enemies. He took Linden hostage, along with 12,000 other Arcish soldiers. His men were kept as slaves in the Dranian hinterlands for a decade and as a final humiliation the hostage emperor was forced to stand before them, holding aloft his broken sword as they were marched out of the city into servitude. Dran was granted its independence at the treaty of Mynascus (named after the island in the Greater Arc Sea on which it was signed), and Linden Varraline eventually returned home to find that his generals had been running the city and the empire in his absence. This era, known as the 'Short Protectorate', which lasted in total for three years, was a foretaste of the Protectorates to come. Linden died of despair and shame many years later but not before he lived to see the returning soldiers, freed from their slavery in Dran, humiliated and broken.    During the period of the Short Protectorate, the Arcish generals began plans for an ambitious project to economically sideline Dran, and they drew up the first plans for the Prayadine Canal.

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    Yagand Varraline
    Era beginning/end

    When Yagand Varraline came to the throne, the war that his father had fought against Dran seemed to be a distant memory. Despite the worst fears of Arcites, Dran had not split the empire, in fact the removal of Dran from the empire had been beneficial for Arc. Not only had the most divisive of the cities in the Arclands ceased to wield any power within the empire, but other city states (Gol, Harenis, Wardenhal and Hothis) rallied to Arc's banner out of a sense of familiarity, but also because their leaders weren't foolish enough to assume that Dran's promises of economic and cultural rejuvination were possible outside the empire. The careful planning of his father's generals had brought about an unexpected economic benefit, the opening of the Prayadine caravan route between Arc and the newly settled lands of Veska. The lands in the east had always been avoided because of the presence of the great, hideous giant creatures, the Gorins. As Veskans slowly fought back the vile creatures, learning the secrets of Gorin Stones, great plains opened up for the cultivation of wheat, maize and for the rearing of cattle. Arcite generals and diplomats recognised that this massive source of food and wealth would would cancel out the insurrection of Dran and reduce its rebellion to an irrelevance.

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    Sourchun Varraline
    Era beginning/end

    Sourchun Varraline's father was the Arcish Yagand, but his mother was the Veskan Neidhe Na'Gaan. As the Veskan kingdom slowly began to establish itself, Sourchun looked with uneast to the north east as a Ghothar Kingdom also developed. His mother's tales of the Ghothars filled him with foreboding about the new power on the continent, a foreboding that was amplified by the development of ties between the Ghothars and the city of Dran. Sourchun was advised by the nobles at his court to avoid the impending war between Veska and Ghotharand, but the far sighted emperor wagered that Veska would not only win as the Ghothars marched on Veskan lands, but that the growing relationship between Veska and Arc would be cemented by Arcish help. Sourchun had no intention of sending Archish soldiers to intervene directly in the east; even before its independence, Dran had reserved for itself the right to exercise power east of the Arching Mountains, which is where its title 'Hammer of the East' had originated. However, post independence, Dran saw all lands from the Greater Arc Sea to the eastern oceans as its 'greater fiefdom' (no matter how absurd this claim was in reality). Instead of armies, Arc sent gold, and Sourchun ensured that the Veskan kings had enough treasure to equip and feed their own forces, buy as many ships as was needed to supply their ports and river fortresses, and eventually to hire mercenary companies from across Aestis to defeat the Ghothars.  Sourchun is known in Veska as ‘Sourchun Tavilai’ - ‘Sourchun the saviour or ‘our saviour’, though he is less well remembered in Arc. Sourchun was the only Arc emperor to have his own lands in Veska, in recognition of his mixed heritage, and in gratitude to his help to the fledgling nation, and he is the only Arc emperor to be laid to rest outside of Dancare; his body is entombed at his family castle in Fiichwain. He is of course reviled in Ghotharand as a national enemy and murderer of the Ghothar people, a view that has been encouraged by Dran for generations.

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    Harriland Varraline

    Harriland Varriline does not command the impressive historical legacy of his father, Sourchun and in many ways did much to reverse his forebear's achievements. A bored and spoiled young man, Harriland came to the throne interested in glory and adventure as much as he was interested in the continuance of the Arc Empire. He used his family's connections to Veska in order to involve himself in Veskan politics, at one point even suggesting that he as Arc Emperor become protector of the Veskan people and King Saigh An Cul be reduced to the position of a nobleman in service to the emperor-king. Relations soured with Veska, but nobles and merchants on either side, made enormously rich by the trade in grain, had a vested interest in discouraging this behaviour. The culture of political language and courtly manners in Arc was direct and unambiguous, however Veskan manners were much harder for the emperor to read, and the existence of the Veskan Underkingdom was completely hidden to him. It was decided not to assassinate Harriland, though plans to end his life were widely discussed in both Arc and Veska. However, his fate at the hands of the Veskans was if anything more damaging to the future of the empire. He was gradually ostracised from the country of his birth and when he made rash and hot headed plans to invade Veska, claiming that the crown belonged to him, he found a wall of inaction and resistance from every courtier, general and bureaucrat in the empire. The Veskans found it far easier to influence matters in Arc than the other way round. Harriland died in a hunting accident in the Arching Mountains years after his plans for war against Veska had collapsed. The combined merchant classes of Arc and Veska had ensured that the relations between the empire and the kingdom were unaffected by Harriland's folly, and this made the position of merchants in Arc largely unassailable.

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    Ghethand Varraline
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    The Prayadine Canal, planned over a century earlier was finally financed unthe the reign of Ghethand. Once Dranians heard that the canal was to be built the ruling five families threatened to go to war against Arc in order to prevent it from ever being constructed. They rightly sensed their impending economic demise if it was built, and they feared that unless they managed to prevent its construction they would soon become economically dependent on Arc once more and rely on the canal for the vast wealth it was able to generate through trade. Ghethand anticipated this threat and built a powerful coalition of Arcland city states and outer kingdoms, including a temporary alliance of both Ghotharand and Veska, to intimidate Dran into submission (a humiliation Dranians have never forgotten). Every nation in Aestis in some way stood to benefit from the building of the Prayadine Canal and it was Ghethand's role to make sure that Dran did not stand in the way. Ghethand did not live to finally see the canal dug, his son Saralas, the last of the Varralines would have the honour of being the 'Emperor Builder' or 'Digger of Arc'.

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    Saralas Varraline
    Construction beginning/end

    Saralas Varraline's attention was focused exclusively on his enemies in Dran (who periodically allied themselves with their fairweather Ghothar friends) over the years of construction of the canal. It did not occur to him to consider that opposition might forment within Arc. Despite his focus on the great historical engineering project that he was certain would save the Arc Empire and finally bring Dran to its knees, he was a poor politician and was deaf to the rising anger of the nobility. The Arc empire's nobles grew wealthy from the landed estates they controlled across the Arclands, but their grain barns were dwarfed by the vast output of Veska, whose harvests offered the urban poor of Arc's cities endless cheap food. In addition to Arc's nobles feeling angry and resentful towards Saralas Varraline, so to did the Del'Marahi (emperor of Del'Marah) Shius Asai. Del'Marah, as a dominion of the Arc empire, had a ruling class that only leant its consent to the empire in the expectation that its agricultural produce would fill the markets of the Arclands. The decision to find another source of cheap food caused an economic crisis in Del'Marah and hardened the will of Shius Asai and his satraps to break away from Arc for good. Shius sent emmisaries to Dran in order to forge an alliance with Arc's mortal enemy, all the while maintaining seemingly cordial and loyal relations with the emperor. It was the Arcish nobles who assassinated Saralas Varraline, and with his demise, the ambitious house of Varraline also came to an end, setting the stage for the final twlight kings and the end of the empire.

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    Veder a Dryn
    Era beginning/end

    The Varraline dynasty ended without any natural succession and this meant that the Rulderhal and the Azure Chamber were forced to return to 'Starrandic' principles in order to find a new emperor. In the formative centuries of the Arc empire this might have been a viable prospect, as the process involved an election to the imperial throne, a wide field of able and impressive candidates being whittled down to a final three. In the dying century of the empire, when almost every polity, every town, city, region and district was suffused with a deep pessimism and a profound sense of lawlessness and chaos, it became virtually impossible to find enough eligible nobles acceptable to the two chambers. As a result the house of Dryn from Taeor became the choice by default. During the months of tortuous searching for candidates, even Evahna Skar, the Del'Marahi offered himself as the emperor. The Lord Counsel Adamus believed that this radical suggestion was the means by which the empire could be saved, and was dismayed when it was rejected by in favour of the obscure and untested Dryns. Adamus saw the end of the empire in that moment, recognising that no one leader had the knowledge or understanding or foresight left that could preserve it. He knew that Skar would take being supplanted by the Dryn family as a terrible slight, but he could not have predicted the humiliation that Veder a Dryn would heap on the Skar and others as they attended his coronation. Instead of the customary bending of the knee which all provincial rulers offered to a new emperor, Veder demanded that Skar and the rulers of the cities of the Arclands, the lords of the Arching Mountains, the stewards of Kallah and others prostrate themselves on the marble floor of his court like defeated and subjugated enemies. As Skar lowered himself to the ground, obeying his emperor's command, he swore to destroy the Arc empire and to bring the Dryn family to its knees through fire and blood. Historians in Pheff have dated the coronation of Veder a Dryn as the start of Del'Marah's 'century of struggle'

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    Yorul a Dryn

    It was Veder's younger brother Yorul a Dryn who created the greatest calamity in the history of the empire since the destruction of Arc's armies at Martanas. The new Del'Marahi Aroy Skar continued his father's quest of open defiance against and empire that was not only despised by the Del'Marahan court but also by the all important Del'Marahan satraps, who controlled power across Del'Marah. They had grown increasingly resentful and impoverished as a result of the Prayadine Canal and they saw the Dryn dynasty as weak enough to finally lose control over the southern portion of their empire. Aroy set a trap for Yorul, hoping that the emperor's pride and arrogance would lead him to ruin; he was not to be disappointed. After demanding that Del'Marah be ruled directly from the holy city of Pheff, he dared the emperor to use force to prevent this. Aroy knew that if Yorul decided not to, his weakness would be announced to the world, and if he landed an army and marched on Pheff, he would have to cripple his empire to keep it in the field, fighting to control a people who were now far beyond the control of the city of Arc. Yorul, against the expectations of onlookers, with the reluctant help of the southern Hipostic knights along with the Army of the Southern Banner, occupied Pheff for nearly two years before being starved into submission by a besieging Del'Marahan army. The final surrender was an enormous humiliation for Arc and pushed the empire close to the point of collapse. Yorul took his own life in disgrace, and his generals withdrew to northern Del'Marah, which they occupied until the year -900.     Yorul a Dryn leads an expedition to Del’Marah to depose the Del’Marahi and rule as emperor there. Surprisingly successful for a year or two, but is besieged in Del’Marah and finally killed

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    Toun A Dryn
    Era beginning/end

    Toun a Dryn fled from Pheff as a child, aided by the Hipostic Knights. He saw his father cut his own throat in the great chamber of the Pheffist Judges, and was smuggled across the country by the knights of the southern way, as the late emperor's closest advisors had long since stopped believing that the king's own soldiers could be trusted with the heir. Toun passionately hated the Del'Marahans, but also feared having to deal with the problem of Del'Marah. After a hastily agreed armistice between the armies of Arc and Del'Marah a period of thirteen years elapsed. Arc continued to occupy the north of Del'Marah and the Del'Marahans formed a secret alliance with Dran, hoping to combine pressure on their mutual enemy. Shortly afer his 23rd birthday, Toun demanded a resumption of war against Del'Marah, insisting that he would one day sit on the Rosewater throne of the Del'Marahi. It seems unlikely that even he believed this was possible and his generals certainly didn't. Instead they conspired directly with Dran and Del'Marah to rid themselves of the Dryn dynasty. The generals accepted that if they caused the defeat of Arc, the empire itself would collapse. As a result they divised the concept of the protectorate and decided amongst themselves that one of their own Ataukan Khyle, would become the protector of a new Arcish city state, still able to control the wealth of an entire continent. When the generals withdrew their armies, mutinying against the emperor and the provinces of the empire broke away one by one, the lords of Dran were jubilant, Del'Marah was free, and Toun a Dryn lept to his death.

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    Ataukan Khyle
    Political event

    Ataukan Khyle (-900 to -882), the first Protector, was a seasoned general and shrewd strategist who played a critical role in the establishment of the Protectorate after the collapse of the Arc Empire. He understood the importance of maintaining stability during the transition, as the empire's provinces had become fractured and tensions ran high. Under his leadership, Arc navigated through these uncertain times, and Ataukan Khyle set the stage for future Protectors to build upon his legacy. Throughout his reign, Ataukan Khyle faced recurring threats from various regional powers, who sought to exploit Arc's vulnerability during the transition. He skillfully employed diplomacy and military prowess to counter these threats, ensuring that Arc remained strong and united. One of his most significant diplomatic achievements was establishing cordial relationships with Arc's traditional enemies, Dran and Del'Marah. Through careful negotiations, he fostered an environment of mutual respect and cooperation, which proved crucial for Arc's long-term stability.   Ataukan Khyle was also a visionary leader who recognized the need for economic reforms to support the growth and prosperity of the Protectorate. One of his most revolutionary ideas was the creation of a new currency, the Levat, which was the first Fiat currency not based on the intrinsic value of gold or silver. Instead, the Levat's value was based on the perceived worth of the note itself, backed by the confidence of the people in the Protectorate's financial system.   To support the Levat's value, Ataukan Khyle devised a system of debt bondage in Arc, understanding that this would create a continuous demand for the currency. This innovative approach to finance paved the way for the construction of the debtors' fortress, the Oboline, which served as a symbol of the Protectorate's economic power and the stability of the Levat. The Oboline stood as a testament to Ataukan's foresight and his commitment to solidifying Arc's position as an economic powerhouse.   During his 18-year reign, Ataukan Khyle laid the foundation for the First Age of the Protectors, setting in motion a series of events that would shape Arc's destiny for centuries to come. His focus on consolidation of power, stability, and economic innovation established key themes that would continue to define the era, providing guidance and inspiration for the Protectors who would follow in his footsteps.

The First Age of the Protectors

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Ataukan Khyle (-900 to -882): The first Protector, a former general who played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Protectorate. He focused on consolidating power and maintaining stability after the fall of the Arc Empire. Miras Valanth (-882 to -868): A skilled diplomat who sought to strengthen Arc's relationships with neighboring states and foster trade. Under his rule, the city's economy flourished, and its influence began to grow.   Elinora Thaeryn (-868 to -853): The first female Protector, she was an advocate for social reforms and increased the rights of women and the lower classes. Her reign saw the rise of art and culture in Arc.   Jorast Grendal (-853 to -835): A visionary leader who focused on expanding the city's infrastructure and defenses. His efforts ensured that Arc remained a formidable power in the region.   Belisar Caelum (-835 to -822): A cunning politician who navigated the complex web of alliances and rivalries in the Azure Chamber. He worked tirelessly to maintain the balance of power and protect Arc's interests.   Lysandra Vortis (-822 to -808): A wise and pragmatic leader who emphasized the importance of education and knowledge. She was responsible for the establishment of several prestigious academies and libraries across the city.   Orin Kelevar (-808 to -792): A skilled military tactician who defended Arc against external threats and expanded its territories through conquest. His reign marked a return to a more aggressive foreign policy.   Varen Thalmor (-792 to -778): A charismatic leader who prioritized the welfare of the citizens of Arc. He implemented various social programs and public works projects aimed at improving the quality of life in the city.   Ysmira Relthorn (-778 to -763): A powerful orator and advocate for the arts, she cultivated a rich cultural environment in Arc. Her patronage led to the flourishing of the city's artistic community.   Drakon Silvarin (-763 to -747): A seasoned diplomat who prioritized economic growth and trade. Under his leadership, Arc's wealth and influence reached new heights.   Myrana Galeth (-747 to -731): A staunch advocate for social justice, she fought against corruption and inequality in Arc. Her reforms led to a more equitable society.   Tarnis Kestral (-731 to -717): A wise and experienced leader who dedicated his rule to maintaining the stability and prosperity of Arc. His even-handed approach to governance earned him the respect of the Azure Chamber.   Qintara Sylreth (-717 to -707): A visionary leader with a keen eye for innovation, she invested heavily in technological advancements and infrastructure projects. Her rule laid the foundation for Arc's continued growth and success in the years to come.

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    Ataukan Khyle
    Political event

    Ataukan Khyle (-900 to -882), the first Protector, was a seasoned general and shrewd strategist who played a critical role in the establishment of the Protectorate after the collapse of the Arc Empire. He understood the importance of maintaining stability during the transition, as the empire's provinces had become fractured and tensions ran high. Under his leadership, Arc navigated through these uncertain times, and Ataukan Khyle set the stage for future Protectors to build upon his legacy. Throughout his reign, Ataukan Khyle faced recurring threats from various regional powers, who sought to exploit Arc's vulnerability during the transition. He skillfully employed diplomacy and military prowess to counter these threats, ensuring that Arc remained strong and united. One of his most significant diplomatic achievements was establishing cordial relationships with Arc's traditional enemies, Dran and Del'Marah. Through careful negotiations, he fostered an environment of mutual respect and cooperation, which proved crucial for Arc's long-term stability.   Ataukan Khyle was also a visionary leader who recognized the need for economic reforms to support the growth and prosperity of the Protectorate. One of his most revolutionary ideas was the creation of a new currency, the Levat, which was the first Fiat currency not based on the intrinsic value of gold or silver. Instead, the Levat's value was based on the perceived worth of the note itself, backed by the confidence of the people in the Protectorate's financial system.   To support the Levat's value, Ataukan Khyle devised a system of debt bondage in Arc, understanding that this would create a continuous demand for the currency. This innovative approach to finance paved the way for the construction of the debtors' fortress, the Oboline, which served as a symbol of the Protectorate's economic power and the stability of the Levat. The Oboline stood as a testament to Ataukan's foresight and his commitment to solidifying Arc's position as an economic powerhouse.   During his 18-year reign, Ataukan Khyle laid the foundation for the First Age of the Protectors, setting in motion a series of events that would shape Arc's destiny for centuries to come. His focus on consolidation of power, stability, and economic innovation established key themes that would continue to define the era, providing guidance and inspiration for the Protectors who would follow in his footsteps.

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    Miras Valanth

    Miras Valanth (-882 to -868), the second Protector, ascended to power following Ataukan Khyle's eight-year reign. Renowned for his diplomatic acumen, Miras Valanth's primary focus was to strengthen Arc's relationships with neighboring states and promote trade. His reign marked a period of prosperity and growth for Arc, as the city's economy flourished and its influence across the region expanded.   Continuing the themes established during Ataukan Khyle's rule, Miras Valanth sought to build upon the diplomatic groundwork laid by his predecessor. He engaged in numerous negotiations and treaties with neighboring states, including Arc's traditional enemies, Dran and Del'Marah. These diplomatic efforts further solidified the relationships with these nations and ensured a lasting peace.   Under Miras Valanth's leadership, the emphasis on trade and commerce became a driving force for Arc's economic success. With the Levat firmly established as a stable currency, the Protectorate's financial system continued to thrive. Miras Valanth championed policies that encouraged trade, supporting the growth of merchant guilds and investing in infrastructure to improve transportation and trade routes. As a result, Arc became a hub of commerce, attracting merchants and traders from across Aestis.   During his reign, Miras Valanth also continued the tradition of focusing on Arc's security and stability, ensuring that the city remained well-defended against potential threats. He maintained a strong military presence and continued the construction and expansion of the debtors' fortress, the Oboline, as a symbol of Arc's economic might and the strength of the Levat.   Miras Valanth's 14-year reign was characterized by diplomatic and economic achievements, which significantly bolstered Arc's power and influence in the region. By fostering strong relationships with neighboring states and promoting trade, he successfully continued the legacy of Ataukan Khyle and ensured that Arc's growth and prosperity would continue for generations to come.   The completion of the Oboline in Arc had far-reaching consequences for its citizens, as it became a symbol of both the power of citizenship and the consequences of failing to meet the obligations that come with it. Arcite citizenship held significant value, as it afforded its citizens various rights, such as private property ownership, protection from enslavement, and the right to marry. However, the state of Arc also used citizenship as a means of control and leverage, with citizens becoming indebted to the state by default. As Arc's power declined and its economy shifted to focus on debt, the Oboline became a crucial tool to maintain Arc's influence and deter potential threats from rivals like Dran and Taeor. The introduction of the Arcish levat, a fiat currency backed by Arcite citizenship, further tied the city's financial system to the value of its citizenship.   The Houses of Coin capitalized on this situation by requiring even the smallest loans to be guaranteed by the borrower's citizenship. The threat of losing their citizenship and becoming a 'Ward of the City' pushed debtors to settle their debts at any cost. This system granted the Houses of Coin immense power over the citizens of Arc and allowed them to manipulate the populace through fear of the Oboline.   The Oboline also played a role in the rituals of citizenship. Prospective citizens underwent a series of trials and were required to place a brooch within the wall surrounding the Temple of the Eyeless, known as the Apertures of the Faceless. This brooch represented their commitment to upholding the responsibilities of citizenship. Failure to meet the terms of a contract or loan led to the retrieval of the brooch and a lifetime of servitude in the Oboline.   The Oboline served not only as a means of control over Arc's citizens but also as a constant reminder of the potential consequences of failing to fulfill the duties and responsibilities associated with Arcite citizenship. By intertwining the Oboline with Arc's financial system, the state ensured that its citizens would remain indebted and subservient to its interests.

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    Elinora Thaeryn

    Elinora Thaeryn (-868 to -853): A Pioneering Protector and the Rise of Art and Culture in Arc. Elinora, the first female Protector in the history of Arc, was a trailblazer for social reforms and championed the rights of women and the lower classes. Her reign marked a period of unprecedented growth in art and culture, and her progressive policies helped reshape Arc's social landscape.   From the beginning of her rule, Elinora faced significant opposition from conservative factions in Arcite society. One of her fiercest adversaries was Tylerin Myade, the female Archimandrite of Arc, who staunchly believed in preserving the patriarchal structure and restricting the rights of the city's poorest citizens. Myade argued that granting more rights to the lower classes, regardless of their gender, would destabilize the established social order and threaten Arc's prosperity.   Despite these challenges, Elinora persevered in her efforts to improve the lives of Arc's most vulnerable citizens. She introduced legislation that expanded the rights of women and the lower classes, and invested in programs that supported education, healthcare, and social welfare. As a result, Arc witnessed a flourishing of art, literature, music, and other cultural expressions that elevated the city's status as a center of creativity and innovation.   However, Elinora's commitment to social progress was put to the test when opposition to the Oboline emerged during her reign. Although she had initially been an advocate for the marginalized, Elinora found herself unable to maintain her progressive stance in the face of growing unrest. Fearing that the protests against the Oboline could spiral out of control and threaten her rule, she shifted her focus from emancipation to suppression, cracking down on the dissenters with an iron fist.   Ultimately, Elinora Thaeryn's reign was a complex and contradictory period in Arc's history, marked by both great advancements and significant setbacks. While her legacy as the first female Protector and a champion of social reform endures, her inability to maintain these principles in the face of opposition serves as a cautionary tale about the limits of progress and the dangers of reactionary suppression.

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    Jorast Grendal
    Political event

    Jorast Grendal, who ruled as Protector of Arc from -853 to -835, was a visionary leader whose focus on infrastructure and defenses cemented the city's status as a regional powerhouse. Recognizing the need for a strong intelligence network, he created the Starrandan Runners, a sophisticated spy organization that would eventually hold significant influence over the reigns of future protectors. During the time of the Arc Empire, information flowed seamlessly between the various territories and the Emperors, making large-scale intelligence networks unnecessary. However, with the transition to the Protectorate, Jorast realized that Arc had become 'blind' to the activities and ambitions of other states, leaving it vulnerable to potential threats.   In response to this growing concern, Jorast established the Starrandan Runners, a network of spies that spanned the Arclands and reached beyond its borders. Under his guidance, the Runners collected vital intelligence, monitored the actions of rival powers, and helped maintain Arc's position as a formidable force in the region.   As the Starrandan Runners grew in influence and stature, they began to shape the policies and decisions of subsequent protectors, ensuring that Arc's interests were always prioritized. Their ability to gather information and influence events made them an indispensable asset to the Protectorate, and their legacy can still be felt in the realm of Arcite espionage.   However, the Starrandans soon discovered that they were not the only players in the game of international intrigue. In their efforts to gather intelligence, they encountered the Veskan underkingdom, a formidable rival with a sophisticated intelligence and sabotage operation of their own. This unexpected challenge would force the Starrandan Runners to adapt and evolve, testing the limits of their abilities and shaping the future of espionage in Arc.   In conclusion, Jorast Grendal's reign was defined by his visionary approach to governance, his focus on infrastructure and defense, and his creation of the Starrandan Runners. His foresight and determination ensured that Arc remained a dominant power in the region, and his legacy as a pioneering leader in the realm of intelligence continues to influence the city's strategic decisions to this day.

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    Belisar Caelum
    Political event

    Belisar Caelum, who ruled as Protector of Arc from -835 to -822, was a cunning politician known for his ability to navigate the intricate web of alliances and rivalries within the Azure Chamber. Working tirelessly to maintain the balance of power and protect the interests of Arc, he was a skilled diplomat and strategist who understood the importance of leveraging relationships to achieve his goals. Belisar's political acumen was forged during his time as an agent of the Starrandan Runners, the intelligence network created by his predecessor, Jorast Grendal. This background provided him with an invaluable understanding of the inner workings of the Arclands and the complex interplay of forces that shaped the region.   During his reign, Belisar focused on stamping out any remaining dissent over the Oboline, a contentious issue that had long plagued the city. He recognized that the controversy surrounding the fortress had the potential to destabilize Arc and jeopardize its interests. To maintain order and stability, Belisar systematically targeted and eliminated opposition, solidifying his control over the city.   In addition to quashing dissent, Belisar took steps to purge Arc of individuals who harbored moral reservations about the functioning of the fortress. This included merchants and bankers who, troubled by their conscience, posed a potential threat to the city's stability. By driving these individuals from Arc, Belisar ensured that the city remained united and committed to its long-term objectives.   Belisar's reign was characterized by his ability to skillfully navigate the political landscape of the Azure Chamber, as well as his unwavering commitment to maintaining the stability and prosperity of Arc. As a product of the Starrandan Runners, he brought his unique perspective and expertise to the role of Protector, demonstrating an unparalleled understanding of the complex forces at play within the city and the wider region.   In conclusion, Belisar Caelum's legacy is one of cunning diplomacy and strategic foresight, as he successfully protected Arc's interests and solidified its position in a complex and ever-changing world. Through his relentless pursuit of stability and unity, Belisar ensured that Arc remained a thriving and influential power in the Arclands.

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    Lysandra Vortis
    Political event

    Lysandra Vortis, who ruled as Protector of Arc from -822 to -808, was a wise and pragmatic leader who placed great emphasis on the importance of education and knowledge. As half-sister to Belisar Caelum, her ascension marked the first shift toward dynastic succession amongst the Protectorate, a departure from the previous selection process. Recognizing the vital role that education played in the prosperity and success of a society, Lysandra was responsible for the establishment of several prestigious academies and libraries throughout the city of Arc. While there had been academies dedicated to scholastic learning in the past, Lysandra was the first ruler to argue that a more educated mercantile and scholastic class would enrich Arc and give it a competitive edge against its rivals.   Under her leadership, Arc became a center for learning and intellectual development, attracting scholars, artists, and thinkers from far and wide. Her commitment to education extended to all levels of society, as evidenced by the founding of the Tarvender, a house for the learning of foundlings. This initiative ensured that even the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of society had the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills, fostering social mobility and nurturing the city's intellectual capital.   Lysandra's reign was marked by a focus on pragmatic and forward-thinking policies that aimed to strengthen the city's foundations and secure its future. By investing in education and promoting the cultivation of knowledge, she ensured that Arc would remain a vibrant and thriving hub of intellectual and economic activity.   In summary, Lysandra Vortis's legacy as a wise and pragmatic leader is defined by her unwavering commitment to education and the pursuit of knowledge. Her efforts to establish prestigious academies, libraries, and learning institutions contributed to Arc's flourishing intellectual landscape and reinforced the city's standing as a center of learning and progress. By prioritizing the development of a more educated and skilled population, Lysandra helped to secure Arc's prosperity and position it as a formidable power in the region.

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    Orin Kelevar
    Political event

    Orin Kelevar, who ruled as Protector of Arc from -808 to -792, was a skilled military tactician known for his strong leadership and aggressive foreign policy. Under his reign, Arc defended itself against external threats and expanded its territories through conquest, marking a return to a more assertive approach to international relations. One of Orin's most significant accomplishments was the Battle of the Torrean Line, a major sea encounter against the naval forces of Dran. This decisive victory effectively ended Dran's influence as a naval power in the Greater Arc Sea, securing Arc's maritime dominance and control over the region's vital trade routes.   Orin's military prowess extended beyond the seas, as he made the city of Taeor a de facto Arcish colony for a decade. This strategic expansion allowed Arc to establish a foothold in a region rich with resources, further bolstering its economic and military power.   In addition to his territorial conquests, Orin secured a significant technological advantage for Arc by obtaining the most powerful warships from Wardenhal. This acquisition not only enhanced the city's naval capabilities but also deterred potential adversaries from challenging Arc's dominance.   Orin Kelevar's era was characterized by a shift towards a more aggressive foreign policy, as he sought to defend and expand Arc's territories through decisive military action. His skill as a tactician and his unwavering determination to protect and strengthen the city's position in the region ensured that Arc remained a formidable power in the face of its rivals.   In summary, Orin Kelevar's reign as Protector of Arc is remembered for its assertive foreign policy and military successes. His strategic conquests, the decisive victory at the Battle of the Torrean Line, and the acquisition of advanced warships from Wardenhal all served to reinforce Arc's position as a dominant power in the region. As a skilled military tactician, Orin Kelevar played a crucial role in shaping Arc's history and securing its future as a formidable force.

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    Varen Thalmor
    Political event

    Varen Thalmor, who ruled as Protector of Arc from -792 to -778, was a charismatic leader known for his commitment to the welfare of the city's citizens. His reign was marked by the implementation of numerous social programs and public works projects aimed at improving the quality of life for Arc's inhabitants. As the city's population swelled, Varen recognized the need for substantial reforms to address the growing needs of his people.   One of Varen's most notable achievements was the transformation of the city's almshouses, infirmaries, and foundling homes. These institutions, which provided aid and shelter to the poor, the sick, and orphaned children, were expanded and modernized under his rule. By ensuring that these facilities were well-funded and properly managed, Varen improved the living conditions for the city's most vulnerable residents.   In addition to his focus on social welfare, Varen Thalmor also dedicated resources to public works projects that benefited the entire city. He oversaw the construction of new roads, bridges, and public buildings, which not only improved the city's infrastructure but also provided employment opportunities for Arc's growing population. These projects also served to boost the city's economy, as improved infrastructure facilitated trade and commerce both within and beyond Arc's borders.   Under Varen's leadership, the city of Arc underwent a period of significant social and economic growth. His policies and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for all citizens, especially the most vulnerable, earned him the respect and admiration of the people. Varen Thalmor's legacy as a compassionate and forward-thinking ruler remains an integral part of Arc's history.   In summary, Varen Thalmor's reign as Protector of Arc was characterized by his dedication to the welfare of the city's citizens and the implementation of social programs and public works projects. Through his transformative efforts in improving almshouses, infirmaries, and foundling homes, as well as his investment in the city's infrastructure, Varen left a lasting impact on the quality of life in Arc, solidifying his reputation as a compassionate and visionary leader.

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    Ysmira Relthorn
    Political event

    Ysmira Relthorn, the second female Protector of Arc, ruled from -778 to -763. A powerful orator and advocate for the arts, her reign was marked by the cultivation of a rich cultural environment within the city. Ysmira's patronage led to the flourishing of Arc's artistic community, with her support extending to various forms of creative expression, from literature to theater and visual arts.   One of her most significant contributions to Arc's cultural landscape was the opening of the Laurian Theatre. This prestigious institution became a symbol of artistic freedom and innovation in the city. However, Ysmira faced opposition from the Aruhvian censors, who sought to control and suppress the arts according to their religious beliefs.   In response to this challenge, Ysmira used the issue as an opportunity to hold a public referendum on the role of the Aruhvian Church in Arcish life. The citizens of Arc, growing increasingly disenchanted with the strictures of the Aruhvian faith, rallied behind Ysmira. Their support for the Protector was so strong that the Archimandrite, the religious leader of the Aruhvian Church, left the city for ten years in protest.   The Archimandrite's religious chamberlains, who had once censored plays and arrested pamphleteers, street-corner preachers, and agitators, found themselves on the receiving end of the people's anger. They were stoned in the streets, a powerful testament to the citizens' rejection of religious interference in their cultural life.   Ysmira Relthorn's reign as Protector of Arc left a lasting impact on the city's artistic and cultural landscape. Her unwavering support for the arts, defiance of religious censorship, and promotion of creative freedom fostered a vibrant artistic community that would thrive for generations to come. Ysmira's legacy as a champion of the arts and a proponent of free expression endures as an integral part of Arc's history.

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    Drakon Silvarin
    Political event

    Drakon Silvarin ruled as Protector of Arc from -763 to -747. A seasoned diplomat with a keen understanding of international relations and trade, his reign was marked by a focus on economic growth and prosperity. Under Drakon's leadership, Arc's wealth and influence reached unprecedented heights, strengthening its position as a major power in the region. With an emphasis on fostering robust trade relations, Drakon Silvarin worked tirelessly to forge and maintain strong alliances with neighboring states. He recognized that trade was the lifeblood of Arc's economy, and that by establishing mutually beneficial agreements with other nations, the city could unlock new opportunities for wealth and development.   During his tenure, Drakon oversaw the expansion of Arc's trading network, reaching far and wide across the known world. This not only brought an influx of valuable goods and resources to the city, but also facilitated the exchange of knowledge, technology, and culture, enriching Arc's society as a whole.   Drakon Silvarin was also committed to investing in Arc's infrastructure and industry. He understood that, to capitalize on the growing wealth generated by trade, the city needed to develop a strong economic foundation. Under his guidance, Arc saw the construction of new roads, ports, and marketplaces, as well as the expansion of its manufacturing and artisan sectors.   In addition to his economic achievements, Drakon maintained a commitment to diplomacy and international relations. He valued cooperation and peaceful negotiation, skillfully navigating the intricate web of political alliances to protect Arc's interests on the global stage.   The reign of Drakon Silvarin marked a golden era for the city of Arc. His forward-thinking approach to trade, diplomacy, and economic development laid the groundwork for a prosperous future. His legacy as a skilled diplomat and visionary leader endures, and his contributions to Arc's growth and prosperity are remembered with great admiration.

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    Myrana Galeth
    Political event

    Myrana Galeth, ruling as Protector of Arc from -747 to -731, was a staunch advocate for social justice, dedicating her reign to fighting corruption and inequality within the city. Following in the footsteps of previous social reformers like Elinora Thaeryn and Varen Thalmor, Myrana's efforts led to the creation of a more equitable society, benefitting Arc's citizens from all walks of life. Recognizing the need for systemic change, Myrana implemented a series of far-reaching reforms aimed at dismantling the deeply entrenched systems of corruption and privilege that plagued Arc's political landscape. Her relentless pursuit of justice led to the exposure of corrupt officials, the redistribution of ill-gotten wealth, and the establishment of new laws to ensure transparency and accountability in governance.   Myrana Galeth's reform efforts were not limited to the political sphere. She also focused on addressing social and economic disparities within Arc, working tirelessly to uplift the city's most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Her administration oversaw the expansion of social programs, including initiatives to improve access to education, healthcare, and affordable housing. These efforts aimed at reducing poverty and promoting social mobility, allowing all citizens of Arc to share in the city's prosperity.   In addition to her focus on social justice, Myrana sought to foster a more inclusive society by promoting tolerance and respect for diversity. She championed the rights of women and minority groups, working to dismantle discriminatory laws and practices that perpetuated inequality. Under her leadership, Arc saw the rise of a more diverse and representative government, reflecting the rich tapestry of the city's population.   Myrana Galeth's tenure as Protector marked a turning point in Arc's history, as her relentless pursuit of social justice and equality led to meaningful and lasting change. Her tireless work to create a more equitable society resonated with the citizens of Arc, who continue to remember and honor her legacy as a true champion of social reform.

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    Qintara Sylreth
    Political event

    Qintara Sylreth, Protector of Arc from -717 to -707, was a visionary leader with a keen eye for innovation. She understood the importance of staying ahead of the curve in an ever-changing world and invested heavily in technological advancements and infrastructure projects. Her rule laid the foundation for Arc's continued growth and success in the years to come. However, Qintara's reign was not without challenges. The city faced various issues that threatened to undermine its unity and progress:   Internal Strife: As the Protectorate system matured, tensions began to rise within the Azure Chamber. The various factions and interest groups vied for power and influence, leading to increased political infighting and instability. The once unified front that had guided Arc through the First Age started to fracture.   Economic Challenges: While Arc had experienced significant economic growth during the First Age, the rapid expansion also resulted in some unsustainable practices and an overdependence on trade. As Arc's trading partners experienced their own economic difficulties, Arc's wealth began to stagnate, exacerbating internal tensions.   External Threats: Arc's rise in power and influence during the First Age attracted the attention of other regional powers who saw the city as a threat to their own dominance. These nations began to form alliances and engage in covert actions against Arc, seeking to weaken and undermine its position.   Despite these challenges, Qintara Sylreth remained steadfast in her commitment to innovation and progress. She believed that technological advancements and modern infrastructure were crucial to Arc's future success. Under her leadership, the city saw the construction of new roads, bridges, and public buildings, as well as the development of cutting-edge technologies in various fields.   Qintara's untimely death in -707 created a power vacuum in the Protectorate, as the Azure Chamber struggled to agree on her successor. This stalemate further exacerbated the city's internal divisions and left Arc vulnerable to external pressures. Yet, the foundation laid by Qintara Sylreth during her rule would prove vital to Arc's resilience and ability to weather the storms of the Second Age. Her legacy of innovation and progress continues to inspire future generations of Arc's leaders and citizens.

The Second Age of the Protectors

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Lukas Ranniger   Derren Ranniger   Maland Ranniger   Oran Van-Ranniger   Sora Van-Ranniger   Tyle Van-Ranniger

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    Lukas Ranniger
    Political event

    Lukas Ranniger, the founder of the Ranniger Dynasty, was a former mercenary who had settled in Arc and established himself as a powerful moneylender. He managed to buy his way into favor with the Archimandrite of Arc, positioning himself as a key player in the city's political landscape. When the Azure Chamber failed to agree on a successor following the death of Qintara Sylreth, Lukas seized the opportunity to stage a coup and take control of the city. Lukas's rule marked a significant departure from the previous era of Protectors. He abolished the Azure Chamber and ruled as a dictator, consolidating power and authority in his own hands. His reign was characterized by a strong focus on law and order, which often made him popular with the masses. Lukas recognized the need for stability in Arc and worked to enforce strict adherence to the rules he established.   During his rule, Lukas made efforts to strengthen the military and maintain Arc's dominance in the region. He was known for his ruthlessness in dealing with dissenters, and his regime was marked by several purges of political rivals and potential threats to his power.   Despite his autocratic methods, Lukas was a capable administrator and worked to maintain the city's infrastructure and public services. He understood the importance of keeping the populace content and provided them with a sense of security amidst the turbulent times.   However, Lukas's rule began to falter when he considered abolishing the Oboline, a move that threatened the interests of the powerful mercantile classes. This decision ultimately led to his downfall, as his son Derren, backed by the merchants, staged a coup and overthrew him. In the end, Lukas's reign marked the beginning of the Ranniger Dynasty, a tumultuous era that would see both the rise and eventual fall of his family's rule over Arc.

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    Derren Ranniger
    Political event

    Derren Ranniger, the second ruler of the Ranniger Dynasty and son of Lukas Ranniger, came to power after orchestrating a coup against his own father. The coup was driven by Lukas Ranniger's increasingly tyrannical rule and his controversial consideration of abolishing the Oboline, which caused alarm among the mercantile classes. Derren understood the importance of the Oboline to Arc's economy and was able to garner support from the influential mercantile classes to successfully overthrow his father. Under Derren's rule, Arc experienced a period of relative stability, as he sought to rebuild the relationships between the Protectorate and the city's various factions that had been strained under his father's dictatorship. Derren made it his mission to ensure the Oboline remained unchallenged, understanding its significance in maintaining Arc's wealth and influence.   During his reign, Derren Ranniger focused on strengthening Arc's trade networks and expanding its territories through diplomacy and strategic alliances. He was a skilled negotiator and managed to bring several rival city-states under Arc's sphere of influence, bolstering the city's power and prestige.   While Derren's rule marked a departure from his father's heavy-handed approach, he still maintained a firm grip on power and was not afraid to use force when necessary to suppress dissent and protect Arc's interests. However, he was careful not to repeat his father's mistakes and always kept the mercantile classes in mind when making decisions that could impact the Oboline.   Derren Ranniger's reign would set the stage for future Protectors of the Ranniger Dynasty, as they learned to navigate the delicate balance of power within Arc and ensure the continued prosperity of the city through the unquestioned importance of the Oboline.

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    Maland Ranniger
    Political event

    Maland Ranniger (-642 to -610): Maland Ranniger, the third ruler of the Ranniger Dynasty, ascended to the Protectorate after the death of his father, Derren Ranniger. Maland inherited a city that was relatively stable and prosperous, thanks in large part to his father's careful stewardship and protection of the Oboline. Maland continued his father's legacy of safeguarding the Oboline and its critical role in Arc's economy. He understood that the Oboline was the backbone of Arc's wealth and influence, and any attempts to tamper with it could lead to disastrous consequences, as had been the case with his grandfather, Lukas Ranniger.   Under Maland's rule, Arc's influence continued to expand, both economically and militarily. He was an ambitious leader who sought to solidify Arc's position as a regional powerhouse. Maland invested heavily in improving the city's infrastructure, which helped to support the growth of trade and commerce. He also focused on bolstering Arc's defenses and modernizing its military, ensuring that the city was well-prepared to defend its interests against any external threats.   Maland Ranniger's reign was marked by a period of growth and prosperity for Arc. He successfully navigated the complex web of alliances and rivalries that characterized the region's political landscape, often using diplomacy and trade as tools to advance Arc's agenda. He was a cunning and pragmatic leader, who knew when to make concessions and when to hold firm.   In the years that followed, the Ranniger Dynasty would continue to prioritize the protection and promotion of the Oboline, ensuring that Arc remained a dominant force in the region. Maland Ranniger's reign helped to solidify the dynasty's reputation as effective leaders who understood the delicate balance of power necessary to maintain Arc's prosperity and influence.

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    Oran Van-Ranniger

    Oran Van-Ranniger, the fourth ruler of the Ranniger Dynasty and first to bear the "Van" prefix in his name, came to power during a time of great change and innovation in Arc. The origin of the "Van" in his name was the result of a unique and unexpected union that would have lasting effects on the city's history.   Oran's mother was a skilled diplomat and emissary from the powerful maritime nation of Vanaria. During a diplomatic mission to Arc, she met and fell in love with Maland Ranniger. Their union symbolized a powerful alliance between two great nations, and the joining of their family names reflected this new bond. Thus, Oran, their firstborn son, was bestowed with the name "Van-Ranniger" to honor both his Arcish and Vanarian heritage.   Oran's dual heritage endowed him with a unique perspective on governance and diplomacy, which would greatly benefit Arc during his reign. With strong ties to both Arc and Vanaria, Oran worked diligently to strengthen the relationship between the two nations, resulting in increased trade, cultural exchange, and political cooperation.   Under Oran's rule, Arc experienced a period of unprecedented cultural and technological growth. The infusion of Vanarian art, architecture, and knowledge into Arcish society led to a renaissance of sorts. Oran encouraged this exchange of ideas and made substantial investments in infrastructure, education, and scientific research to foster a climate of innovation.   Oran Van-Ranniger's reign also saw the expansion of Arc's territories and influence, as he utilized his diplomatic skills and military prowess to secure advantageous alliances and favorable treaties. The marriage of Arcish ambition with Vanarian ingenuity and maritime expertise under Oran's guidance solidified Arc's position as a regional powerhouse.   Ultimately, Oran Van-Ranniger's reign was defined by a fusion of cultures and ideas that propelled Arc into a new era of prosperity and influence. His inventive approach to governance, diplomacy, and cultural exchange set the stage for a lasting legacy that would shape the city's trajectory for generations to come.

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    Sora Van-Ranniger
    Political event

    The fifth ruler of the Ranniger Dynasty, Sora Van-Ranniger was a strong and intelligent leader who carried forward the legacy of her father, Oran. As the first female ruler of the Van-Ranniger line, she faced significant challenges in asserting her authority and maintaining the progress achieved during her father's reign. However, Sora would prove herself to be more than capable of overcoming these obstacles.   During Sora's rule, Arc continued to enjoy the benefits of its strong alliance with Vanaria, which she worked to further solidify. She actively promoted the exchange of ideas, culture, and technology between the two nations, resulting in numerous advancements and innovations that helped Arc maintain its competitive edge in the region.   Sora also focused on improving the lives of her people, implementing social policies that sought to address issues of inequality and poverty within Arc. She introduced measures to enhance the city's education system, ensuring that Arc's citizens had access to knowledge and skills necessary for a prosperous society. Additionally, Sora expanded upon the city's infrastructure projects, improving transportation networks and public services to better support the growing population.   Under Sora Van-Ranniger's guidance, Arc's military continued to grow in strength and expertise. Recognizing the importance of a powerful navy to protect and expand Arc's interests, she invested heavily in the development of advanced ships and maritime technologies. This focus on naval power allowed Arc to maintain dominance over key trade routes and deter potential threats from rival nations.   Sora was also a shrewd diplomat, skillfully navigating the complex web of political alliances and rivalries that defined the region. She was able to forge new partnerships and strengthen existing ones, further expanding Arc's influence and ensuring its continued prosperity.   In spite of the challenges she faced as a female ruler in a male-dominated society, Sora Van-Ranniger's reign was marked by significant progress and growth for Arc. Her dedication to her people, her commitment to fostering cultural exchange, and her strategic acumen all contributed to the city's enduring success and stability, leaving a lasting impact on Arc's history.

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    Tyle Van-Ranniger
    Political event

    The last ruler of the Ranniger Dynasty and the Second Age of Protectors, Tyle Van-Ranniger was a determined and strategic leader. However, his reign would be marked by a growing discontent among the various factions of Arcish society, ultimately leading to the restoration of the Azure Chamber and the conclusion of the Second Age. Tyle continued to focus on maintaining the strong alliances and economic prosperity of Arc that had been a hallmark of his predecessors. He was an avid patron of the arts and sciences, further enriching Arc's cultural landscape and supporting the development of new technologies. He also continued to invest in Arc's military and naval forces, ensuring the city's dominance in the region.   However, as Tyle's reign progressed, the cracks in Arc's social and political structure began to widen. The once-unified front that had existed during the First Age of Protectors had long since fractured, with various factions and interest groups vying for power and influence. This growing unrest was exacerbated by the ongoing dominance of the Ranniger Dynasty and their centralized control over the city's affairs.   In response to this unrest, Tyle attempted to appease the various factions by implementing policies aimed at addressing their concerns. However, his efforts were not enough to quell the rising tide of discontent. As tensions continued to mount, the call for a return to the Azure Chamber, a symbol of Arc's earlier unity and shared governance, grew louder.   Recognizing the need for change, Tyle made the difficult decision to relinquish some of his power and restore the Azure Chamber. This act, while painful for the Ranniger Dynasty, was seen as a necessary step toward healing the divisions within Arcish society and ushering in a new era of shared governance.   With the re-creation of the Azure Chamber, the Second Age of Protectors came to an end. Though Tyle Van-Ranniger's reign was marked by strife and upheaval, his willingness to adapt and compromise ultimately paved the way for a new chapter in Arc's history, as the city once again sought unity and prosperity through shared leadership and cooperation.

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