Arclands The Founding of Arc

The Founding of Arc

Construction beginning/end


The founding of the great city of Arc

Ar-Care (city of the dawn) was founded in -2200. It turned out not to be the saving grace of the weakened Vannic Empire but its coup de grace. The port became the wealthiest part of the Van Empire and drained gold and manpower from the ancient mountain fortresses of the Van, leaving them empty and hidden above the clouds. The Van Empire fell into termoil but the new emperors of Arc (all descended from the Van Empire) quickly crushed seperatist movements across the Arclands and beyond and even conquered the southern kingdom of Del’Marah. By this time the binding had completed and magic had left the world. The Aruhvian faith became the state religion of the empire but found countless different variations as it spread across Aestis. Arc became the centre of world civilisation and a sister city, the city of twilight Dan-Care (Dancare) was built at the western end of the Greater Arc Sea. It was primarily as mausoleum for the Vannic families who had left their mountain homes and re-settled at sea level.

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