Arclands The Vannic Civil War

The Vannic Civil War



The slow decline of the Vannic Empire into strife and war

Van Civil War - Slowly, crisis gripped the Vannic empire, fewer Van were able to use magic and gradually the locations of Spell Forges became forgotten or the forges themselves vanished. A binding had begun and magic started to vanish from the world as it returned to the Keeper, who reformed over a three hundred year period. A new religion based around the Keeper, which would later become known as Aruhvianism began. A faction within the Vannic Empire believed that as magic declined, they must take action to hold on to the empire. This meant descending from the mountains and living among the ‘toilers’ and ruling at sea level. This created a schism between the factions of the Van Empire and eventually war. The Vannic rulers who wanted to create a kingdom at sea level prevailed and a temporary truce held, while they began to build a trading outpost on the Greater Arc Sea, known as Ar-Care.

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