Arclands The Council of Gol

The Council of Gol

Religious event


The establishment of the Aruhvian religion

Humans had settled at Gol for centuries, independently of the Van Empire or the Arc Empire. When the Vannic empire rose, the elders of the city had to reluctantly accept its dominance but a spirit of independence persisted. Before any settlements existed at Gol there was a series of huge stone arches that emerged from the earth that radiated energy and were closely related to spell forges. Gol was therefore a site of some residual magic even after the binding, which meant that the city was seen as a seat of heresy by the newly ascendent Aruhvian faith. Magic was the sole property of the Keeper, they argued and should be purged from the world. When Aruhvian priests came to Gol to protest at the Council of Gol, they established the central principals of Aruhvianism and formalised the religion, declaring Arc to be its home.

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