The Gnomi Ethnicity in Arclands | World Anvil

The Gnomi



    Small in stature but large in spirit, the Gnomi are a race of ingenious crafters, their hearts teeming with an innate inventiveness, curiosity, and resilience that belies their physical size.   Born from the powers granted by the Keeper to the Tralanvannir, and then taught to the Phalanx Graces, the Gnomi carry a unique legacy, they are born of the creative powers that the Keeper chose to bestow to others, but carry with them the pain that being abandoned by the Phalanx has engendered. Endowed with red fur, sharp teeth and claws, and a natural affinity for creating and mending, the Gnomi are a spectacle of their creators' whims, desires, and subconscious imprint.   Beyond their physical appearance and genetic disposition, the Gnomi carry a profound emotional depth. They bear the sorrow of their past, their rejection, and the hardship they endured under the Phalanx Graces. Yet, they also nurture a persistent desire to belong, to serve, and to find acceptance. This complex emotional tapestry is not just a backdrop of their existence; it shapes their motivations, guides their actions, and infuses their interactions with a sense of poignant vulnerability.   Despite the trials and tribulations of their past, the Gnomi are an optimistic and spirited race, quick to trust, quick to befriend, and ever ready to lend their skills for the betterment of their communities. These traits, combined with their abilities as crafters and their unique history, make the Gnomi a truly fascinating addition to the pantheon of D&D races. This small, resilient race, whose members can shape ordinary objects into weapons and morph into fearsome creatures, brings new layers of depth and intrigue to them as characters.  

Origins and History

  Long before the Gnomi forged their identity as ingenious crafters and steadfast companions, their existence was but a product of a celestial grand experiment. When the Keeper, the overseer of the cosmic order, found his control over the Tralanvannir wavering, he did the unthinkable. He granted them the power to create 'lesser life,' intending these creations to serve as diversions, amusing yet inconsequential in the grand scheme of the universe he strived to perfect.   The Tralanvannir shared their power with the Phalanx Graces, who breathed life into the Gnomi, tiny creatures enveloped in red fur, brandishing sharp teeth and claws, and possessing an uncanny knack for creation and repair. The Gnomi were the Phalanx's first foray into the realm of life creation. Yet, infected by the Keeper's arrogance, they imagined their creations to hold little weight in the cosmic order.   Despite their creators' dismissal, the Gnomi, armed with the spark of inventiveness and curiosity instilled in them, endeavoured to prove their worth. However, as the Phalanx Graces' attention shifted towards other, new creations, the Gnomi found themselves relegated to the position of servitude. They toiled and crafted, their existence echoing the tragic irony of their origins – beings born of divine innovation, yet trapped in servitude.   Their servitude persisted until the final crisis of the Sundering shook the cosmos. The decline of the Keeper, their grand overseer, served as their emancipation's catalyst. The Gnomi seized this chaotic moment, breaking the chains of servitude and venturing out into the Celestial Realm, the Mortal Realm, and beyond.   However, freedom came with its own set of burdens. The Gnomi, despite their resilience and resourcefulness, carried with them a deep sorrow - the scars of rejection, the longing for acceptance, and the desire to serve their creators. Their journey was a continuous quest for belonging, a pursuit marred by the complexities of their past and the realities of their existence.   As they ventured across realms, they stumbled upon a kindred soul, Serinal, an exiled Tralanvannir. Seeing the Gnomi's struggle, she offered them guidance, aiding them in finding their own identity beyond the shadows of their creators. She taught them to harness their inherent skills, empowering them to use their craftsmanship not merely for service, but as a tool for their survival and prosperity. Serinal is now revered by the Gnomi as an almost saintly figure, though her whereabouts are unknown.   Their history also brought them face to face with the The Solustine High Kingdom , an encounter that marked the beginnings of Precalion, their largest settlement. Granted the Precalion Rock, a seemingly worthless shard of stone, the Gnomi used their innovative skills to transform it into a thriving settlement. This rock now stands as a testament to the Gnomi's journey, symbolizing their rise from servitude to independence.   Throughout their history, the Gnomi have proven to be survivors, navigating the turbulent waters of their past and steering towards an uncertain future with unwavering determination. Their history is a tale of perseverance, of an underdog rising against all odds, using their wits, their skills, and their spirit to carve out a space of their own in the grand cosmic order. As their story unfolds, the Gnomi continue to seek acceptance, to long for love, and to harbour hopes for a future where their worth is recognized and celebrated.  

Traits and Abilities

  Standing at an average height of three and a half feet, they are covered in a layer of vibrant red fur that acts as both a source of warmth in the cold winds of Celestium and each have a different pattern of white fur markings down their back. Sharp teeth and claws, while initially used as tools for survival and defense, have evolved to become essential components in their role as skilled crafters. Their eyes, brimming with curiosity, illuminate their tiny faces and reflect a glint of their inherent inventiveness.   One of the most remarkable traits of the Gnomi lies in their dexterous paws. With fine motor skills that enable intricate design and detailed work, they have become adept at creating objects of varying complexity. From crossbows and compasses to wind-up pocket watches, the Gnomi's craftsmanship knows no bounds. This aptitude for creation traces back to the spark of inventiveness bestowed upon them by the Phalanx Graces, which despite the initial intent of trivial distraction, has blossomed into a defining characteristic of the Gnomi.   What truly sets the Gnomi apart, however, is their knack for weapon creation. As skilled weaponsmiths, they can take an everyday object and turn it into a lethal device. This innovative approach to armament displays their unique ability to perceive potential where others see mundanity, a testament to their survival instincts and cunning wit. Moreover, the Gnomi's craftsmanship lends itself to their ability to conceal these crafted weapons with unparalleled subtlety. Thanks to the design of these concealed weapons, specifically tailored to fit around the Gnomi's small frame, they enjoy an advantage in Sleight of Hand checks when attempting to hide these tools of self-defense.   Yet, for all their crafting prowess, perhaps the most surprising ability in the Gnomi's repertoire is their transformative power. Once per long rest, a Gnomi can metamorphose from their adorable stature into a monstrous form. Towering at 5 feet tall, with their strength increased by +5, this beastly transformation features an intimidating set of attacks, including claw and bite attacks that can deal a significant amount of damage. In this form, their deafening roar can induce a penalty on enemy attack rolls, adding a tactical advantage to their already formidable form.   This transformation, however, is not entirely within the Gnomi's control. Once activated, the transformation lasts for 1d6 rounds plus an additional round per level, during which the Gnomi cannot voluntarily return to their regular form. This uncontrollable nature of their monstrous form adds an extra layer of complexity to their character, balancing their powerful abilities with the unpredictable nature of their transformation.   Whether through their dexterous craftsmanship, their resourcefulness in weaponry, or their unexpected transformative abilities, the Gnomi are a force to be reckoned with. These traits, coupled with their rich history and nuanced personality, create a multifaceted character race that brings a fresh dimension to any D&D campaign.

Society and Culture

  Gnomi society is characterized by a profound respect for community, an inherent admiration for the natural world, and a highly structured leadership system. Their societal fabric is woven around the principle of communal living, a concept deeply ingrained in their consciousness since their days of servitude. This emphasis on togetherness has allowed the Gnomi to create a robust support system, ensuring that no member of their society ever feels the sting of rejection they once collectively endured.   At the helm of their society, esteemed leaders guide the Gnomi community. In Precalion, the largest Gnomi settlement, the lord mayor is a respected figure, embodying wisdom and strength. The current lord mayor, Mothrick Mayne Ol’Dreydan, is a prime example of a Gnomi leader's astuteness. Despite his elderly and seemingly distracted demeanor, Mothrick's sharp mind serves as a beacon of guidance for his people.   Gnomi settlements, particularly Precalion, are wonders of innovation. Nestled on the Precalion Rock, a slender shard of stone, this thriving settlement stands as a testament to the Gnomi's resourcefulness. Ingenious Gnomi architects repurposed old Raptor nests into intricate houses, while the interiors of the rock were meticulously carved to create comfortable subterranean dwellings. The crowning jewel of their innovation is the luminescent ore that threads the rock, harnessed to provide light and heat, making Precalion an enviable beacon of comfort amidst the harsh realities of the Mortal Realm.   Gnomi naming conventions further highlight their communal values. Each Gnomi carries three names: a personal name, a family name, and an epithet symbolizing their life journey or achievements. Names such as "Mayne Ol’Dreydan," where "Mayne" is the personal name, "Ol’Dreydan" is the family name, and an additional epithet awaits to be earned, are common.   Interactions with magic in the Gnomi society are quite distinctive. While their initial gifts did not include magical aptitude, the Gnomi have found their own unique path to harnessing the arcane. This path is through the process of Spellforging, a magical discipline that merges their innate creativity with magical imbuing. Spellforging allows Gnomi to create items infused with magic, taking their crafting skills to new, mystical heights.   This unique form of magic has led to the rise of Arcane Tinkers, Gnomi who have specialized in the art of spellforging. These gifted individuals blend the subtleties of magic with the precision of craftsmanship, creating objects that are as enchanting as they are practical. They stand as the embodiment of the Gnomi's resilience and adaptability, proving that even without inherent magical abilities, the Gnomi can carve their own niche in the grand tapestry of the Celestial and Mortal Realms.   The society and culture of the Gnomi paint a vibrant picture of a community that values unity, innovation, and resilience. Their rich cultural tapestry, interwoven with threads of community values, resourceful innovation, and a unique embrace of magic, presents the Gnomi as a race teeming with complexity and depth.  

Relations and Interactions

  The Gnomi’s past as creations of the Tralanvannir and their subsequent dismissal has instilled in them a deep longing for acceptance. This longing can sometimes manifest as a readiness to serve, a trait particularly evident in their interactions with the Atrushki and the Tralanvannir. While the The Atrushki often treat them as peculiarities, the Gnomi's inherent desire for acceptance propels them to interact amiably, showcasing their resourcefulness and resilience in the process. In the presence of the Tralanvannir, the Gnomi experience a bittersweet blend of longing and resentment, as they still yearn for their creators' approval despite their abandonment.   However, it's with the Suraians and the Kairoi that the Gnomi form the strongest bonds, for these races appreciate the Gnomi's knack for crafting fine objects and often seek their expertise. These relationships, defined by mutual respect and admiration, often result in the Gnomi feeling valued and accepted. In turn, the Gnomi exhibit unwavering loyalty towards their allies, always ready to lend their crafting skills or adventuring prowess when needed.   It is also worth noting the Gnomi's interactions with humans and other mortal races, shaped by a pragmatic understanding of their interdependence. They acknowledge that their survival often relies on providing services like gem-cutting, jewellery crafting, or weaponsmithing. Despite some Gnomi perceiving this as exploitation, many embrace the opportunity, valuing the chance to showcase their talents and ensure the prosperity of their communities.   The Gnomi's adaptable nature makes them valuable allies in an adventuring party. Their exceptional crafting skills offer practical advantages, while their transformative ability adds an unexpected edge in combat. On a deeper level, their innate longing for acceptance and strong community values make them loyal and devoted companions, ever eager to contribute towards their party's shared goals.   The Gnomi's history of rejection and resilience, their communal values, and their indomitable spirit influence their relations with other races. These interactions not only shape the Gnomi’s identity but also illuminate their unique place within the grand scheme of the D&D universe. Despite their size, the Gnomi bring a wealth of resourcefulness, adaptability, and depth to any campaign, offering players a truly distinctive race to explore and embody.  

Motivations and Adventure Hooks

  Understanding the motivations that drive a Gnomi can be the key to shaping compelling and engaging character narratives. At the heart of many Gnomi is a longing to serve and prove themselves, an echo of their history as creations of the Tralanvannir. This deeply ingrained need to demonstrate their worth and value can guide a Gnomi towards adventures where their skills as weaponsmiths and inventors are crucial.   Further, their insatiable curiosity, an endowment from their creators, pushes them towards discovery and innovation. Gnomi are drawn towards unexplored territories, unknown magical artifacts, or intriguing mysteries, their inquisitive minds ever hungry for the thrill of a new puzzle to solve or an unfamiliar piece of technology to decipher.   Lastly, their deep-rooted sense of community often motivates Gnomi to protect and ensure the well-being of their kith and kin. Adventures that pose a threat to their home, Precalion, or to the larger Gnomi community could spur them into action, ready to use their unique abilities to defend their loved ones.  

The Fading Light

The luminescent ore that lights up Precalion is mysteriously dimming. The Gnomi, alarmed, need to find out the cause and restore the rock's glow.  

The Lost Grace

A renegade Tralanvannir, one of the original creators of the Gnomi, is rumored to be spotted in the Mortal Realm. This could spark a quest to find and interact with this Grace, offering an opportunity for closure or a chance to serve once again.  

The Arcane Tinker's Conundrum

An accomplished Arcane Tinker is on the brink of a revolutionary magical invention but needs an ancient artifact hidden deep within a perilous dungeon. The Gnomi's expertise in magic-infused crafting and their adventurous spirit would be essential for this mission.  

Notable Gnomi NPCs and Locations

  The Gnomi, while not as widespread as some races, have nevertheless birthed many notable individuals and striking locations that hold significant potential for enlivening any campaign.  


  Frillick Vell: As an Arcane Tinker of considerable esteem, Frillick Vell has made a name for himself through his in-depth research into enchanting, believing that he can predict when and where Spellforges will materialise (he has a mixed track record in this). His radiant personality and relentless thirst for discovery make him a captivating companion and a fountain of intriguing quests for those who dare to explore the arcane art of Spellforging.   Nissa Corr: A fearless adventurer and a virtuoso in weaponsmithing, Nissa Corr has roamed across realms, lending her unique skills to those in dire need and dedicating her life to the pursuit of worthy causes. Famed for her innate ability to transform seemingly innocuous items into deadly weaponry, her valor, and her unwavering quest for justice, Nissa is a force to be reckoned with and an emblem of the Gnomi spirit.   Branler Rune: Renowned for his exceptional crafting skills, Branler Rune is an artisan of the highest order. He has dedicated his life to the creation of intricate mechanical marvels, from wind-up pocket watches to complex crossbows. He's renowned for the quality of his work and his unyielding commitment to perfection. A silent observer of the world around him, Branler’s work is the echo of Gnomi inventiveness and their profound understanding of the material world. His creations, as beautiful as they are functional, are the embodiment of Gnomi's intricate craft.    


  The Lidenforge: Within the heart of Precalion, the Lidenforge stands as a testament to Gnomi innovation and resourcefulness. This grand workshop, lit by the radiant ore that courses through Precalion's veins, is a marvel of invention and magic. Here, Gnomi mastercrafters work tirelessly, hammering out weapons of unmatched quality and tinkering with magical artefacts of unfathomable complexity.   Mothrick’s Manse: The abode of Mothrick Mayne Ol'Dreydan, this edifice is a microcosm of Gnomi society. Burrowed deep into the rock of Precalion, the manse is a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers. At its core lies the Council Room, adorned with intricate carvings depicting the Gnomi’s history, where Mothrick and other community leaders meet to decide the fate of their people.   Frillick’s Lab: Home to Frillick Vell, this location is part dwelling, part laboratory. Filled with mystical artifacts, blueprints of groundbreaking inventions, and magical equipment, Frillick's Lab is the birthplace of many magical wonders and a potent source of quests and adventures for players who dare to delve into the secrets it holds.  


  In the vast tapestry of origins that comprise the Arcverse, the Gnomi stand as testament to resilience, innovation, and the power of community. As creations of the Tralanvannir, they embody both the creative spirit and the desire to serve that were bestowed upon them, manifesting in their extraordinary abilities and deeply ingrained societal values.   The Gnomi, with their deftness in craftsmanship and potent combat prowess, offer an intriguing blend of character traits and abilities that players can utilize. The added depth of their transformative abilities opens the door for dynamic gameplay and unique role-playing opportunities. They may appear small, but their potential for creating memorable stories is as vast as the universe they inhabit.   As players navigate through the cultures, history, and societies of the Gnomi, they will discover a race rich in narrative depth and gameplay potential. Whether it's the bustling subterranean life of Precalion, the magical glow of the Lightforge, or the dedicated leadership of figures like Mothrick Mayne Ol'Dreydan, the Gnomi offer a world rife with adventure and heart.   In choosing to play a Gnomi, players embrace not just a character race, but a vibrant and diverse culture that reverberates with a spirit of invention, exploration, and camaraderie. They become part of a community that values its past, cherishes its present, and looks towards the future with eyes wide with wonder and hope.

A Fire in the Heart of Knowing

  Our debut Arclands novel is available here. Read A Fire In the Heart of Knowing, a story of desperate power struggles and a battle for survival in the dark lands of Mordikhaan.



Physical Geography of Precalion

  Precalion is a long, slender stone shard, a magnificent rock formation sculpted by the hands of time and nature. It is marked by the dotted nests of Raptors and illuminated by the mystical luminescent ore that runs through its core. These ores provide not only a stunning glow that bathes the entire structure in a soothing ambiance, but also much-needed heat, granting the Gnomi a comfortable habitat.  


  The Gnomi have transformed Precalion with their ingenious architectural designs. From the repurposed Raptor nests that now serve as their homes to the intricate subterranean dwellings, the settlement is a testament to their inventive nature. The luminescent ore is not just used for light and warmth, but also in their infrastructure - it lines their pathways, illuminates their workshops, and has even been incorporated into their tools and machinery.  

Social Structure and Economy

  Precalion, under the leadership of the astute Lord Mayor Mothrick Mayne Ol’Dreydan, has created a society that values the skills of its people and their contribution to the Gnomi race. The city's economy is largely based on their skills as weapon smiths and engineers, creating intricate mechanisms, devices, and weaponry that are highly sought after in the Mortal Realm. Trade with the Solustine Kingdom and other fiefdoms is a major source of their prosperity.  

Culture and Lifestyle

  Gnomi in Precalion live a communal lifestyle. Their days are filled with the hum of crafting, the rhythm of their tools against metal, and the warm glow of the luminescent ores. Art, in the form of intricate designs etched onto their creations or murals painted with luminescent paints, is a prominent feature of their culture. They find joy in their craft and satisfaction in their service to others.

Threats and Challenges

  The luminescent ore, the lifeblood of Precalion, is slowly depleting, and the Gnomi must find an alternate source or face a future in darkness. Rumours of the precious ores and the advanced weaponry crafted by the Gnomi have attracted the attention of less benevolent forces. Despite their prosperity, there are Gnomi who are dissatisfied with their existence. They yearn for more than just crafting and serving, leading to internal conflict within the community. Hopefully, this gives you a more detailed picture of Precalion and how the Gnomi live within it.


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