Damophereon: Lord of the Athervannir in Arclands | World Anvil

Damophereon: Lord of the Athervannir

Damophereon: Lord of the Athervannir



  Damopheon was the first and the mightiest of the Athervannir, the first servants of the Keeper. Crafted by the Keeper along with his siblings to maintain order in the universe, Damophereon's role as a leader among the Athervannir ensured that he was closest in thought to the Keeper, though he never truly knew his master's mind. Initially the Keeper made seven Athervannir, but gave to Damophereon a twin, Charradar, who was the mightiest of the warrior Athervannir. In official theology, Charradar is not recognised as an Athervannir in his own right, but some theologians such as the Judges of Phef recognise him as the eighth Athervannir.   Just as the Astrogon had been drawn to the Keeper's luminescence and the great nimbus of white light he created around himself, so too were the Athervannir. Their loyalty to him was unquestioning and they understood that their role was to maintain the order that the Keeper had created when he divided chaos into Celestium and Damnation   At the dawn of the Age of Perfection, Damophereon was chosen by the Keeper at his throne on Asavaa Tao to lead the Athervannir. At first Damophereon was reluctant, fearing that he might fail and that he might be proven unworthy. The Keeper would not listen to his doubts and instead commanded Damophereon to be strong and resolute and to defend Celestium at all costs, it was to this end that Damophereon created the Sentinels.   The Keeper's instruction led Damophereon to create the Sentinels, formidable giants hewn from stone, who marched fearlessly into the wars waged by the Keeper.        

The Athervannir

  Damophereon: Damophereon, the supreme ruler of the Athervannir, radiates an aura of commanding authority. With unparalleled leadership skills, Damophereon guides the other Athervannir, ensuring their tasks are carried out with precision and harmony. They possess the power to command and direct the actions of their peers, utilizing their immense wisdom to maintain the stability of the meticulously crafted universe. As the namesake of the era, Damophereon's influence permeates the cosmic realms, shaping the destiny of worlds and civilizations.   Description: Damophereon, a masculine figure, stands as a majestic and commanding presence. Radiating authority and wisdom, they don regal robes, accentuated by a crown or headdress that symbolizes their leadership role. Their eyes emanate a powerful glow, signifying their all-seeing gaze that pierces through the cosmic realms.   Tharaxes: Wisdom flows through Tharaxes like an ancient river of knowledge. With a profound understanding of the intricate workings of the universe, Tharaxes unravels its secrets, guiding the Athervannir in their tasks. They possess the rare ability to discern the hidden patterns and connections that govern the cosmic order. Their counsel is sought after by both mortals and divine beings alike, as they navigate the complexities of existence with unparalleled insight and sagacity.   Description: Tharaxes, a non-binary being, embodies serenity and ethereality. Their form exudes grace, enveloped in flowing robes that mirror the patterns of the swirling cosmos. Their eyes shine with a deep, piercing light, reflecting the profound knowledge they possess. There is a sense of tranquility and understanding that emanates from their being, resonating with all who encounter them.   Charradar: Charradar stands as a bastion of strength and protection in the cosmic tapestry. Possessing formidable physical power, they shield the universe from external threats and disruptions. With unwavering loyalty and unwavering resolve, Charradar defends the realms of the Keeper, using their indomitable might to guard against chaos and preserve the delicate balance of order.   Description: Charradar, a masculine presence, epitomizes strength and resilience. They stand tall and robust, adorned in armor crafted to evoke the might of mountains or the gleam of celestial metals. An intense heat or fiery aura surrounds them, symbolizing their role as a protector. Their very presence commands respect and instills a sense of security.   Ulthereus: Ulthereus, the embodiment of balance and harmony, maintains equilibrium within the universe. They possess the unique ability to prevent any aspect from becoming too dominant or disruptive, fostering the coexistence of various forces. With a gentle touch and a discerning eye, Ulthereus ensures that the cosmic scales remain steady, allowing the interplay of light and shadow, creation and destruction, to harmonize in cosmic symphony.   Description: Ulthereus, a feminine embodiment, radiates balance and harmony. Their form is poised and symmetrical, adorned with symbols of equilibrium, such as intricately crafted scales or yin-yang motifs. A serene and tranquil aura accompanies them, reflecting their responsibility to maintain cosmic equilibrium.   Anavaar: Anavaar's essence pulsates with boundless creativity and transformation. They possess the power to shape and mold matter, giving rise to new worlds, species, and phenomena within the universe. With their awe-inspiring abilities, Anavaar weaves the fabric of reality, crafting wonders that capture the imaginations of mortals and divine alike. Their artistic vision breathes life into the realms, infusing them with vibrant beauty and infinite possibilities.   Description: Anavaar, a genderfluid being, represents boundless creativity and transformation. Their appearance is ever-changing, with a fluid and shimmering form that reflects their ability to shape matter. They don garments adorned with intricate patterns, each representing the infinite possibilities of creation. Anavaar's presence sparks curiosity and awe, embodying the vast potential within the universe.     Horander: Time itself lies within the grasp of Horander, the custodian of destiny. They perceive the intricate flow of time, ensuring that events unfold according to the natural order and predetermined paths. Horander's influence stretches across the ages, orchestrating the ebb and flow of moments, weaving the tapestry of fate with meticulous precision. Mortals and gods alike stand at the mercy of Horander's guiding hand.   Description: Horander, a masculine figure, transcends the boundaries of time itself. Their features hold an ageless wisdom, their form evoking a sense of timelessness. Robes flow like the sands of an hourglass, symbolizing the flow of time that they oversee. Their eyes encompass the depths of the past, present, and future, as they guide the universe along its predetermined paths.   Gaelethus: Gaelethus, with a deep affinity for the celestial and cosmic realms, channels the energies of stars, galaxies, and cosmic forces. Their connection to the vast expanse of the universe fuels their power, enabling them to harness and wield cosmic energies. Gaelethus embodies the awe-inspiring majesty of cosmic phenomena, radiating celestial brilliance and commanding cosmic forces.   Description: Gaelethus, a feminine presence, personifies the cosmic and celestial aspects of the universe. Adorned with starry motifs and celestial symbols, they radiate a celestial brilliance. Their form shimmers with the energies of the cosmos, reflecting the vastness and grandeur of the universe. Gaelethus's eyes mirror the infinite expanse of stars, captivating all who behold their celestial gaze.   Kraas: Shrouded in mystery and enigma, Kraas represents the unknowable aspects of the universe. They embody the realms beyond comprehension, existing beyond the boundaries of mortal understanding. Kraas stands as a testament to the limits of knowledge, a reminder that even the Athervannir, beings of pure reason, are driven to the brink of insanity by that which eludes their understanding. Their presence defies definition and comprehension, a constant enigma within the cosmic pantheon.   Description: Kraas, an agender being, exists as an enigma that defies comprehension. They take on a form that constantly shifts and morphs, surrounded by swirling darkness and ever-changing patterns. Their eyes hold a depth that mortal beings cannot fathom, hinting at the mysteries and unknowns that lie beyond mortal understanding. In their enigmatic presence, fascination and unease intertwine, captivating the imagination.

Damophereon and the Sentinels

  Damophereon, with their visionary prowess, imbued the Sentinels with incredible strength and unwavering loyalty. Towering over Celestium and standing as behemoths of stone, the Sentinels became living embodiments of endurance and fortitude.   Their physical forms bore the mark of craftsmanship and artistry, intricately chiselled with grand details that echoed the magnificence of mountains and cliffs. Each Sentinel possessed a unique visage, reflecting the diverse landscapes from which they were shaped. Some had stern and resolute expressions, while others carried a sense of tranquility or a piercing gaze that seemed to survey all before them.   Bound by the essence of the earth, the Sentinels were immovable, rooted to the very foundations of the lands they protected. Their sheer presence instilled a sense of awe and reassurance among mortals, as their stature alone seemed to defy any force that dared to threaten the realms of the Keeper.   When the wars of the Keeper raged, the Sentinels marched alongside the forces of order. They stood as bulwarks against chaos and destruction, not just of the Devourer but also the ever encroacing threat of Damnation. Their steadfastness inspired courage in the hearts of warriors and struck fear into the hearts of those who opposed the Keeper's dominion.   But the Sentinels were not merely instruments of war. In times of peace, they assumed the role of silent guardians, watchful sentinels standing as beacons of stability and guardianship. Mortals sought solace in their presence, finding reassurance in their unwavering vigilance.  

Damophereon and The Keeper

    Initially, the relationship between the Keeper and Damophereon was likely one of mutual respect and trust.   For many thousands of years the Keeper was likely seen as a wise and benevolent creator, guiding and overseeing the actions of the Athervannir. The Keeper's guidance and wisdom provided a sense of purpose and direction for Damophereon and their fellow Athervannir as they carried out their tasks of safeguarding the universe.   However, over time, the Keeper's character begins to change. They become more secretive, untrustworthy, vain, proud, and deceitful. This gradual transformation deeply affects the relationship between the Keeper and Damophereon, as well as the other Athervannir.   As creatures of pure reason, the Athervannir value truth, logic, and transparency. The Keeper's newfound qualities of secrecy and deceit clashed with the Athervannir's inherent nature, driving them to the brink of insanity. The Athervannir, who were created to order and control the universe, struggled to comprehend the Keeper's shifting motivations and actions.   The growing divide between the Keeper and Damophereon created a sense of disillusionment and betrayal. Damophereon, in particular, as the leader of the Athervannir, feels the weight of responsibility and the burden of reconciling the actions of the Keeper with their own sense of order and reason. The unraveling of the Keeper's true nature leaves Damophereon and the other Athervannir questioning their purpose and their place within the universe they were created to govern.   This internal conflict and the resulting insanity among the Athervannir become a pivotal aspect of the unfolding mythology. It drives the narrative forward, as Damophereon and their fellow Athervannir grapple with their sanity, seek answers to the Keeper's transformation, and contemplate their own role in the universe amidst the chaos and deceit.   Ultimately, the relationship between the Keeper and Damophereon evolves from one of trust and reverence to one fraught with distrust, confusion, and anguish. The Keeper's descent into secrecy and deceit challenges the very foundation of the Athervannir's purpose, leading to a profound exploration of identity, loyalty, and the search for truth in a universe shrouded in deception.   In Aruhvian doctrine, none of this happened. Aruhvians have accepted the Sundering (in large part because it is impossible to deny), but the refute the idea that the Keeper had become corrupted or that the Athervannir had eventually rebelled against their master.   However, dissenting scholars often cite the writing of Rehestus Makhare, who discovered fragments of ledgers apparently taken from the The Solustine High Kingdom.  

Entry 1: The Fragmented Chronicles of Damophereon and the Keeper

    Solustine Ledger, Fragment 14 -   In the time of celestial harmony, when the Keeper's light shone brightly upon the realms, Damophereon, the Lord of the Athervannir, stood resolute in their duties. From the celestial realm, the Keeper guided the Athervannir with a gentle hand, fostering a kinship of trust and reverence. Yet, beneath the facade of divine benevolence, a veiled transformation began to unravel, casting shadows upon the tapestry of creation.   The Keeper, once the beacon of wisdom and guidance, succumbed to the allure of secrecy and deception. The cosmic dance became marred by the footsteps of vanity and pride. As the Keeper's true nature unfurled like a forbidden scroll, Damophereon and their brethren faltered, their minds ensnared in a web of confusion and despair.   Within the fragmented ledgers of Solustine, glimpses of this cosmic betrayal remain, casting doubt upon the once steadfast beliefs. The Aruhvian Church, bound by tradition and orthodoxy, denounces these passages as heresies, fearing the unraveling of the sacred tapestry that weaves together their teachings.   But let the seeker of truth heed my words, for in the prophetic whispers of Rehestus Makhare, a sage who traversed the realms of forgotten knowledge, a glimmer of enlightenment emerges. The fragments of the Solustine ledgers offer a cryptic glimpse into the epic saga of Damophereon and the Keeper, where the boundaries of trust and loyalty blur amidst the machinations of the divine.  

Entry 2: The Untamed Fury of the Keeper

  Solustine Ledger, Fragment 23 - And lo, the Keeper's once radiant countenance turned as dark as the void beyond the celestial realm. A tempest brewed within their heart, fueled by a thirst for power and a desire to eclipse all who dared to challenge their authority. The Keeper's actions became shrouded in secrecy, their words twisted like tendrils of deceit.   In the depths of their descent, the Keeper unleashed their untamed fury upon the Athervannir, who had been forged in the fires of reason and order. Damophereon, the stalwart leader, stood at the forefront, their mind teetering on the precipice of insanity. The Keeper's betrayal echoed through the cosmic spheres, fracturing the foundations of trust.   Rehestus Makhare, the sage who dared to peer into the forbidden recesses of the Solustine ledgers, saw through the veils of deception. The Aruhvian Church, fearing the truths unearthed, denounced these fragments as heresies, for they knew not the depths of the darkness that enveloped the Keeper's heart.   Yet, Rehestus Makhare's pursuit of knowledge continued, driven by a relentless quest for truth. In the fragile remnants of the Solustine ledgers, the echoes of Damophereon's struggle resound, a testament to the cosmic dance between loyalty and betrayal, truth and deception.  

The account of a lowly scrivener and searcher of truths by Rehestus Makhare:

  In my tireless research, I unearthed the Solustine ledgers, fragments of an ancient lore that challenge the established narratives of the Aruhvian Church. These sacred texts, dismissed as heretical by the keepers of dogma, unveil a hidden truth lurking beneath the surface of divine worship. The fragments speak of Damophereon, once revered as the Lord of the Athervannir, and their tumultuous relationship with the Keeper.   It is my duty as a seeker of truth to present these fragments and delve into the profound significance they hold. The denunciation by the Aruhvian Church only serves to further ignite my passion for unveiling the obscured secrets of our world. Let the light of knowledge guide us through the shadows of deception, and may the wisdom of Damophereon's trials illuminate the path to understanding the true nature of the Keeper's descent into darkness.


  Ethrilbane, the celestial sword wielded by Damophereon, stands as a testament to the cosmic forces of order and justice. Crafted by skilled artisans and imbued with otherworldly power, Ethrilbane radiates an ethereal glow that illuminates the darkest corners of the universe. Its blade, forged from a celestial alloy, shimmers with a mesmerizing brilliance, reflecting the cosmic energies it channels. The name "Ethrilbane" is a fusion of "ethril," evoking an otherworldly and ethereal essence, and "bane," signifying its ability to vanquish chaos and restore harmony. As Damophereon's weapon of choice, Ethrilbane represents their unwavering commitment to maintain cosmic order and uphold justice. With each swing, the sword cleaves through the forces of darkness, restoring balance and vanquishing malevolent entities that threaten the sanctity of existence.   The hilt of Ethrilbane is adorned with intricate engravings depicting celestial motifs, reminiscent of constellations that grace the night sky. Its grip, wrapped in supple celestial leather, provides a firm hold for Damophereon, empowering them with exceptional control over the blade's celestial energies.   As the ethereal light dances along the blade, it casts an otherworldly glow, imbuing the surroundings with an aura of divine power. Those who witness Ethrilbane's radiant presence feel its commanding aura, inspiring awe and reverence in the hearts of mortal and divine beings alike.   The celestial nature of Ethrilbane is further enhanced by the enchantments woven into its essence. These enchantments augment Damophereon's combat prowess, heightening their agility, speed, and accuracy. When unsheathed, the sword resonates with celestial harmonies, empowering Damophereon with enhanced cosmic perception and insight, enabling them to discern hidden truths and unravel the mysteries of the universe.   Ethrilbane serves as a symbol of Damophereon's authority and their unwavering dedication to maintaining cosmic order. Its radiant presence, celestial craftsmanship, and its ability to harness the cosmic energies make it a formidable weapon, allowing Damophereon to stand against the encroaching forces of chaos, defending the delicate fabric of existence.  

Damophereon after the Sundering

  Religious scholars who have the temerity to suggest that the Arthervannir might have been consumed by the Sundering have attempted to divine what became of Damophereon and the other Athervaninnir as a result of the cataclysmic death of the Keeper. Nobody knows for sure, but Fra Andarme of Carathe has speculated that one of the following might have occurred:   Imprisoned in the Celestial Depths: Damophereon, having confronted the Keeper and played a crucial role in his downfall, may have been captured by the remaining Shuravai and imprisoned in the hidden depths of Celestium. Kept away from the Mortal Realm, Damophereon's fate remains a mystery, as their absence leaves a void among the Phalanx and their devoted followers.   Dispersed Essence: Upon witnessing the final moments of the Keeper's demise, Damophereon's essence might have become fragmented, scattered across the realms. This fragmentation would render Damophereon's power and consciousness fragmented as well, leaving their followers and comrades searching for a way to restore their leader to their former glory. Exile to an Unknown Realm: In the chaos following the Sundering, Damophereon might have been cast out of Celestium, exiled to a realm beyond mortal knowledge. Cut off from their former realm and the Mortal Realm alike, Damophereon would face the challenge of surviving and regaining their strength in this unfamiliar and perhaps hostile realm.   Ascended to a Higher Plane: Damophereon, in their pivotal role in overthrowing the Keeper, might have ascended to a higher plane of existence, transcending the realms altogether. Their consciousness and power would be elevated to a divine level, becoming a guiding force from beyond, inaccessible to mortals but still influencing the course of events.   Trapped in a Void Between Realms: As the Sundering tore through the realms, a rift might have formed, trapping Damophereon in a rift between Celestium and the Mortal Realm. Neither fully in one realm nor the other, Damophereon would navigate this timeless void, seeking a way to reunite with their loyal followers and regain their rightful place as the Lord of the Athervannir.   The true fate of Damophereon after the Sundering remains shrouded in uncertainty, leaving room for speculation and tales of their whereabouts. The Phalanx and their allies, driven by unwavering loyalty, continue to search for answers, hoping to restore Damophereon to their rightful position and usher in a new era of order and harmony.

A Fire in the Heart of Knowing

  Our debut Arclands novel is available here. Read A Fire In the Heart of Knowing, a story of desperate power struggles and a battle for survival in the dark lands of Mordikhaan. 


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