The Universal Church in The Realms of Aorlis Fantasy Setting | World Anvil

The Universal Church

Faith & Aorlis

The Church of Aorlis is known as the Universal Church, or the Faith, or the Orthodox Church. While the Church claims universality, it only functions in its current configuration in Aorlis and a few surrounding regions, but it aspires to be the sole church on Aarthus. It claims that its dogma is the only true faith.   The Universal Church is astrotheologic. Its ancient, forbearer religions were based on tales attached to different stars, celestial bodies, and the signs of the Zodiac. Those stellar stories eventually coalesced into a rich mythology full of gods, spirits, angels, and demons. That set of beliefs finally boiled down to a sort of soft monotheism with Ahiom as the supreme God of gods.
The Universal Church’s most holy symbol is a pierced disk or wheel that represents the Heavens and the wheel of the Zodiac. This holy wheel is usually gold and divided into twelve divisions, each representing a different star sign. The Great Wheel is associated with the Via Galactica, also called the Stairway to Heaven, or the River of Souls. Aorlis’ most famous stone circle, the Wheel of Law and Discord in Baelric, is considered an ancient pre-figurement of the Great Wheel. This is true, because the stone circle was a calender, much as the Zodiac is.
Aorlis Religious Conversions


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