Naming Traditions in The Realms of Aorlis Fantasy Setting | World Anvil

Naming Traditions


Most Aorlisians surnames for commoners arose from the man’s profession, or where they are from. Houses that belong to established dynasties following a different naming regime. The founder of a dynastic house has no last name, per se, but his first name is used for the house that descends from him. Osrick effectively had no last name, but from his sons forward, they would belong to the House of Osrick and Osrick would be their surnames.  

Adopted Names

Kings, high-level nobles, and religious figures often adopt a new time to go with their new position. For example, when Billy becomes the king, he might choose the regnal name of Francis III, tying him into the royal continuity and proclaiming his worthiness by invoking well-respected names of old. Almost everyone who enters religious orders adopts a new religious name. This help separate them from their earthly ties and associates them with holy men of old.


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