Polar North Yetis - Hairy Humanoids Species in Your Inner Child Series: World Mythology of Ancient Power | World Anvil

Polar North Yetis - Hairy Humanoids

Yetis and Bigfoot/Sasquatch are what are known as Hairy Humanoids. Both are cousins of humans and apes. They live all over the globe.   Bigfoot lives in a the more temperate forests in mountainous regions of the world. Remote and lush places which afford them privacy and non-contact with Humans. Yetis live in the coldest forests of North America, Europe and Asia. They are often referred to as Abominable Snowman or “Bumbles” due to this.   There were no tensions between Bigfoot colonies/cities and those of Bumbles. However, for those living in Christmas Valley, they left one of the villages in Canada to pursue a life of peace away from Inter-Yeti political and governmental tensions which might’ve broken into war. Yetis at The North Pole Christmas Kingdom work for Santa Claus as Guards of Cavern of Great Christmas Crystals.  

Phyiscal Description of Yetis

Yetis have white fur and stand 8 to 10 feet tall. They resemble a huge, upright walking ape. Yetis and even Bigfoots are not dangerous but misunderstood by Humankind.  

Living Spaces

Yetis and polar bears live in The Northern Pole Woodlands. Both live in caves. They both prefer to live in solitude away from the hustle and bustle of Santa’s Hearts of Christmas. However, Santa doesn’t live far away from them in case of an emergency.  


Yetis speak any and all languages. For those with Santa, it is English and the Mystic Tongue of Ancient Power and Northern Pole English. They do stop speaking and make grunting noises after magic leaves. upon The New Year of 1850. Words are only spoken in 2021 after hundreds of years of silence. Yetis not only speak English but also the local language. But they travel outside of their homes and act like they can’t. It’s a scare tactic as they’ve had a history with Humankind.

Health and Nutrition

It is unknown what Yetis eat. However, it is often suggested that they are carnivores. Yetis hunt for their food. They are thought to be fast and strong. This is because they have to outdo their prey. Once enough food is caught they load wagons or their shoulders and bring it back into the village/city. Yetis in the Polar North do not eat thousands of pounds of meat. Are they meat-eaters? Well, yes though they eat fruits and vegetables too.  

Job with Santa Claus

Lord Wilkinson Christmas and his kind felt Santa was owed something since they now live a good life thanks to him. It was eventually that Santa decided they would Guards of The Great Christmas Crystals Cavern. They also often help out with sleigh repairs and other tasks around the area.  

Abilities of Yetis

High-Level Physical Prowess: Yetis and their physical abilities are unnaturally beyond that of Humans but not of mystical species in general. Yetis are often physically superior over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, and more durable than regular beings (in that verse) can achieve by seemingly any method of training.   Supernatural Dexterity: Yetis, obviously, are more dexterous than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond the natural level; making them immensely better at controlling their limbs, muscles, and digits than regular beings (in that verse).   Supernatural Intellect/IQ: Yetis are often supernaturally more intelligent than other beings in their universe because their mental capabilities and applications are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely smarter than regular beings (in that verse).
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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