
Ancient Red Dragon

The ancient myths refer to the golden dragon as a keeper of civilization, fire and conflict. Generally referred to in the masculine, Vyssiní is believed to reside in theSouthern Volcanic Island of the Dragonshome Islands.  

Southern Younger Races

The Drákos peoples have associated the ancient mythos of Vyssiní with Ares.  

Northern Younger Races

The Norjord and Rus peoples have associated the ancient mythos of the Vyssiní with Tyr. One of Odin’s sons by Frigga, he appears as a powerful-looking bearded man who has lost his right hand. He is considered the most senior Aesir after Odin and Thor, and the most courageous of the gods. He wields great power in battle, and like his father can dictate the outcome. Wise warriors invoke Tyr before entering battle. Tyr’s life is tangled up with monstrous wolves. He lost his right hand to Fenrir while the gods bound the son of Loki. At Ragnarok, he and Garm are destined to die fighting each other.   Dogma Tyr’s cult teaches courage in everyday situations as well as in catastrophes or in battle. This is the courage of those who know their capabilities, not the courage of foolhardiness. Tyr’s cult understands the value of self-sacrifice, but differentiates between necessity and throwing one’s life away. The cult teaches sacrifice for others as an ideal, while holding sacrifice for personal glory as anathema. Because of the cult’s focus on sacrifice for others, it is welcomed in all but the most chaotic communities.   Clergy and Temples Tyr’s clergy work to develop their skills fighting with a weapon in their left hand, if they’re not already left-handed. When conducting their religious duties, they generally wear a closed leather sleeve over their right arm and hand in emulation of their deity. While they’re often warm, understanding, and encouraging, their patience has limits. Those who refuse to face life with courage have only so long to change before Tyr’s clergy leaves them to suffer the fate of their choices.   Tyr’s temples are tightly organized fortresses with duty rosters and ceremony schedules posted for all to read. They contain armories and training halls, and may own fields where they can train locals in formation fighting and maneuver.   Visitors to Tyr’s temples find the schedule will not bend to their needs. Those who actively support the schedule and organization find themselves welcomed. The clergy does not tolerate sloth, disorganization, or chaotic traits.

Divine Domains

God of Courage and Strategy Intermediate Deity Home Plane: Asgard Alignment: Lawful neutral Portfolio: Courage, trust, strategy, tactics, writing Worshipers: Fighters, monks, paladins, rangers, sages, dwarves Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN Domains: Law, Protection, War Favored Weapon: Longsword


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