Tungsten Dragon

Tungsten dragons are a type of ferrous dragon that re-emerged on Zihæt in the 48th century.

Basic Information


A tungsten dragon has numerous small horns dotting its face and trailing down its neck and back, with two long black horns curving from the back of its head. A large sail rises from its back. Its wings are mottled green and brown, but the trailing edge fades into deep forest green.   As a wyrmling, a tungsten dragon's scales are dark green with brown flecks. As the dragon ages, the flecks gradually disappear and its scales take on a more metallic sheen. By the time the dragon is an adult, the scales start to grey and lose their shine, and by the time the dragon is ancient, its scales are so dark green that they are almost black.

Biological Traits

Breath weapon. Tungsten dragons can breath a cone of fire.   Immunities. A cobalt dragon is immune to heat (fire) damage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Age Category
Age (in years)
Very Young
Young Adult
Mature Adult
Great Wyrm

Ecology and Habitats

Tungsten dragons live in arid deserts and steppes, and occasionally lair in dry plains in temperate or warmer regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tungsten dragons prefer desert plants such as cacti for food, but they can subsist on virtually anything. They take great care to preserve their habitat's ecology, refraining from eating too much of any one thing, lest it become extinct in that area.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the ability to see in the dark up to 60 feet away from them. They can see in dim light within that radius as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in the darkness, only shades of grey.   They can perceive its surroundings within 10 feet without relying on sight.   All ferrous dragons can sense the location and amount of any non-precious metal (e.g. those other than gold, copper, etc.) within a distance of 30 feet as a wormling, and extending an additional 30 feet with each stage of growth.

Civilization and Culture


Ferrous dragons. These metallic dragons were once a dominant force on other worlds, but have been unknown on Zihæt until they re-emerged early in the 48th century. By nature they are heirarchical and have a strict code of conduct, though it may not seem so to others. Ferrous dragons on Zihæt are not burdened by the norms of their society on other worlds, and as a result can often exhibit strikingly different personalities and characteristics than the legends would suggest.

Common Myths and Legends

Of all the ferrous dragons, only the tungsten dragons remain good-natured. Not only are they good, but they violently oppose all evil that they come across. Trespassers must prove good intentions, or risk the wrath of the dragon.   Ponderous and Humble. Of all the dragons that exist, tungsten dragons are the most humble. At least by dragon standards. They still have the egotistical mindset that permeates the hearts of all dragonkind, but they have a sense of humility that at least makes them teachable. They view their alliance with Gruaghlothor and the subsequent rebellion against Bahamut as their two greatest mistakes, and it is this mindset that gifts them with meekness. They realize their past follies and are aware of their imperfections, but rather than dwell on them and become domineering bullies like nickel dragons, they look forward with hope that they can be something more.   Perhaps it is their fear of making mistakes, but tungsten dragons take their time making even the smallest of decisions. They carefully ponder each option for days, weeks, or even years before coming to a conclusion, much to the frustration of everyone else that the decision involves. After it eventually reaches a verdict, the dragon holds to that verdict with a conviction that can't be matched by even the most faithful cleric. During its internal debate, the dragon happily hears any side of the argument and performs as much research as it can in order to make the best decision, but after the decision is made, changing the dragon's mind is like trying to change the tides.   Vindicators of Good. The only decisions that tungsten dragons have no trouble making are those that involve evildoers. In such cases, a tungsten dragon always swiftly and vehemently opposes evil until either it or the evil is destroyed. This often brings them into conflict with blue and brown dragons, with whom they share a favored habitat. Tungsten dragons don't hesitate to gather in large groups so that they can swiftly annihilate these and other evils. Tungsten dragons use whatever means necessary in order to destroy evil, while operating within the bounds of law. After all, if evil will stop at nothing to achieve its evil ends, then they should stop at nothing to destroy evil. Any and all resources and methods are fair game, as long as no innocents are harmed in the process. They relentlessly pursue evil opponents who flee, seeing it as their place to cleanse such creatures from the world.   Perhaps their zealotry in this regard can be attributed to each tungsten dragon's desire to put behind the faults of its ancestors and show its true nature. Some even hope to win back Bahamut's favor by acting as his champions; on occasion it appears as though individuals are successful, but it is doubtful Bahamut will ever restore the race to its former glory. Despite this knowledge, each tungsten dragon refuses to give up the crusade against evil. Desert Families. Tungsten dragons prefer hot, arid climates, competing for territory with blue, brown, and brass dragons. Though they prefer deserts, they occasionally settle in more temperate areas. If they are able, they try to destroy any evil dragons they come across (apart from other ferrous dragons, as per Gruaghlothor's mandate), but they know when they are outmatched and don't pick fights they can't win. They aren't fond of brass dragons, thinking them to be careless and ill-mannered, and sometimes downright annoying. They avoid brass dragons when they can.   Family is of great importance to these dragons, and they take great care of their young. They can live in family units for several decades, even up to a century; after the young dragons reach the juvenile stage, they can opt to stay with their parents or strike out on their own. However, once the dragon becomes an adult, it is forced out to seek a family of its own. Tungsten dragons mate for life, and after many years apart, the parents will again come together to raise another clutch of young.   Because one parent will be away from its lair for so long, it often brings its hoard to the lair of the other, or simply keeps its treasures there permanently. Though they trust each other deeply, they return often to check on the safety of their belongings.   Metal Treasures. Tungsten dragons collect anything valuable they can get their claws on, but are most fond of dark metals polished to a brilliant sheen. Adamantine and tungsten (naturally) are their favorites, especially because both are exceptionally resilient.
Ferrous Dragon
Conservation Status
No living ferrous dragons existed on Zihæt until 4706. The few ferrous dragons eggs that do exist are under the watchful eye of Chryseis.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


Author's Notes

Ferrus dragons originally appeared in Dragon #170, June 1991 and again in dragon #356, June 2007. Adapted to Zihæt.   Statblocks based on the DMs Guild 5e "The Book of Dragons Volumes I & II" by Conner McCall,   Oath of Dragon mechanics from Players Guide to Odyssey of the Dragonlords by James Ohlen and Jesse Sky.

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