
Thilykós (a.k.a. Artemis, Freya)

Thilykós (a.k.a. Artemis, Freya)  

Ancient Silver Dragon

The ancient mythos refer to Thilykós as the sister of Aktinovolía, and a champion of the people. Generally referred to in the feminine, the Silver dragon is believed to reside in the Dragonshome Islands, though the exact location is uncertain. She is the matriarch of all silver dragons.  

Southern Younger Races

The Drákos peoples have associated the ancient mythos of the silver dragon with Artemis, goddess of the hunt and wild nature.  

Northern Younger Races

The Norjord and Rus peoples have associated the ancient mythos of the silver dragon with a different goddess, Freya (fray-ah). Freya is the deity of erotic and sensual love, adept at the practice of magic. Some myths say she taught the Vanir art of witchcraft to the Aesir. Freya is the daughter of Njord and the twin sister of Frey. She delights in romantic poetry and is considered the most magnanimous of the goddesses.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Year of Birth
100 4606 Years old
Current Residence


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