Cobalt Dragon

Cobalt dragons are a type of ferrous dragon that re-emerged on Zihæt in the 48th century.

Basic Information


The dragon has hard, lustrus, silver-gray scales with small streaks of dark blue color intermixed.   Its shoulders are broad and its front legs are notably larger and stronger than its hind legs.   The dragon's canines are large for latching onto flesh, and two horns jut back from its cold, dark eyes. As the dragon ages, its eyes brighten until they shine brightAs the dragon ages, its eyes brighten until they shine bright blue.

Biological Traits

Breath weapon. A cobalt dragon can breath lightning in a line.   Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.   Immunity Cobalt dragons are immune to electrical (lightning) damage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Age Category
Age (in years)
Very Young
Young Adult
Mature Adult
Great Wyrm

Ecology and Habitats

Cobalt dragons like dwelling among the trees of deep, dark forests or thick jungles. Although cobalt dragons sometimes well underground, the entrances to their caves are always within wooded areas.   A cobalt dragon spends its time preparing traps to catch intruders or hunting within its territory. It utilizes falling trees, deadfalls, rock slides, and pits, relying on illusions to mask them before they are sprung.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A cobalt dragon feeds on its territory's abundant wildlife, but it can eat anything just as other dragons.

Biological Cycle

Although normally solitary, cobalt dragons sometimes mate for life. These cruel tyrants make surprisingly good parents. A cobalt dragon takes excellent care of its young until forcing them out of the lair when they became juveniles.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the ability to see in the dark up to 60 feet away from them. They can see in dim light within that radius as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in the darkness, only shades of grey.   They can perceive its surroundings within 10 feet without relying on sight.   All ferrous dragons can sense the location and amount of any non-precious metal (e.g. those other than gold, copper, etc.) within a distance of 30 feet as a wormling, and extending an additional 30 feet with each stage of growth.

Civilization and Culture


Ferrous dragons. These metallic dragons were once a dominant force on other worlds, but have been unknown on Zihæt until they re-emerged early in the 48th century. By nature they are heirarchical and have a strict code of conduct, though it may not seem so to others. Ferrous dragons on Zihæt are not burdened by the norms of their society on other worlds, and as a result can often exhibit strikingly different personalities and characteristics than the legends would suggest.

Common Myths and Legends

The most cunning of the ferrous dragons, cobalt dragons are clever tyrants and manipulators that rival even green dragons in terms of intellect. However, cobalts tend to have less ambition and patience than the greens, which means that they don't plot and scheme in the same way that their green cousins do. Their cunning comes out in the form of clever traps and manipulation of the battlefield rather than insidious schemes that take years to come to fruition.   Cunning Illusionists and Trapsmiths. In their free time (which dragons have plenty of), cobalts refine their intelligence and engage in activities that are both practical and mentally engaging. Many engage in the crafting of traps, which it uses to hunt and defend its lair. A few favorites are falling trees, rock slides, and pits. Despite their large forms, cobalt dragons have remarkable manual dexterity and are able to work efficiently with rope and other materials, but they can't effectively use small tools. If they have minions or servants, the dragon might direct the construction of larger and more complicated traps that it lacks the nimbleness to create itself.   Most learn how to create illusions, spending their time practicing the arcane verbage and gesticulations to create such effects in the rare case that they don't learn the magic innately. Their illusions are used to great effect when disguising carefully laid traps.   Dominating and Diabolical. In encounters with any creature, cobalt dragons are extremely dominating. In conversation they are forceful and demanding, engaging in intimidation and relying on their fearsome presence and reputation to get what they want. Their cunning, apparently, only applies to their inventive and critical thinking skills, as they seem to have the wit and social skill of an owlbear   They quickly get frustrated when creatures refuse to acknowledge their obviously superior power and pedigree, falling upon such imbeciles with every weapon at their disposal. A dragon roused to such fury can't be satiated without blood.   Some speculate that this behavior stems from the fall of the ferrous dragons and the exile of Gruaghlothor. Cobalt dragons seem to act like they have something to prove: that they are powerful, and that all other creatures will regret forgetting them or bringing about their downfall.   The behavior of a cobalt dragon is so abrasive that all other ferrous dragons avoid them, including other cobalts. Two cobalts only ever meet in order to mate and raise children. However, despite their domineering and hostile personalities, cobalt dragons make exceptional parents and forge strong family units. At least, for the time that the family lives together, which only lasts 25 years or so, after which time the young dragons are forced out of the nest to fend for themselves.   Collectors of Curiosities. When it comes to treasure, cobalt dragons aren't picky, but they especially prefer complex objects with multiple parts that are obviously the product of many hours of work. If the object is practical, it becomes even more valuable to the dragon. Each cobalt dragon tends to have its own specific fascination. One might favor elaborately crafted weapons and armor, another might like beautiful art objects, another might like masterfully crafted boats or ship prows, and yet another might take a liking to clockwork baubles.   Some dragons are so obsessed with this sort of thing that they capture or hire artificers and tinkerers to craft original objects for the dragon's entertainment and study. Some also manage to integrate their fascination into their traps, utilizing specially crafted objects or complicated contraptions.
Ferrous Dragon
Conservation Status
No living ferrous dragons existed on Zihæt until 4706. The few ferrous dragons eggs that do exist are under the watchful eye of Chryseis.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


Author's Notes

Ferrus dragons originally appeared in Dragon #170, June 1991 and again in dragon #356, June 2007. Adapted to Zihæt.   Statblocks based on the DMs Guild 5e "The Book of Dragons Volumes I & II" by Conner McCall,   Oath of Dragon mechanics from Players Guide to Odyssey of the Dragonlords by James Ohlen and Jesse Sky.

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