Ahmarath The grand scheme of things Timeline

The grand scheme of things

This is to help give some perspective on the huge timescales that are sometimes part of the campaign.

Time of Dragons

30000 BDR 24000 BDR

The conflict between giants and their land of Ostoria against he dragons. During this time all of the smaller races in Faerûn lived in fear and most attempts by them to build civilisations were destroyed by the powerful creatures in their war.

  • -27000 DR -

    The first elves come to Toril
    Population Migration / Travel

    Fey opens gates from the Feywild in the hopes that the elves will threaten dragon rule.

  • -26000 DR -

    -25000 DR -

    The Thousand Year War
    Military action

    An avatar of the dragon god Garyx led red dragons to invade Ostoria, the land of the giants.

  • -24900 DR -

    The first Rage of Dragons
    Disaster / Destruction

    Using powerful magic, the elves drove all dragons violently insane.

  • -24500 DR -

    Creation of the gnomes

    Garl Glittergold creates the Gnome race.

    More reading
  • -24100 DR -

    Dragons abandon their gods
    Religious event

    Draconic philosophers decide that gods who don't protect them better aren't worthy of worship. Several members of the pantheon die due to lack of worship.

The First Flowering

24000 BDR 12000 BDR

The rise of the elves and their kingdoms.

The Crown Wars

12000 BDR 9000 BDR

The elven kingdoms are involved in six devastating wars, nearly making the elven race extinct. This leaves room for humans and other races to flourish.

  • -10500 DR

    The Dark Disaster
    Military action

    As a part of the fourth Crown War, the elven kingdom of Vyshaantar used destructive magic that made the fertile kingdom Miyeritar into the wasteland now known as the High Moor.

Age of Humanity

3000 BDR 1358 DR

After the fall of the large elven and dwarven kingdoms, humanity was finally free to flourish. This is when almost all the current kingdoms and empires on Faerûn came to be.

  • -2900 DR

    Founding of Illusk

    The city and kingdom of Illusk (modern Luskan) is founded by northern settlers.

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  • -2387 DR

    Release of the gnome slaves

    The Netherese finally released their gnome slaves.

  • 936 DR

    Orcfastings War
    Military action

    A brief war fought when orcs attacked, Nimor's Hold - the settlement which would become Waterdeep.

    Additional timelines
  • 940 DR

    952 DR

    Second Trollwar
    Military action

    The Second Trollwar was fought between the humans of Waterdeep, allied with cities of the North, and the trolls of the Evermoors.

    Additional timelines
  • 1032 DR

    Waterdeep is Founded

    From the small settlements that already had the nickname, the city of Waterdeep is founded has Aghairon becomes its first Lord. The Northreckoning count this as year 0.

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  • 1248 DR

    Merchant houses become nobles in Waterdeep
    Political event

    The Lords of Waterdeep recognise the major merchant houses of the city as noble families. This ennobles houses Ammakyl, Anteos, Brokengulf, Cassalanter , Cragsmere, Durinbold, Eagleshield, Hillgauntlet, Hothemer, Husteem, Ilitul, Ilvastarr, Ilzimmer, Irlingstar, Jardeth, Jhansczil, Kothont, Lathkule, Maerklos, Majarra, Margaster, Massalan, Raventree, Thann, and Thongolir.

    Additional timelines
  • 1273 DR

    Lords of Waterdeep
    Political event

    The current system with the Lords of Waterdeep is established to avoid corruption and fighting between the guilds.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    The Time of Troubles
    Disaster / Destruction

    The gods were forced to walk the world in mortal form.

Present age

1000 DR and beyond

  • 1032 DR

    Waterdeep is Founded

    From the small settlements that already had the nickname, the city of Waterdeep is founded has Aghairon becomes its first Lord. The Northreckoning count this as year 0.

    Additional timelines
  • 1248 DR

    Merchant houses become nobles in Waterdeep
    Political event

    The Lords of Waterdeep recognise the major merchant houses of the city as noble families. This ennobles houses Ammakyl, Anteos, Brokengulf, Cassalanter , Cragsmere, Durinbold, Eagleshield, Hillgauntlet, Hothemer, Husteem, Ilitul, Ilvastarr, Ilzimmer, Irlingstar, Jardeth, Jhansczil, Kothont, Lathkule, Maerklos, Majarra, Margaster, Massalan, Raventree, Thann, and Thongolir.

    Additional timelines
  • 1273 DR

    Lords of Waterdeep
    Political event

    The current system with the Lords of Waterdeep is established to avoid corruption and fighting between the guilds.

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  • 1358 DR

    The Time of Troubles
    Disaster / Destruction

    The gods were forced to walk the world in mortal form.

  • 1385 DR

    29 Tarsakh

    Disaster / Destruction

    As Mystra was killed by Cyric by order from Shar, the Weave of magic was destroyed, resulting in a catastrophe spreading throughout Realmspace.

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  • 1451 DR

    Eruption of Mount Hothenow
    Disaster / Destruction

    The giant volcano near Neverwinter erupts, destroying a large swath of land, a big section of the city and killing thousands.

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