Rock gnome Species in Ahmarath | World Anvil

Rock gnome

When most folks on the Sword Coast and in the North talk about gnomes, they mean rock gnomes. Unlike their shy forest cousins, the inquisitive and irrepressible rock gnomes interact regularly with individuals of other races, especially if those individuals have something to teach them. Rock gnomes prefer to live on the edges of other settlements in their own enclaves, though the occasional adventuresome rock gnome takes up residence in a human or dwarven city.   Rock gnome communities are most common in the Western Heartlands and along the coast of the Shining Sea; but gnome wanderers travel between communities across FaerOn in order to trade with or learn from outsiders, including members of other races.   Rock gnomes who leave their communities often find work by using their racial aptitudes to their advantage. Their heritage and their interest in precious stones lead many rock gnomes to become skilled gemcutters and jewellers. Rock gnomes also use their affinity with machines to work as tinkers, alchemists, and engineers. In human communities, gnome tutors and sages are popular, since their comparatively long life spans enable them to acquire and pass on knowledge for generations.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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