Auril's Blesstide Tradition / Ritual in Ahmarath | World Anvil

Auril's Blesstide

Held on the day of winter's first frost, almost everyone in Waterdeep wear white clothes, don't serve or eat hot meals, and a parade of naked people wearing only white cloaks go from Cliffwatch in the North Ward, across the city and to the Sea Edge Beach in Sea Ward. There, participants dived into the icy waters, sacrificing their warmth to Auril, the goddess of winter.


The event is lead by the priests of Auril, but anyone is welcome to join in, and the city is large enough that many do so. And even for the vast majority who won't be part of the ceremonial walk, they still bother to at least wear something white. And almost no tavern will serve warm food on this day so as to not offend the Frostmaiden.
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