Aen Mirnov and Karina Gather Forces

Mirnov and Karina Gather Forces

Military action


Prince Mirnov Basaran and Princess Karina Basaran join forces and agree that they will, together, conquer the Elzveiran Northlands. They took a different approach than previous candidates had, with Mirnov using his naval experience and Karina seeking out mercenary crews in the snowy wastes of Degera, who would be better equipped for wintry battle than Fainarran soldiers were.

In the year 151, the flames of battle were rekindled by Prince Mirnov Basaran , first of his name, fourth in line to the throne. Mirnov was confident he would never see himself on the throne of Fainarr, so he sought to make a name for himself in another way: conquest. Prince Mirnov decided that he would succeed where others could not and set about making a plan that would allow him to conquer the northlands. Mirnov selected a small group of naval-ready warriors that he had fought alongside and developed a rapport with through prior experiences, rather than trying to convince his eldest brother King Hafiz Basaran II to allow him to take Fainarr's navy. He also felt he would be more successful with a small, slow infiltration rather than a prolonged and publicized war.   Knowing that she, too, was frustrated with her inability to take the throne--and the knowledge that her eldest brother was seeking to marry her off to help strengthen his own alliances and aims--Prince Mirnov enlisted the aid of his older sister Karina Basaran. She was a well-educated tactician and had even trained in swordplay, though she had never seen a battle outside of a skirmish. Karina decided to enlist carefully-selected mercenaries, specifically from the snowy southern region of Degera, where her mother Joella Magdalene had been born.   Over the next several months, they quietly and patiently enlisted and gathered their forces, which then left Fainarr gradually over time, with vessels diverging from their designated paths and mercenaries climbing aboard hired sailing vessels to sail with Karina. Detection was avoided both by enlisting the help of experienced wizards and by taking the southern route to Elzveir rather than the more common northern path. The southern sea journey was a direct shot to the northlands, but it was also through frigid, icy waters that made the trip more challenging and treacherous.

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