Marcello Andrini

Marcello Andrini

Fly By Night
Social Chameleon
Friends in Low Places
Though Better Men Have Failed
Legendary +8 Epic +7 Fantastic +6 Superb +5 Great +4 Good +3 Fair +2 Average +1 Mediocre +0 Poor -1 Terrible -2 Catastrophic -3 Horrific -4
Academics Mediocre 0 Athletics Average +1 Engineering Mediocre 0 Fight Fair +2 Investigation Average +1 Might Average +1 Mysteries Mediocre 0 Notice Good +3 Rapport Good +3 Resolve Fair +2 Science Mediocre 0 Shoot Fair +2 Sneak Great +4 Vehicles Average +1 Wilderness Mediocre 0


Hide In Plain Sight
You have this strange knack for becoming part of the scenery when you don't want to be seen. Obviously, you're not invisible, but if there are people around or any sort of cover at all, you can use your Sneak ability with no environment-based difficulty increases. This also means that, once hidden, even people actively searching for you do not get a +2 to their Notice or Investigation rolls. This ability only functions so long as you do not move or anything other than hide. The moment you does something else, the normal modifiers for searching applies.
Quick Exit
A momentary distraction is all you need to vanish from the scene. Provided you are not in the midst of a conflict, you may roll a quick contest between your Sneak and the highest Notice in the room. If you succeed, the next time someone turns to look at or talk to you, you’re not there.
Damn Glad to Meet Ya!
You’re adept at making first impressions — you might not always live up to someone's expectations, but you can at least assure that you don’t start off on the wrong foot. Whenever you meet someone for the first time, you can add a +2 to your Rapport roll.

Character Portrait image: by Walter Baschup(?)
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