Kazimir Volkov in Adventures Untold | World Anvil

Kazimir Volkov

Having grown up in a poor household in rural Russia just outside of St. Petersburg, Kazimir was no stranger to hard work and an even harder life. After losing his mother and brother to famine, he and his father were struggling to make ends meet. Luck came in the form of a friend of his, Alexey, gave him the opportunity to work for a local gang as an enforcer. While he didn't really approve of the work he did for them, it did put food on the table.   Things worked out for a time, until the Great War and he was conscripted. Despite the horrors of war, he found war exciting — a place to apply his talents for something greater. The enthusiasm didn't last long as he and his company were basically used as cannon fodder. He grew frustrated by the cruelty and incompetence of the imperial government so he adopted the bolshevik cause and briefly participated in the Russian Civil War and the Estonian War of Independence on the Soviet side. The horrors he saw during all those conflicts made him lose hope in not only the Soviets, but in Russia's future in general.   Kazimir ended up leaving the country and traveling around, working as a bodyguard and as professional muscle wherever he could find work. One day, he found himself on the docks in Split with a large group of Hungarians. Despite the language issues, they made it clear that they were taking a boat to find new jobs. Kazimir followed along and was very surprised more than two weeks later when the ship deposited him in the United States.   The Hungarians were all headed for the steel mills of Pennsylvania, but that kind of labor wasn't for Kazimir. Instead, he made his way to Philadelphia and looked around until he found a job that better suited his talents. That's how he ended up as the door guard of the biggest speakeasy in the city

Papa Bear
Kazimir Is Finished With Patriots
Grey Wolf, Silver Fox
Don't Make Me Hurt You
You Do Not Want My Dreams
Legendary +8 Epic +7 Fantastic +6 Superb +5 Great +4 Good +3 Fair +2 Average +1 Mediocre +0 Poor -1 Terrible -2 Catastrophic -3 Horrific -4
Academics Mediocre 0 Athletics Fair +2 Engineering Mediocre 0 Fight Great +4 Investigation Average +1 Might Good +3 Mysteries Mediocre 0 Notice Fair +2 Rapport Good +3 Resolve Fair +2 Science Mediocre 0 Shoot Average +1 Sneak Average +1 Vehicles Mediocre 0 Wilderness Average +1


Where Crayfish Hibernate
You've spent most of your adult life inflicting punishment. It's not something that you're proud of, but it's a sliver in your soul now. When you really want cooperation, you can choose to let someone see part of you. If you do, it's a +2 to your Rapport roll. The downside is, regardless of the outcome of the roll, that person will never be friendly with you. It's a pure intimidation maneuver and no one every forgets that.
A Fisherman Can Spot Another Fisherman
All crooks are alike, or at least the ones with a bit of organization are. If you want to find a local criminal outfit, you can do so in a quarter of the time. Alternatively, if you want to understand what the local criminal scene is like, you get a +2 to your Investigation roll.
If You Want to Be Useful, You Must Be Skillful with a Pen
You're very good with a knife. You can carve toys, and trinkets, and small sculptures from wood. If you're making something and want to know how well it came out, roll against your Fight ability.

Oh, yes — if you get into a fight with someone and you're using a knife, you get a +2 on your attacks.

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