Hierarch of Aulreth Rank/Title in The Chronicles of Evalaw | World Anvil

Hierarch of Aulreth

  The Abyss mother is not known for her patience, such trivial affairs of mortals and their day-to-day prattling's are beneath her. Yet, Aulreth is a capricious being and demands the unwavering loyalty of her followers at all times. Therefore the goddess deems it necessary that a living vessel of her will should be present on Evalaw. This exalted one would wield supreme authority over all spiritual and temporal affairs within her Temple, and make her will manifest. The Hierarch of the Seven Signs is such an individual. Her word is absolute and power unquestionable, superseding all other authority in the Temple. When she speaks all listen. Much like her ??, the Hierarch is unconcerned with trivial affairs of the faith. The Hierarch is only to be consulted about matters of grave importance or when decisions cannot be reached between the Arch-Priestess, Grand-Master or Synod.   While the Farseers of the Seven Signs are divinely guided by the goddess and her pantheon, tethered to the darkness that lies beyond the veil. The Primary role of the Hierarch is to commune directly with Aulreth and lead her people by what she commands. The power and influence the Hierarch wields over larger Darl'azie society has caused endless issues between the Hierarch of Draal'Grondi and the Empress of Dragh'zeruel. While the Hierarch of Draal'Grondi are the spiritual leaders of the Dral'azie and the will of Aulreth incarnate. The Imperator's of Dragh'zeruel view themselves as the natural successors to Archon Telos Urithair, sunbreaker and chosen by Aulreth to lead their people through the sundering and thereafter. Throughout the centuries this has caused a rift and question of loyalties between Temple and state, where one does not recognise the others authority over certain matters.    
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