Zaparak Species in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil


A marine beast known across Edens seas as a terror they believe was created by the Atlantians, and also the cause of their fall. A Zaparak has a base that resembles an Glowjelly that doesn't glow with several electrically charged tentacles protruding from its core. Its beaked mouth is placed at the bottom of its base surrounded by several barbs that are not only sharp, but are actually needle-thin tubes that it can eject its ink from in order to flee and dangers it cant handle.
Both its electrical current, and its ink have minor paralysis inducing effects, which it uses to stun its predators, and its prey. The true concerning ability of the Zaparak is that it grows according to its surrounding habitat, meaning if it happened to be raised out in the middle of the sea, the Zaparak can grow up to a titans size class.

Cover image: by pixundfertig


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