Massively Distributed Interstellar Interferometer Technology / Science in Starkeeper | World Anvil

Massively Distributed Interstellar Interferometer

The Massively Distributed Interstellar Interferometer is a Stellar Compact-era megaproject to create a gravitational lens telescope whose components are distributed throughout the Starweb. Considered by scientists for centuries, the Stellar Compact finally began construction following recovery from the Interstellar Dark Ages.   The "telescope" itself is actually many smaller telescopes, most situated in orbit of black holes and neutron stars whose gravity they use to bend light from distant sources such as planets. An extremely powerful lens, this focuses the light and increases the associated telescope's resolution far beyond what it could get were it floating free in space.   The MDII's breakthrough was to network together many such telescopes with wormholes, turning them into a single gigantic one with an effective size of a thousand lightyears. This project had been attempted before, during the Second Interstellar Period, but could never secure adequate funding and international cooperation. Superpowers of the time remained suspicious, concerned of its ability to become a spying tool without peer. It took the Stellar Compact's establishment to carry it out at last, and unlock a new era of astronomical observation.

Cover image: lensshoe_hubble_3235 by ESA/Hubble & NASA


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