Impeller Warp Technology / Science in Starkeeper | World Anvil

Impeller Warp

An impeller warp or external impeller is a variant of a gravitational impeller which surrounds the ship with a warp bubble, holding its contents in free-fall regardless of external acceleration. A ship equipped with this system can thus accelerate without need for compensation mechanisms such as crash couches, or opt for a horizontal deck layout for ease of landing on planets.   Impeller warps are seen on warships but are not used in combat, as their projector systems are too vulnerable to damage. Before entering battle, such a ship will switch to internal impeller propulsion, necessitating proper preparation for acceleration by the crew. One common means of accomplishing this is to arrange the pressurized compartments in one or more gimbaled spheres. When under impeller warp, the ship itself is in free-fall and the decks arranged horizontally, for ease of access, but for combat the spheres rotate ninety degrees, placing the decks into a vertical "office building" layout.
Parent Technologies

Cover image: by Johnson Martin


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