2. Head up the stairs in Reki Orbital Space Station | World Anvil

2. Head up the stairs

Grim ascends the staircase, each step echoing through the abandoned building. The air is thick with the scent of mold and decay. Dust motes dance in the faint light coming in through the cracked windows on the bottom floor and the large stained-glass window in front of him.   Reaching the landing, the stairway diverges, one to the left and one to the right. Grim glances up at the stained glass window in front of him and then to the left and the right. Either way, it feels the same—empty. He picks out a coin that's always in his pocket and flips it.   The steps continue to echo as he climbs higher. His hand brushed against the railing, its surface rough and splintered with age.   At last, he reached the top floor, his eyes sweeping over the scene before him with a mixture of disappointment and unease.   The room is barren, save for a thick layer of dust that coats every surface, casting a pallid veil over the abandoned furniture scattered about. Cobwebs hang like spectral curtains from the ceiling, their delicate strands shimmering in the faint light filtered in through cracked windows.   Grim's footsteps echo hollowly as he ventures further into the room, his gaze sweeping over the forgotten furniture. An old armchair in the corner, its once-plush cushions now deflated and threadbare with age. A dusty bookshelf against one wall, its shelves empty save for a few scattered volumes, their spines cracked and faded with time.   As Grim explores further, his disappointment deepens. There is nothing here but dust and decay, a testament to the passage of time.   He cuts your connection and continues to search for Alema by himself. This is taking to long.  
Go back to the beginning!


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