Leonin Species in Oryth | World Anvil


Hailing primarily from the Oclavius Province on the continent of Tok, the Leonin are a nomadic people that rarely ever interact with other humanoids only caring about protecting their lands that they consider sacred among their people. They tend to be highly defense showing outsiders animosity and mistrust for they know the treachery of strangers far too much.

Noble & Fierce

The leonin are staunch protectors of their homes and sacred lands. They are all equipped with retractable claws that can rend into flesh should they need it and can instantly extend them should the occasion be necessary. In everyday life they are regal and proper and often show great tact and etiquette in most situations, but can flip it instantly, becoming a fierce predator in combat or competition.

Daunting Roar

All leonin has developed a roar that comes from deep within themselves used to declare their territories and frighten intruders. Facing a leonin and witnessing the full force of their mighty roar can leave even the most fortuitous of soldiers quaking in their boots. While a young cub is learning to roar, it is quite a cute sight to behold, often warming the hearts of the other leonin looking at the future fierce warrior.
Art By: Jakob Eirich

Hunter's Instincts

All leonin are trained at a young age to be fend for themselves should the need arise for it. They are adept hunters and gatherers and are skilled at running, jumping, and honing their perceptive skills. Their sense of smell and sight are unmatched and their ability to blend in deserts or savannahs making them stealthy predators. Feminine leonins take much pride in their hunting prowess, being raised to be the primary hunters in their given prides where the masculine are usually stationed as defenders of their settlements.

Quick to Quarrel

Outsiders of the leonin culture can often view them as an angry people, often taking offense to insult and criticism, often being mistaken for belligerent. The truth is, however, that the leonins simply just love to fight. Whether verbally or physically, leonin enjoy testing their mettle with others to see who is the strongest in prowess or debate. Tournaments and competition are very common among their culture and many champions will leave their prides in order to become the best outside of their homes as well as within.

Pride & Self-Reliance

Many years ago the leonin worshipped the same gods of Oryth as the human cultures. However, due to the disregard for their prayers and becoming subjected to a tyrannical rule of the Tok Empire, the leonin have grown to reject the gods and their worship. Leonin rely solely upon themselves and their prides, often being quoted as saying "Hopes and prayers do nothing. If you want something done, you must do it yourself."

Leonin & the Gods

Characteristics (d6)
  1. "I’m amused by the antics of the gods and their earnest, but ultimately deluded, mortal champions, and I feel smugly superior in my detachment."
  2. "The meddling of the gods in mortal affairs makes me angry and bitter. I wish they would just leave us all alone!"
  3. "I view the gods as worthy adversaries—incredibly clever and well-prepared to play a long game but ultimately doomed to lose their games."
  4. "I’m certain every bad thing that happens can ultimately be blamed on the gods, but I roll my eyes at each new twist of fate and try to get on with my life."
  5. "I wish that I could be as naive as humans and other mortals who actually think the gods are looking out for them. I miss that kind of innocence."
  6. "I don’t talk about it among other leonin, but I actually revere the gods and try to please them by my actions."
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Leo Sapien
~80 Years
Average Height
6'0" - 7'0"
Average Weight
280lbs - 420lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Leonins have furs of light browns and tans to help them blend in with the savannahs they are accustomed to. The more masculine leonins have long and majestic manes of a darker color used to attract mates.

Leonin Names

Along with their personal names, leonin identify themselves by their pride. A member of the Flintclaw pride with the personal name of Ziore, for example, would likely style herself as Ziore of the Flintclaw.

Female Names. Aletha, Atagone, Demne, Doxia, Ecate, Eriz, Gragonde, Iadma, Koila, Oramne, Seza, Ziore
Male Names. Apto, Athoz, Baragon, Bryguz, Eremoz, Gorioz, Grexes, Oriz, Pyxathor, Teoz, Xemnon, Xior
Pride Names. Embereye, Flintclaw, Goldenfield, Ironmane, Starfeller, Sunguides

Art By: Jakub Kasper


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