Goblin Species in Oryth | World Anvil


Goblins are a cruel and uncaring race, only generally caring for themselves, not even other Goblins. Though they stay in largely populated tribes, they still tend to fend for themselves. Their chaotic fighting patterns are balanced by their swarm tactics. If something isn't able to be taken down by throwing vast numbers of goblins at it, either throw more or run.

Beast Masters & Survivalists

The goblin people have many skills when it comes to survival and are apt foragers, hunters, and trap-makers. Though the traps are crude and usually made of natural materials such as spiked pits, small game traps, slip-nooses, and tripwires, they are still effective and often very hard to be perceived by the untrained eye.

The most treasured skill among the Lashers of the goblin tribes is their ability to tame wild animals. They will round up any animals they can and attempt to domesticate them for use of mounts and cattle and have even been able to tame some of the more fierce beasts like bears and on rare-occasions Worgs. Though they are not as in-tuned with worgs as the Orcs, there have been occasions where they have been able to do so, making a lasting and valuable ally to their kin.

Fury of the Small

Goblins have been subjugated and underestimated for as long as they've been in existence. Using this to their advantage, trained Goblins have developed techniques to land crippling blows on their unsuspecting adversaries, turning what would've been a small wound into a deadly one.

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Structured Chaos

Goblins are an interesting lot when it comes to how the population is divided up. Though there is very much an "Every Goblin for Themselves" mantra, there are certain positions that members excel at. This also affects who gets to eat and when.

The goblins of a tribe know their place and though an adventure might be caught off guard by seeing dozens of goblins in one place, they may be shocked to find that only two or three actually defend the territory.
  • Lashers. Some would regard these as the nobles of goblin society. They are skilled strategists, trap-builders, beast tamers, miners, and worshippers. They are who the other goblins turn to for guidance and problem-solving.
  • Hunters. Trained in stealth, archery, and survival. These are the goblins that hunt game to bring back to the tribe.
  • Gatherers. Gathering plants, means of shelter, nuts, berries, and other curiosities they can find nearby, the Gathers tend to the young goblins of the tribe.
  • Pariahs. The lowest of low, the Pariahs are met with disdain and hatred and only eat after all of the goblins have had their fill.


Many goblins lack the intelligence, skill, and training to learn the ways of the arcane arts. As such, finding spellcasters among their people is extremely rare. There are occasions, however, where a goblin will be gifted with sorcerous abilities. These special goblins are known as Booyahgs and are in their own class even above the Lashers of the tribe.

To give birth to a Booyahg will instantly raise a goblins status by one-tier (to a max of Lasher) and will live an easy life of breeding in hopes of producing more Booyahgs in the future.

Goblin Quirks

Characteristics (d8)
  1. "My pockets are always full of forgotten pieces of things I encounter in my travels."
  2. "I speak in heavily accented Common… the specific accent changes constantly."
  3. "My table manners are shocking: I take tea like a noble, but wolf down my food."
  4. "Of course I kick ’em when they’re down, it’s the best time to kick ’em."
  5. "No bathing. I ain’t going in the soup!"
  6. "My sense of humor appeals to everyone. Well, everyone under the age of ten."
  7. "I can spend hours telling stories that I heard from my great-great-aunt Matilda."
  8. "Goblins don’t get too attached. In the tribe, we’re all disposable."

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Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Cobalus Sapien
~60 Years
Average Height
3'0" - 4"0"
Average Weight
40lbs - 80lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goblins typically have vibrant greens to dull yellows and light greys for skin tones. Their teeth are that of a predator's, with sharpened shark-like fangs that line their toothy maw.

Goblin Names

Goblins have their own tongue that is guttural and difficult for the common tongue to pronounce. Their names are equally difficult for some and most goblins will shorten their names if they choose to ally with those outsides of their clans. Goblins don't tend to have surnames or even clan names, instead naming rag-tag bands like Ots' Crew or Hox's Gang.

Masculine Names. Ak, Choilk, Deq, Erx, Evzogs, Frakx, Frobynk, Gleklalk, Hiak, Krakiot, Liacs, Ots, Ralzact, Riogerk, Sliabdacs, Sric, Vriokt, Wruigysz, Xek, Xul
Feminine Names. Bhyras, Cilef, Dees, Fiehea, Hox, Ifnang, Irt, Isz, Kinq, Klyrt, Osx, Phurx, Rohkols, Rutzusz, Shuthi, Stiekles, Tif, Ukoth, Vag, Wogeenq

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