Chapter II: New Paths Report in Oryth | World Anvil

Chapter II: New Paths

Relics of Ochrid

General Summary

The figure stands before you his face a yellowish-green with sunken in eyes and flesh of decay. Hair lacking on much of its head, he calls out for the others to strike.

Our adventurers set out from the impact site of the Obinite meteors, passing the scaffolding set up and still befuddled as two weeks could pass in mere moments on the Astral Plane. They set out toward the city of Azijuko, traveling on horse, camel, and hooves as the sunsets in the eastern treelines. Creeping out from a wooded area, a skeletal rider with a structure larger than that of a human rears up on its skeletal horse. Preferring to give it a wide birth, Zal offers the creature a nod and begins to head around it, however, the curious and intrigued June waved at the undead.

The skeleton spoke whispy and dry messages as it asks where the adventurers came from and where they were headed to which Adriak gave only vague, slightly snarky responses. The skeleton grows impatient and is finally informed that they are headed to the Lyran city of Azijuko. The skeleton seems intrigued as to why these travelers were headed to the City Built on the Dead and ask them as such. Unknowing of such rumors aside from Adriak who had an understanding of the history, Zal offered the skeletal ride his condolences.

Appeased with his words, the skeletal rider asked a favor of our heroes, requesting they find the body of a Helga Forestmaw and finally lay her body to rest. Agreeing to this proposal, the skeletal rider disappeared into the mist which brought him in the first place.

Stopping to rest for the evening, the three exchanged small tales of their origin, albeit vaguely as trust has not yet been fully earned by the travelers. As their conversation came to a close, the genasi opened a book and began to read. He soon suffered palpitations and creeping anxiety as the words began to blur and his heart rate skyrockets. Vines slithered up his legs before being torn off and turning into shadowy tendrils. His eyes flared with anger as he drew his axe. Breathing heavily his axe was covered by forceful energy around it. Unsure of what to do, he ran to a nearby tree hitting it with frustration as the sonic impact blew the large plant into splinters, uprooting it.

Hearing of the surges of wild magic, they determine that was a cause, however, June seemed to be a focal point as if a conduit of the surge. The wild magic was coming from him and he was somehow able to tap into the leylines of magic energies. Exhausted from this display, June headed to sleep as Zal kept watch over the genasi and cervitaur.
Game Session Date
Thursday the 28th of January
in the 2021st Anno Domini

Report Date
29 Jan 2021

Oryth Date
Colids the 10th Day of Olibis -
Raddis the 12th Day of Olibis
in the 541st Year of Rebirth

Geekz Anonymous

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During the night, he saw an ominous glow from a tree that almost beckoned him in a way. Untrusting, the goliath stood his ground until the light faded and disappeared. The rest of his watch was uneventful, though he warned Adriak to keep alert for the light he saw. The majority of Adriak's watch was uneventful until a humanoid shadow seemed to creep its way to the cervitaur and grasped a hold of the cleric. Through the will of mind, he fought the invasion off and the shadow was nowhere to be found. Waking the genasi, he informed June of the occurrence viewed by Zal but omitted what occurred on his watch for reasons of his own. The rest of the night passed uneventful and June prepared tea as the sun rose in the west.

Curious about the tree with the light, once the goliath roused from his slumber he traveled to the base finding a large egg. Ready to bring it back to the others as a nice and hardy breakfast, he reached out for it as it began to crack. Hatching from the egg, a young pseudodragon emerged sending telepathic images of the Shijin to Zal. Considering it a gift from his patrons, he embraced the pseudodragon, naming the creature Kogara. With his newfound companion, he rejoined the group after the lazy cervitaur finally rose from his slumber and parted the area on their way to the Lyran city.

Arriving at a forked river, Adriak notices something amiss and spots an ambush of sickly almost-dead looking people. They fought out of reflex, but once Zal recognized these people as being afflicted by the Green Sickness, also known as Leprosy, Adriak was convinced to help these unfortunate souls. Their leader wanted none of their pity and was concerned only for their belongings and food, however, his brash behavior and greed proved to be his downfall as the rest of the afflicted hesitated as the cervitaur spoke promises of a cure. The heroes defeated the (former) leader and the second of command, for reasons of his own, slit the throat of his commander, telling the rest to lay their weapons down.

Fulfilling his promise, Adriak was able to cure the afflicted of their disease and even got to know the individuals over the next few days. Tomlin, Frunklund, Bilmore, and Ysbell were thankful to the adventurers. Sharing their tales of their low-class lives in Azijuko, Zal was intrigued and asked them if they knew of Helga Forestmaw, they all seemed to know the legend of the Forestmaw Rider, Jeremiah, and told them where they could find the possible remnants of the discard corpses of the Forestmaw clan with Frunklund once being a grave keeper for a short time in his younger years.

The adventurers parted ways with the Azijukans who decided not to return to the city and forge their own destiny in life. Adriak, June, and Zal continued on the path toward the Lyran city.

Cover image: by Adrien Lambert


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