Tabaxi Species in Oryth | World Anvil


Hailing from the rocky hills and mountains of Ochrid, the tabaxi are feline-like humanoids with a natural curiosity to amass objects, stories, and sights throughout their travels. Tabaxi rarely stay in one place with their innate curiosity driving them to new locations and experiences.


While most tabaxi stay in their distant home on the mountains of Ma'kylava in their tight clans and families, there are some that will never truly be satisfied with this life of complacency and will strive for a greater destiny for themselves. These tabaxi strive to collect curiosities, artifacts, and legends in their journies and will eventually briefly stop at the home clans to share their tales with those they call kin until returning to their adventurers.

Shiny Trinkets

When a tabaxi hears of a specific trinket, relic, or magical item, they can often become fixated on the premise of possessing it, gaining a sort of tunnel vision until they do. Many will stop at nothing until they can lay their hands on such an object. Once they have it in their possession, however, the feelings will pass and a new fixation will take its place.

Created With: Hero Forge

Barterers of Lore

Though many tabaxi has a deep love for shiny objects and interesting trinkets, above all else they treasure knowledge and understand. Many tabaxi will hold onto lore and secrets as if they were silver and gold and exchange them in normal monetary steads. As such, tabaxi believe that information should be protected and guarded and even something as simple as someone's name or origin of birth should not be something that is given for free.

Embarrassing secrets and happenings are especially valuable to the tabaxi and many will hold onto these secrets for the perfect opportunity to exchange with an individual, be it for something of equal value... Or blackmail.

Perfect Spies

Due to a tabaxi's natural climbing prowess, their physical dexterity, and bursts of quickened agility, they make perfect infiltrators and spies. They can lurk in the shadows and nary make a sound due to their light footedness. Not only does their physical prowess enabling this profession, however, their natural attitudes of gaining lore, trinkets, and curiosity also make the profession a perfect fit for the feline-kin and many can infiltrate an entire kingdom without leaving a single strand of fur in their stead.

Artisans & Minstrels

Not all that leave their clans to explore the world are adventurers and mercenaries and instead take up a variety of different crafts and callings. In these cases, they usually roam in small packs with an individual being the leader, face, or elder of whatever they aspire to do. Some become tinkers and crafters, while others become bands of musical performers and dancers. Though all of these treasure their experiences on the open roads of Oryth.

Tabaxi Quirks

Characteristics (d8)
  1. "I miss my tropical home and complain endlessly about the freezing weather, even in summer."
  2. "I never wear the same outfit twice, unless I absolutely must."
  3. "I have a minor phobia of water and hate getting wet."
  4. "My tail always betrays my inner thoughts."
  5. "I purr loudly when I am happy."
  6. "I keep a small ball of yarn in my hand, which I constantly fidget with."
  7. "I am always in debt, since I spend my gold on lavish parties and gifts for friends."
  8. "I can’t help but pocket interesting objects I come across."

Created With: Hero Forge
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Felis Sapien
~80 Years
Average Height
5'0" - 5'11"
Average Weight
90lbs - 125lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tabaxi can be a variety of different colors similar to other felines of Oryth. They can bear strips, patches, or furs of pure colors. Some take from their predator feline ancestors and have large flowing manes and some take from their common house-pet equivalents, having nearly no hair at all.

Tabaxi Names

Each tabaxi has a single name, determined by their clan and based on a complex formula that involves astrology, prophecy, clan history, and other esoteric factors. Tabaxi names can apply to both males and females, and most use nicknames derived from or inspired by their full names.

Clan names are usually based on a geographical feature or landmark located in or near the clan’s territory.

Tabaxi Names. Cloud on the Mountaintop (Cloud), Five Timber (Timber), Jade Shoe (Jade), Left-Handed Hummingbird (Bird), Seven Thundercloud (Thunder), Skirt of Snakes (Snake), Smoking Mirror (Smoke)
Tabaxi Clans. Bright Cliffs, Distant Rain, Mountain Tree, Rumbling River, Snoring Mountain


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