Gith Species in Oryth | World Anvil


The people of Gith are named after their leader who brought their people together to overthrow their tyrannical masters. After attaining their freedom, they fought over what kind of new civilization they would forge and separated into the separate people of Githyanki and Githzerai.

Born In Chains

Though the original origin of the Gith is obfuscated in enigmas. It is believed among the Scholars of Oryth that these beings were once known as The Forerunners. Many millennia before recorded history, the Illithids of the Underdark found a pocket dimension known as Pharagos which was located inside of a crystalline sphere. The mind flayers conquered their world, dominating their minds and taking the forerunners as slaves.

Timeless Dimensions

Due to the properties of both the Astral Plane and Limbo, the Gith do not age naturally on their home dimension. Instead, they both erect monastic schools on the Material Plane where they train their young and prepare their minds for the transition to a new dimension.

Created With: Hero Forge


The Githyanki, or Children of Gith, are fueled by revenge, demanding their people rise up against their captors. After the civil war, they retreated to the Astral Plane and think only of battle. Their young are raised as warriors and perfect their martial prowess to a deadly extent. They often breach the Material Plane of Oryth to plunder and raid for various supplies for their civilizations. This causes the race of Gith to be feared by many of the other races of Oryth.


The Githzerai, or Those Who Spurn Gith, instead believed that a life of enlightenment was the true path for their people. They transported themselves to the Plane of Limbo and erected gigantic strongholds out of the chaotic realms using their perfected mental prowess. They are pacifistic by nature, but still share a hostile disdain for the illithid that once enslaved them. Developing their mental abilities, they have honed a unique form of mysticism known as Psionics that is rare outside of many races on Oryth.

Enlightened Minds

Though the forerunners of Pharagos were not innately psionic creatures, the Gith were in such close proximately of the mental masters for such a long time, that it allowed them to unlock their own mental prowess. All members of the Gith race have minor telekinetic abilities in the form of Mage Hand. Due to their more aggressive nature, the Githyanki have also developed the ability to naturally cast the Jump and Misty Step spells while the more passive Githzerai have learned to cast both Shield and Detect Thoughts.

Gith Etiquette

Characteristics (d8)
  1. "I will have my revenge."
  2. "I am willing to help, but remain guarded."
  3. "I will perfect my art."
  4. "I wish to unite my people."
  5. "I will protect future generations at all cost."
  6. "One day I will learn the secrets of the ancient forerunners."
  7. "If they are not with us, they are against us."
  8. "I seek only enlightenment."

Created With: Hero Forge

Created With: Hero Forge
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Animo Sapien
~100 Years (Material Plane)
Average Height
5'10" - 6'2"
Average Weight
90lbs - 120lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Yellowish Skin w/
Green, Rust, or Brown Spots
Geographic Distribution

Gith Names


Masculine. Caira'duun, Elirdain, Fa'ruuth, Gaath, Haroc, Ja'adoc, Kinthis, Kar'i'nas, Luur, Lykus, Ma'ar, Quith, Ris'a'an, Suthin, Tropos, Ui'vaan, Viran, Xamados, Yuuric
Feminine. Aaryl, B'loori, B'noor, Cinathyl, Dai'ir, Ei'dali, Fenelzi'ir, Gi'ruuni, Hahz'rayl, Li'ior, Jen'lig, Mi'aari, Pah'zel, Qaaryl, Quorstyl, Ra'an'sa, Sirruth, Si'vaal, V'ruuni, Vaira, Xi'oora, Yessune, Zar'ryth


Masculine. Araram, Arkhar, Barnag, Brugh, Darmir, Dranag, Fakahr, Granlag, Grezeg, Khanag, Nirkhar, Nirlid, Nirth, Nudran, Onloth, Rhuth, Rindak, Rinrad, Rinzeg, Sakiak, Satar, Unalahr, Unkran, Unzag, Urth, Zarllak, Zarloth, Zrazak
Feminine. Adnera, Arerah, Arwila, Asheah, Dahina, Erzhenah, Ezhaka, Grelines, Ihreya, Ilneth, Khazihn, Lazeka, Laznel, Lhashela, Magdeyla, Mireth, Nalmilzin, Nashnia, Reznera, Shamilias, Shamira, Sharmelya, Shunderath, Silelya, Silina, Umah


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