Chapter I: Fall Like a Meteor Report in Oryth | World Anvil

Chapter I: Fall Like a Meteor

General Summary

Six respective champions of their realms or professions throughout Oryth find themselves awakening in the murky swamp of Boggrave.

Gaze at the diamond inside a golden ring,
Everybody knows the prices, but the value of nothing.
The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow stone,
Out of the black night,
Live enough to gain the world but lose your soul.

Why climb to such a mad height?
Gone only to fall like a meteor.
White light beneath a landslide,
Don't cry, it won't get any easier.

~Sir Daniel Avidan,
Bard of the College of Eloquence

What does an Aasimar, Dhampir, Dragonborn, Kenku, Reborn, and a Sprite have in common? The tavern jokes would have to wait as they are soon confronted by an ancient spirit known as Lophii. The fight is long and arduous, but the champions are able to overcome the threat.

They venture east to the metropolis known as Hillcrest only to find a wasteland of fire and craters save a single inn in the distance. What has happened here? What would be the ramifications of this trade-city falling? Who was behind this calamity?

Only time will tell.
Game Session Date
Sunday the 18th of July
in the 2023nd Anno Domini

Report Date
24 Jun 2023

Oryth Date
Sondis the 8th Day of Trithbis
in the 541st Year of Rebirth

Geekz Anonymous

Broadcasting Info
Geekz Anonymous broadcasts 1-3 times a week!

(Sundays [Monthly], 5-9PM EST)
Once a month, Kaz, Fool, Biscuit, Moonbot, Ghost, Dolphy and I meet up IN PERSON and play a live game of Dungeons & Dragons! Involving 6 unlikely champions brought together by a catastrophic event.
(Wednesday, 7-10PM EST)
Sig, Kaz, Dolphy, and I play the DnD5e Campaign called Oops! All Wizards where they go through the process of graduating from the College of the Frozen North and all the trials and tribulations that follow. It is a heavy roleplay game involving eight students, one from each School of Magic!
(Holidays, 7-10PM EST)
Mondays & Wednesdays nearest to a holiday might have a special game run by our very own Dolphy! Enjoy the whimsical Adventure of Bits as three heroes attempt to share a single braincell while protecting the land from the holidays!
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