Makhvi Jungle Geographic Location in Flagstone | World Anvil

Makhvi Jungle

The Makhvi Jungle

In contrast to its neighboring country, the Pakhrani Desert , the Makhvi jungle is a vast expanse of tropical rain forest situated between the eastern upper and lower branches of the Hayitese Mountains on the continent of Rigda. Viewed from the overlooking mountains, it is a forest that shines in the most magnificent colors of various tropical plants and trees. Particularly striking are the great golden Hakhona trees. This colorful and vibrant land is populated mainly by the Ankhana that chose to leave their lands. Some among the early settlers founded the cult of Guola - Guardians of Life.

Even though the jungle is rich in fruits, water, plants and animals, it's dangers lay well hidden, waiting to ensnare the unwary. Seemingly innocuous and inconspicuous creatures are known to be more deadly than some large fearsome beasts. Though early settlers had to learn these lessons painfully over time, they adapted and learned to not only survive, but thrive, in their new environment. They learned to treat and extract poisons, discovered medicines for diseases and ailments that had been incurrable, found flowers that allowed for incredibly vibrant dyes, and a wide range of spices not found in the deserts of their homeland. Over time, this led to valuable trade between the the Guola and the Ankhana.

Unfortunately, not all of the things they learned were so benevolent. Poison was often very helpful as a political tool or a means to a particularly unpleasant end, and many kept reserves which were safely stowed away for such occassions. These were filled in small glass bottles, because so they were quickly accessible and one could carry them inconspicuously and slip them, unnoticed, to an inconvenient opponent. This practice had numerous unintended side-effects, including a suprising increase in the number of people who are excellent cooks, and an almost total reduction in the number of dinner parties.

Much of the vast jungle is untouched and unexplored as most inhabitants build their houses near the river that flows through the whole jungle, partly for the easy access to food and water, but also because travel by river is significantly safer and faster than travel by foot. Early Ankhana settlers brought their native forms of river travel to their new home, such as canoes, barges, and boats. For travel by foot, there were fixed paths which had been trampled down over time through the jungle's uneven vegetation choked terrain. Wagon access through the heart of the jungle is impossible with some few exceptions, so trade goods are hand carried or loaded on beasts of burden for transport to locations away from the river. This is always a dangerous route, as frequent encounters with predatory creatures is not something that can be guaranteed. For those willing to take the risk, the The Adventurer's Guild is known for taking escort contracts to see merchants through the jungle.




Ecosystem Cycles

The Makhvi jungle experiences distinct seasonal changes throughout the year, which greatly affect the ecosystem and the organisms that inhabit it.

During the dry season, which lasts from November to April, the jungle experiences drought-like conditions. Many of the streams and waterfalls dry up, and the vegetation becomes scarce and brown. Some of the larger herbivores, such as the Krarnoks, migrate to areas where water and food are more plentiful. The Shadowpaws also tend to be more active during this time, as their natural camouflage is more effective in the dry, barren landscape.

When the rains come in May, the jungle undergoes a dramatic transformation. The vegetation becomes lush and green, and streams and waterfalls fill up with water. The Krarnoks return to the area, and many other animals take advantage of the abundance of food and water to mate and reproduce. The Flutterbirds are particularly active during this time, performing their mesmerizing dances to attract mates. The Luminous Mists also tend to be more frequent during the rainy season, adding to the mystical ambiance of the jungle.

As the rainy season progresses and the cooler months approach, the jungle undergoes yet another change. The Luminous Mists become more frequent, and the Thornbeasts become more aggressive and territorial as they prepare for the mating season. Many of the smaller animals, such as the Mysticwisps and Lumaslugs, begin to hibernate or slow down their activities in response to the cooler temperatures.

Overall, the organisms inhabiting the Makhvi jungle have evolved to adapt to the cyclical changes of the seasons. Some migrate, some hibernate, and others change their behavior or reproductive patterns in response to the changing conditions. This allows the ecosystem to maintain a delicate balance and ensures the survival of the various species within it.

Localized Phenomena

Localized Phenomena

Crimson Rain

Within the mystical depths of the Makhvi jungle, a tapestry of extraordinary natural and supernatural phenomena unfolds, captivating the senses and invoking a profound sense of wonder. Amidst this enchanting realm, the Crimson Rains emerge as a spellbinding spectacle, casting a mesmerizing hue upon the jungle's verdant canvas.

As the rainy season descends upon the Makhvi jungle, a wondrous transformation takes place. The heavens open, and raindrops descend from above, their gentle descent accompanied by a mystical touch. The Crimson Rains, a breathtaking phenomenon unique to this mystical realm, grace the jungle with their presence. The rainwater, infused with a rich tapestry of minerals and elements, takes on a magnificent reddish tint, imbuing the entire landscape with a captivating and ethereal glow.

The Ankhana people, guardians of the jungle's sacred traditions, hold the Crimson Rains in reverent awe. Deeply rooted in their spiritual beliefs, they perceive the crimson-tinged rainfall as a divine blessing, a sacred offering bestowed upon them by Elvian, the guardian deity of the Makhvi jungle. This unique transformation of rainwater into Crimson Rain is attributed to the mineral-rich soil that forms the foundation of this mystical realm. Within each raindrop, they perceive the presence of Elvian's benevolence, a gift from the heavens that nourishes the intricate tapestry of life.

This mystical phenomenon evokes a sense of reverence and spiritual connection among the Ankhana people. They gather to witness the splendor of the Crimson Rains, immersed in a shared sense of awe and gratitude. The reddish hues that wash over the jungle become a symbol of divine presence, a reminder of the interwoven bond between the natural and spiritual realms.

As the Crimson Rains fall upon the jungle's fertile soil, they infuse the land with their mineral-rich essence, bestowing vitality upon the flora and fauna that call this mystical realm their home. The Ankhana people, custodians of the jungle's delicate balance, perceive this rainfall as a divine reminder of their sacred duty to protect and preserve the intricate harmony of the Makhvi jungle.

Positive effects
Bountiful Harvests
The mineral-rich essence of the rain contributes to more abundant and resilient crops in the Makhvi jungle. The Ankhana community can ensure a reliable food source, thanks to the Crimson Rain.
Preservation of Biodiversity
The increased vitality of the flora due to the Crimson Rain promotes biodiversity in the jungle. Rare plant species thrive, which, in turn, attracts various animal species. This contributes to the ecological stability of the jungle.

Healing Properties

Some of the minerals and elements in the rainwater have healing properties. The Ankhana use the water for therapeutic baths and potions that contribute to health and recovery.

Spiritual Connection

The Crimson Rain strengthens the spiritual connection of the Ankhana people with their surroundings and their faith. They perceive it as a direct manifestation of the benevolence of their guardian deity, Elvian, and feel a closer bond with nature and the spiritual world.

Cultural Heritage

The Crimson Rain is deeply rooted in the culture and customs of the Ankhana. It solidifies their identity and cultural heritage, fostering unity within their community.

Negative Aspects
Discoloration of Buildings and Waters:
The reddish tint of the rain can lead to the discoloration of buildings and water bodies in the vicinity of the Makhvi jungle. This can pose aesthetic issues and occasionally require cleaning and renovation efforts.

Challenging Crop Planning:

The unpredictability of the Crimson Rain can make crop planning more challenging. Since the Ankhana community heavily relies on agriculture, they need to remain flexible in response to the varying timing of the rain.

Luminous Mists

Deep within the mystical embrace of the Makhvi jungle, an enchanting phenomenon unfolds, casting a veil of ethereal radiance upon the lush landscape. Here, amidst the cooler months, nature unveils the captivating wonder of the Luminous Mists, an extraordinary spectacle that awakens a sense of awe and wonder within all who bear witness.
As the temperature descends and the cooler winds grace the jungle's terrain, a subtle transformation takes place. Warm and humid air rises, caressed by the gentle breath of nature, and dances amidst the lush foliage. Slowly, the moisture-laden air begins its ethereal journey, condensing into delicate droplets, forming a dense and mystical fog that wraps the jungle in its embrace.

But this is no ordinary fog. Within the Luminous Mists, a subtle luminescence radiates, infusing the air with a soft, otherworldly glow. The mist becomes a gentle conduit for the dance of light, casting an enchanting aura upon the jungle's hidden corners. A delicate luminescence, reminiscent of moonlit dreams, bathes the foliage and shrouds the landscape in a surreal and mystical radiance.

The Luminous Mists, with their beguiling luminescence, hold a special place within the hearts of the Ankhana people. Considered to possess mystical properties, they are revered as conduits of spiritual energy and divine presence. The Ankhana people, custodians of ancient traditions, often harness the power of these mists in their religious ceremonies, utilizing their enchanting glow to enhance the connection between the earthly realm and the spiritual domain.

In the heart of the jungle, the Luminous Mists become a stage for sacred rituals, as the Ankhana people gather amidst the ethereal glow. Bathed in the soft radiance, they seek communion with the spiritual forces that weave the tapestry of their beliefs. The mist's luminescence serves as a bridge, guiding their prayers and aspirations to higher realms, where their voices blend harmoniously with the whispers of the natural world.

As the Luminous Mists enfold the Makhvi jungle, they bestow a sense of enchantment upon all who wander its hidden paths. The delicate luminescence illuminates the way for nocturnal creatures, casting a gentle radiance upon their nocturnal pursuits. Amidst the mystical haze, the flora and fauna of the jungle take on an ethereal allure, creating a realm where reality and dreams intertwine in a delicate dance.

Positive Effects
Mystical Illumination
The Luminous Mists create a mystical and calming atmosphere in the jungle, inducing a sense of inner peace and enlightenment in those within their glowing embrace.

Spiritual Connection
Regarded by the Ankhana people as a bridge to the spiritual realm, the Mists are used in their religious ceremonies to deepen their connection to their spiritual beliefs and deities.

Natural Navigation
The gentle luminescent glow of the Mists assists nocturnal animals and plants in orienting themselves and surviving in the darkness of the jungle.
Negative Effects
Confusion and Disorientation
The intense luminescent effect of the Mists can cause confusion and disorientation for hikers and travelers as it may impair clear visibility.

Alteration of Ecosystem
The luminescent properties of the Mists can influence the natural behavior of nocturnal animals and plants in the jungle, potentially leading to shifts in the ecological balance.




Mild temperatures up to a maximum of 30° prevail in the jungle. The winters are warm with 24 ° and there is no snow, but it is quite normal that heavy monsoons regularly pass over the area.
These are necessary so that the flora continues to thrive colorful and healthy.

Fauna & Flora

Makhvi Jungle Flora & Fauna


The jungle is home to a variety of different creatures. Among them are the predatory cats such as black panthers and tigers, which are among the alpha predators of the animal world in the jungle.
However, there are also inconspicuous creatures where an encounter often results in death. These include a variety of different spiders as well as snakes, which can hide well in the tall grass and plants.
Even the river is home to small predators of the underwater world. The piranha are carnivorous fish and will prey on anything that falls into the water, including humans.


Natural Resources

Natural Resources


The jungle's rich variety of trees lends itself to a profitable supply of lumber. Some varieties, such as Sarkoal, are especially valuable as trade commodities. However, logging is difficult in the jungle due to the density of the vegetation and the dangerous creatures that live in them. One advantage in the Makhavi Jungle is the river that allows logs to be floated to lumber mills down stream.

Gold, Iron & Coal

The inhabitants use the wide river, which leads from the Hayitese Mountains into the valley of the jungle and through it, not only to get water but as a main resource for Gold. This is carried away from mines and deposits located along the river and then filtered through the water in the villages located along the river and, once a certain amount is reached, melted and further processed. However, since this is the only way to get gold, it is rather rare away from the mountains. The surrounding mountains, however, are rich in minerals, including iron and coal.

Fruit, Spices & Animal food

While the jungle lacks other raw materials, it makes up for it with its diversity of fruit and other such products, including bananas, oranges, coconuts, coffee beans, cocoa beans, vanilla, cinnamon and ginger. Especially the coffee and cocoa beans are interesting in terms of trade. In the village grain is grown for the farm animals. This can be harvested almost all year round and thus a good stock can be built up. It can be grown with little difficulty due to the nutrient-rich soil and the warm temperatures.




The "Keepers of the Wild"

A faction of protectors dedicated to preserving the natural order and wildlife of the Makhvi jungle. They believe that humans should not interfere with the balance of nature and advocate for sustainable practices in resource use.

The "Hakhona Guardians"

The members hold the sacred Hakhona trees as the center of their beliefs. They believe that the trees hold the spiritual essence of the jungle and that they must be protected at all costs.

The "Jungle Traders"

This faction sets its focus on commerce and trade within the jungle. Utilizing resources of the jungle for economic prosperity and therefore establishing a network of trade routes with other regions is their top priority.

The "Mysra Cult"

Many inhabitants hold the Mysra flowers in reverence and believe that they have powerful spiritual and medicinal properties. They have a strong presence in the jungle and often trade the flowers for goods and services.

The "Explorers Guild"

Some may seek adventures and are curious for new discoveries. Those will find their hearts desires fullfilled in the Explorers Guild. The individuals believe that knowledge and exploration are very important and they offer themselves as guides to outsiders.

The "Freedom Warriors"

Mostly young people choose to be part of this faction as they don't understand why they have to pay attention to so many rules. Their hearts seek for freedom and a life with no restrictions. They believe that the people of the jungle should have more autonomy and freedom to make their own choices, and they are often in conflict with the established authorities.


The Ankhana people have a unique political and government system based on the principles of consensus and the cult of Guola.
The Guola hold a respected position in the community and play a significant role in preserving the values of the jungle and its inhabitants, as well as protecting the environment from harm and exploitation.

The tribal system is led by chiefs who are responsible for the day-to-day affairs of their tribes, making decisions concerning resources and the well-being of the tribe. The chiefs meet periodically to discuss issues concerning the jungle and its inhabitants and have the power to enforce the rules and regulations set by the Guola. The council of elders, consisting of respected individuals from each tribe, serves as advisers to the chiefs and provides guidance on important issues and dispute resolution.

The government is responsible for providing basic services to the inhabitants such as health care, education, and protecting both the jungle and its inhabitants. It also collects taxes to support these services and maintain the jungle's protection. The Guola enforce rules and regulations regarding the protection of the jungle and tourism, and have the authority to penalize those who violate them.
In conclusion, the political and government system of the Ankhana is a well-balanced blend of traditional tribal leadership and environmental conservation efforts, aimed at preserving the values of the jungle and its inhabitants.




Elvium: A New Religion for the Makhvi Jungle Inhabitants
The Makhvi jungle is home to a diverse array of cultures, beliefs, and traditions. However, there is a new religion that is slowly gaining popularity among its inhabitants, known as Elvium. This religion is based on the worship of a higher power, known as the "Elvian" who is believed to be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the jungle and all its inhabitants.
Elvium is characterized by its focus on balance, harmony, and the protection of the jungle and its inhabitants. Its followers believe that the jungle is a sacred place, full of life and beauty, and it is their duty to protect it from any kind of harm or exploitation.
The central tenet of Elvium is that all life is connected, and that everything in the jungle is interdependent. Its followers believe that they are stewards of the jungle, and they must maintain its delicate balance. They believe that the Elvian is constantly watching over them, and they must strive to live in harmony with nature and each other.
Elvium is also characterized by its respect for the wisdom and traditions of the past. Its followers believe that the jungle has a rich history, and they must learn from it to ensure that the jungle and its inhabitants are protected for future generations.
The religion is led by a council of priests, known as the Elvian Guardians. These priests are responsible for maintaining the teachings of the religion and for guiding its followers. They also serve as mediators in times of conflict, helping to resolve disputes and maintain peace in the jungle.
In conclusion, Elvium is a religion that is gaining popularity among the Makhvi jungle inhabitants. It is based on the worship of a higher power, and its focus is on balance, harmony, and the protection of the jungle and its inhabitants.




The colorful plants and especially the large Hakhona trees often attract tourists from far away, but they must follow strict rules to be granted entry at all, because the Guola care a lot about their values and the protection of the jungle. Disregard and misbehavior are punished with a permanent ban on visitors.
Most of the tourism is made up of traders from various regions. They bring goods that the local residents lack and receive the unique fruits and wood of the jungle in return.


In the Makhvi jungle, trade is typically conducted through bartering between the various tribal communities that inhabit the jungle. Each tribe specializes in different goods and resources, and they use these goods to trade with other tribes for things they need.

The most common goods traded in the Makhvi jungle include food items such as fruits, nuts, and game meat, as well as resources such as timber, herbal medicines, and exotic animal pelts. These goods are often traded during communal gatherings, where representatives from each tribe come together to exchange goods and share news.
They also trade handcrafted items made from local materials such as woven baskets, jewelry, and wood carvings. The Ankhana are known for their skilled craftsmanship and unique products, attracting traders from neighboring regions and countries.

The Makhvi Jungle is surrounded by several small villages and towns, with whom the jungle inhabitants trade their goods. They also trade with larger cities and ports along the coast, where the demand for their exotic products is high. Some of the Ankhana people are involved in bartering with travelers and traders who venture into the jungle, exchanging goods for goods or services. Some of the services that were traded include hunting and gathering, craftsmanship, healing and medicine, spiritual guidance, and protection.

There is also a growing market for eco-tourism in the Makhvi jungle, with travelers coming from far and wide to experience the unique wildlife and lush vegetation. The local tribes offer tours and guide services to visitors, providing them with an opportunity to learn about the culture and way of life of the jungle's inhabitants.

In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for Makhvi products from abroad, leading to the development of trade networks with other countries. The jungle inhabitants have been able to secure better prices for their products and improve their standard of living through these trade relationships. However, there are also concerns about the sustainability of the trade and the impact it is having on the environment and local communities. The Ankhana are working to strike a balance between economic development and preserving their traditional way of life.

In addition to bartering and eco-tourism, there is also a trade in rare and valuable resources, such as precious woods, minerals, and medicinal plants. These resources are highly sought after by traders and merchants from outside the jungle, and they are often obtained through trade with the local tribes or through the exploitation of the jungle's resources.

Overall, trade in the Makhvi jungle is diverse and dynamic, reflecting the rich cultural heritage and abundant natural resources of this unique ecosystem.



  • Makhvi Jungle
    A thousand mile wide tropical rainforest nestled in the Hiyatese mountains.

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