Eldar Species in Flagstone | World Anvil



The Eldar, unlike most of the sentient races on Duende, do not belong to the Prime Material plane or The Dream. Instead, they are true born creatures of Duende. During their formation, the Eldar were exposed to extrordinarily high concentrations of mana, both undifferentiated mana flowing in from the Prime Material Plane and elementally aligned mana flowing in from The Elemental Planes. Because of this, they rightly consider themselves as part of Duende itself.

Eldar very widely in appearance, based primarily on their elemental affinity. From so called 'pure' elementals, such as creatures made entirely of a given element, to fey creatures that embody the 'spirit' of some aspect of Duende, the Eldar embody the forces of Duende. Like their home world, The Eldar's Awakening into sentience was as rapid and tumultous as they were constantly caught in the cacophony of powers that formed them.

As noted, mana has its own sort of 'gravity', and the energy pouring into Duende brought with it various forms of energy, matter, and information drawn from across the universe. This became the fertile ground for the awakening of the Eldar. Through this potent combination came an innate inuition about the elementals, their role in nature, and the many processes that govern the world. While some individuals certainly have delved into the academic study of magic, as a culture they tend heavily towards spontaneous elemental wielding.


Eldar Body Types

Like Dremen, the Eldar do not have a cohesive body play across their entire culture. However, there are still similarities between them. All Eldar's skin tone is aligned with their Prime Element. Thus, all Eldar aligned with fire tend to be warmer colors, if not actually on fire. Mixed breeding between Eldar of different prime elements is perfectly common. The children from such offspring will inherit the prime element from both parents, and display appropriate physical characteristics. For example, the offspring of fire and earth Eldar parents could be aligned with fire, earth, or magma, while the offspring of earth and water Eldar parents might look like a wood nymph. Because of this, wild variation in appearance is extremely common.



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