World Foundations Template in EverMoore | World Anvil

World Foundations Template

Credit to Heffé for developing the template from CoW Co-Builders Conference
[quote]--Agile Worldbuilding::One Sentence/Paragraph to build them all!--[/quote]
[small]What is your motivation for building this world?[/small][/h2]
[small]What are you hoping to get out of it?[/small][/h2]
[small]What is the Hook or Unique Selling Point of your world? What makes it unique or different?[/small][/h2]
[small]What’s the Genre of your World?[/small][/h2]
[h2]Player Experience[br]
[small]How does the world feel (player experience)?[/small][/h2]
[small]What is the tone of your world?[/small][/h2]
[h2]Characte Agency[br]
[small]What is the character agency level like?[/small][/h2]
--Anvil Advice::Character agency describes how much power the PCs have to change the world, and how long-lasting that change might be. In a Noble campaign (think Starwars) one person can change the whole universe, and effect lasting change. In a Grim campaign (think 40K) one person can have only a very limited impact on the fate of the world, and that change often doesn't last long.--
[h2]Recurring Themes[br]
[small]What are the recurring themes which reinforce the genre, tone and feel of your world? (Give three examples)[/small][/h2]
--Anvil Advice::These three things should cover the overarching campaign, but do not need to feature in every single session. They are a great way to help underpin that this is the same genre, tone, narrative and campaign, despite the different flavour of adventures within it. --
--Anvil Advice::Choose three to five focal points of your world from the list below to focus your worldbuilding on:--
[li]Government Presence[/li]
[li]Rule Of Law[/li]
[li]Social Services[/li]
[li]Economic Strength[/li]
[li]Wealth Distribution[/li]
[li]Agriculture And Trade[/li]
[li]Race Relations[/li]
[li]Class Relations [/li]
[li]Gender Relations[/li]
[li]Sexual Orientation Relations[/li]
[li]Military Influence[/li]
[li]Religious Influence[/li]
[li]Technology Influence[/li]
[li]Arts And Culture Influence[/li]
--Anvil Advice::Add 5 points of drama to your world - you can use one or two of them for your main plot line, but the rest are just there to create the impression of a larger world in motion.--

GM Masterclass

Masterclass for GMs
Generic article | Dec 5, 2020

Cover image: EverMoore Logo by Gamez


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