When you wear this woven band, the city's heart is in your hand.
In the lands of Zhadya, in the time when the Mist Dragon wove his way through the land and other vigilantes followed in his stead, a network dedicated to protecting the identity and covering up trails and tracks hid in the shadows, more prepared to turn footsteps into clouds of dust than to stand side by side dealing with corruption head on.
Those of the Woven Band
Known only to those of Herrus for a long era of time until scribes began taking down their tales, the network referred to by many as the Shadows of Zhadya was actually called the Woven Band due to the woven necklaces they all shared identifying them as members of the underground network. Small and effective and always on the move in the underground of the various cities, the Woven Band acted not only as coordinators and shadow protectors but as relay points and information hubs gathering what they could to keep apprised on the city's activities from the trade posts to the gate posts.
Started by Dhirga before he had ever taken the name of the Mist Dragon and back when he called himself Khareth of Isil, the Woven Band was first a small group of Dhirga's closest friends and allies with whom he had teamed up with before. Little by little, the team diversified, becoming masters at different aspects of what they discovered was needed in order to make it seem as Dhirga simply disappeared after a successful sting.
After the War
Though Dhirga fell along with several other members of the band, his legacy lived on through those that had followed him and they continued to play their part in Zhadya until they realized that all they could do was prevent the loss of the city by saving its legacy. They sought refuge and eventually many that remained of the Woven Band stumbled into glittering field of the Temple of Darcanis and took of residency there and it was from them that the hidden truths that would have been lost to shadows of history were revealed and recorded.