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The Last Letter of the Song Arcanum

Sitting in the mailbox of the renowned bard and the former counselor to the king is the last message recovered from the wreckage of a caravan that had been returning to the capital city of Ehranor.   Enchanted with an enduring charm, the letter had survived the fire that had claimed a wagon full of supplies and personal gear. According to the rumors in the capital, it was during this battle that the Song Arcanum lost his life and that he had taken precautions to ensure that should destruction rain down, this letter would survive almost any circumstance.   It was addressed to a Sir Avandyr and instructed to be left in his mailbox until such a time it would be picked up. Of course, the letter was opened by the king as soon as it was received in the palace but beyond a few words of love and affection towards him, there was what was considered to be his last song written down on the pages.   While the message that was plainly addressed to the king was not disclosed, the song eventually found its way to bards of the capital city, becoming well-played within its first week as message of the Song Arcanum's death (or disappearance) spread.   While not a popular song, or even considered well-written, many in Arvonian cities still play it when requested or to fill in some blank time believing that there was a secret message hidden within either the melody or the words and that whoever Sir Arandyr is would hear it.  


Deep within the heavenly vale,
where mist flows against earth and sky
Lies memories buried, a much needed tale for
when time comes 'round and can't be denied


Rest in the orchards with flowers that blush
where mist flows against earth and sky
Find haven with friends which age hasn't touched
when time comes 'round and can't be denied


Aye, deep within the heavenly vale,
where mist flows against earth and sky
Lies blade 'nay crown that waits to unveil
when time comes 'round and can't be denied


Memories linger and darkness prepares
where mist flows against earth and sky
Take solace in knowledge and war with despair
when time comes 'round and can't be denied

Text, Letter

Cover image: by Canva (Mara Jaena)


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