Laundinai Markanthus Character in Zelestoria | World Anvil
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Laundinai Markanthus (Lore-din-aye Mark-An-Th-Us)

Duke Markanthus

Married to Ser Leroy Markanthus   Duke Laundinai own the small islands off the coast of Almar- Close to Hythe Grathmere   Before the Fading Of The Rainbow; Laundinai were once two separate beings- Laurence and Daniel were twins, simple farmers from the Cita of Dunwen. They shared a telepathic bond which caused them converse telepathically instead of verbally. This caught the eye of The Host and he invited them to visit him and then proceeded to experiment on them.   Once The Host grew bored and successfully created the first vampire, gave them a chance of contractual freedom. They could go free and have a fortress on the surrounding islands- but first they must get rid of all the inhabitants.   They managed to do this by sending them away onto the mainland- except one person to not take this advice. Ser Leroy Markanthus a human that would in future years become their spouse.   The Transition to Vampirism   When The Host finished toying around with Laundinai, they came out stitched together. Daniel lives as a mostly mute head attached to Laurence's body. Daniel can voice sounds- but actual sentences- he telepathically tunes them to whoever he needs to speak to.   Laundinai have blood related powers. They both must feed from the being to be able to control their blood. They can use this as a puppeteering mechanism and gain a small gathering of beings. Blood is also a major factor in their diet. A problem solved taking small doses from the remaining animals.   Laundinai is the very first of their kind. They believe their immortality stems from The Host, the only way to kill them- is to kill The Host.  

Ser Leroy

    The self-appointed "Ser" Leroy was the only being left on the opposing islands. He hide himself well and Laundinai were admittedly careless since they didn't want to kill any of the humans. Laundinai gave the humans an ultimatum- and the people chose. Ser Leroy appeared in the castle one day and attempted to kill Laundinai.   The assassination attempts grew more and more till it became routine. Even to the point where if Launindai used a new move/spell/skillset- Leroy would get upset and retreat in salty manner.   This would continue, till the Dukes decided to set a table up and wait for Leroy to arrive. This was the first time in which both beings were able to sit down and converse.   This became a regular occurrence and slowly Ser Leroy was able to put aside his frustrations with Laundinai, till they finally created some sort of mutual respect for one another. But it was decided that it was best to put on a show for The Host to make it look like they were enemies. In actual fact- they were getting closer.  

The Binding Contract

  The Host is no fool. He knew the game they were playing and found it highly amusing they would even try to conceal their growing love for one another. He decided to bide his time and did nothing.   The time came when Ser Leroy and Laundinai's friendship bloomed to relationship. On the morning after they spent the night together, sharing a bed- The Host descended from Hythe Grathmere, yanking the dozing Leroy out from the bed kicking and screaming to the courtyard of Laundinai's fortress.   Laundinai chased after him as quickly as their legs would carry them- but it was too late. Ser Leroy has been cruelly slain by The Host.    It was there that Laundinai was reminded that they belonged to him. The contractual freedom that they agreed on, did not involve a lover. It involved Laundinai ruling the nothing islands surrounding Hythe Grathmere so it remains an unreachable peak. They are ordered to kill any and all beings that venture onto the land.  

So, What now?

  Laundinai was left with the dying body of Ser Leroy and they held him tight. Laurence prayed to Catos to give give Ser Leroy his life back "Please don't let us live a life of loneliness". Daniel on the other hand, prayed to Meldron and begged him to help him survive.   Catos and Meldron took pity on them as they were reminded of the goddess Malum in their sadness. Malum they are unable to help, but Laundinai on the other hand, they could.   Meldron spoke to the escaping soul of Leroy and asked if he had the opportunity- would he go back to him? Leroy agreed to both Catos and Meldron, in return they gave them both a Ring of Bonding. This allows Leroy to leave the life of the living whenever he wishes- but once it is removed, there is no going back. Leroy's life continues as normal, as long as he wears the ring.


Laundinai Markanthus


Towards Ser Leroy Markanthus


Ser Leroy Markanthus


Towards Laundinai Markanthus


Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Tested on by "The Host"
Current Residence
Hythe Grathmere
Red- Full of Life
Long and Blonde- Always tied up
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White- Almost Transparent


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