Karin Aaltero Character in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Karin Aaltero

Karin Aalteria

Karin Aaltero was a famous biologist and bookwriter from Tennasar, Kaltia. Her most notable achievements were discovering the tero plant which created a cure for oerina, a deadly virus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Karin was born into a family of 5 on February 2nd, 1492. She was popular in school, had many friends, and recieved good grades.
She left school and attended Tennasar university, where she studied biology. She left 4 years later with a degree in the field, and she studied in many places and universities worldwide. At 39, she wrote a book all about her experiences and her surroundings in the many places she visited.

Accomplishments & Achievements

When she was 44, she discovered a new plant species, which she named tero plants. She took a specimen back to her laboratory, and ran tests. She eventually discovered that this plant can be used to cure a common virus back then called oerina, which would cause your body to rapidly produce mucus, cause tiredness, weakness, to the point you cannot move and you die.
Date of Birth
2nd February 1492
1492 1584 92 years old
Dark Orange
Long, sleek, dark blue.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Underneath the hair is a light blue skin.


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