V883 Orionis Geographic Location in Xahverse | World Anvil
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V883 Orionis

V883 Orionis is a protostar in the constellation of Orion and like most protostars, is surrounded by a circumstellar disc of dust. The dust has a water snow-line, a certain distance where the stellar irradiance from the star is low enough that water can freeze to snow. Despite its breathtaking beauty, access to the system is restricted to prevent disruption to the nascent star. It is only 900 lightyears from Sol, and well within the area of influence for both main factions, both of whom claim it.


A true marvel of the universe, V883 Orionis is a young solar system, with a broad protoplanetary disc surrounding the central star where future planets may one day be formed. What makes this system so unique is the clear boundary of the snow line around the star, beyond which temperatures are low enough for solid water to form in broad clouds of snow.   As the best and most clear example of a protostar with a circumstellar disc, it is of intense interest from scientists from all factions. In a rare display of unity, the Federation of Xah and the Northup Alliance have placed a embargo on ships entering the system's circumstellar disc, leaving the system purely for science research.   Despite this, neither factions trust the other to conduct their research without interference, so the system is home to a significant number of warships as well. So long as the science continues, the gunships do nothing. Both sides know that it would only take a minor infraction to end the stalemate however.  
Stellar class: FU Ori Mass: 1.29 ± 0.02 Solar mass
Luminosity: 400 Solar luminosity
Age: 0.5 million years
Star System
Location under

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