Control Item in wow that's a lot of stars | World Anvil

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wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
Content Warning: Drug use Withdrawal
Control is a drug manufactured and used by Cryptix. It's deployed via regional water supplies to keep residents complacent and under control.


When diluted into regional water supplies, Control induces a more relaxed, complacent state in those who ingest it. The effect is subtle, and though it can begin to manifest after a few days, it's strongest when given consistently over a long period of time. Due to how heavily it's diluted, the side effects are rare and mild, but its withdrawal effects can be deadly. Someone under long-term effects of Control who suddenly no longer has it can end up hospitalized and with permanent debilitating issues.

Active Effects

  • Decreased stress and anxiety
  • Higher pain tolerance
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved compliance with orders

Side Effects

  • Minor memory loss
  • Mild nausea
  • Brief confusion
  • Withdrawal Effects

    • Emotional dysregulation
    • Significant memory loss
    • Stroke
    • Brain damage
    Control was a well-kept secret within Cryptix for decades, but there had long been suspicions such a thing existed. Though the effects were subtle, many still noticed changes in themselves or loved ones over time. Add to the trend of people getting sick after moving out of Cryptix territory, and it wasn't hard to guess the gang was doing something to those within its territories.  


    In its finished state, Control is a stable liquid and safe to handle, though it should never be taken undiluted. It's made of three key components, combined through a complex process known only to a few select individuals. Uncombined, these components are far more dangerous, and anyone inexperienced or unprepared may end up under their effects unintentionally.  


    Induces a state of rage for 5 minutes.
    Intense anger and a need to vent energy through violence.   Pain illicits minor relief at an increasing threshold.


    Induces a state of daze and confusion for 5 minutes.
    Intense calm, inability to communicate or react to events.   Won't react to pain or danger, memory loss cited as a side effect.


    Induces intense and immediate illness.
    Nausea and dizziness followed by vomiting, sometimes fainting.   If untreated, can lead to hospitlization.


    Item type
    Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
    Owning Organization
    Manufactured At
    The Well (prior)
    Unknown (current)
    Ingestible liquid
    Detection Method
    Control is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, requiring chemical analysis to detect its presence in water
    If you believe you're under the effects of Control or suffering from withdrawals from it, please contact the Gal Pals. A few doses of Chaos will safely remove Control from your system.

    Author Commentary

    During Campaign 2: The Gal Pals, the party captured the chemist in charge of making Control and somewhat-accidentally let him get away. Which I'm sure won't have any long-term consequences.

    Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


    Author's Notes

    This article was written as part of WorldEmber 2023. Follow the link to learn more.

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Dec 12, 2023 16:32 by Chris L

    This is super creepy in the best ways possible!

    Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

    Dec 12, 2023 22:39 by Rin Garnett

    Thank you! Super creepy is the goal for everything Cryptix :D

    Dec 12, 2023 17:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Woops indeed. O_O   This is great and also faintly horrifying. Just imagining a whole disrict going through withdrawal.

    Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
    Dec 12, 2023 22:39 by Rin Garnett
    Jan 5, 2024 19:02 by Chase

    I really like this article because I have a very similar drug in my world, so this is so relevant for me.   Question, have you thought of any street names for this drug? Or is Control the street name? Perhaps the different forms have different names?

    Jan 5, 2024 22:21 by Rin Garnett

    Ooh that's a great question! "Control" is the friendly name, compared to a more chemically-descriptive name. Since it's a secret drug used by the effective ruling class against its citizens, and not something sold or used recreationally, there isn't need for additional names. "Control" is already a code name: prior to being exposed, Cryptix could call a territory "under Control" and nobody would realize they referred to dispersal of a narcotic through the water system.   When it comes to recreational drugs, Nisora has no laws or stigma against their use, so street names aren't necessary for purposes of obfuscation. What street names exist would be for fun or abbreviation. Other planets that do have such laws and stigmas likely have street names for their own drugs, but I don't have articles for those (yet). All that said, one name per thing is much easier for me and my players to remember :P

    Jan 8, 2024 00:46 by Chase

    Ooh, I like that clever little wordplay.   Thanks for the expanded lore tidbit.