Nexis: Giver of Life Character in World of Latiss | World Anvil
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Nexis: Giver of Life

Nexis Ethera

The withered one, first bride of Solix, the giver of life. Nexis is known as many things within and without the Astralan Church. Very few who are not directly involved with the church are aware of her existence beyond that of a myth, and even among the church's Lights, only ladies are permitted to take part in the Blessings Ceremony dedicated to her.

Divine Domains

As the life-giving goddess, she is the goddess of brides, mothers, and weddings. Those within the Astralan church also claim her to be the goddess of the night, some even considering her to be the female presentation of Solix Astera rather than his bride, though this is a minority opinion.   She is also the goddess of limnal spaces, and is attributed to the creation of the Arch-Fey, including Titania and Oberon, though this is not well known outside of Elvish communities.


The Eve of Blessing is the only holiday attributed to Nexis. There is no set date for it, rather it is tied to the lighting of the stars in Ethera's Ring.


Divine Classification


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