Solix: Lord of the Skies Character in World of Latiss | World Anvil
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Solix: Lord of the Skies

Solix Astera

Maker of all things beneath the sky, Solix is considered by his worshippers to be the highest-ranked of all the gods. While he has a very hands-off approach to governing the world he has made, he will still grant loyal Lights the ability to cast divine magics, and has been known to bless his favourite Brides.

Divine Domains

Solix rules over the celestial bodies. All that hangs in the sky is his domain; the sun, the moon, the stars. He is credited with the creation of the world and everything that lives "under the sun". Because of this, he also is considered the god of craftsmanship, creation, and beauty.


Spring Equinox is considered the most important holiday to those who worship Solix. It is the first day of spring, when the Lord of the Skies is ready to display his newest works of art to the people. Great outdoor picnics are held and plays dedicated to Solix are put on by the local church youths. The day is often also celebrated by making dolls to symbolize how Solix created humans. It is a favourite day among children especially.   Summer Solstice is considered a rest day for farmers. As the longest day of the year, it is to be celebrated by spending time outdoors with the family. Entire villages will gather around nearby bodies of water to fish, boat around, play games, and enjoy cold drinks and homemade sandwiches.   Autumn Equinox marks the start of harvest season. Farmers get together to show off their best crops, and carpenters get a special highlight with a carving display. Competitions are held in smaller towns for cutting logs for winter and the local ladies work on a big communal batch of preserves. Children are sent to harvest whatever is ready to help with the preserves and young men coming of age are taken on their first hunting excursions around this time.


Divine Classification


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