Old Church Organization in Windrule | World Anvil
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Old Church

Well, what can you say about the Old Church...it's very different from the Church of Three Prophets, that's for sure. In fact, it is built upon denying most of the teachings of the latter. The Old Church leaves its followers much freedom, only requiring them to strictly follow the most fundemental religious tenets — which is probably why it's been getting so popular recently in the first place. Well, that and the fact that its priests act much more humble compared to what the Church of Three Prophets is like nowadays.
The Old Church is a religion denying the teachings of the Third Prophet and most of the teachings of the Second Prophet. Those teachings were thought to serve the needs of the Ardenian Empire rather than the will of God, and thus they were frowned upon by the Eirish public and authorities. The Old Church wasn't formally established until late in history, when the contrast between what Eirish had believed in and what the dominant Church of Three Prophets propagated became painfully clear. As such, it is sometimes suggested that the Old Church had some political reasoning to it too, aimed to protect the Kingdom of Eire from the Ardenian influence. However, with the need of spreading the religion around the New World becoming more prominent, the Old Church has also started to acquire some of its competitor's traits such aimed to improve its organisation.
Religious, Organised Religion
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Organization by Vertixico


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