Church of Three Prophets Organization in Windrule | World Anvil
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Church of Three Prophets

The Church of Three Prophets is full of fanatics and narrow-minded people. They have all those rules about what you can and can't do, and many of them follow it to a letter. Many say that it's a religion meant to control the ordinary men like you and me, not to help our lives, and that it has grown extremely corrupt nowadays. Truth be told, I agree with that. However, the Church of Three Prophets knows all too well how to prevent people from expressing such thoughts or going against its teachings.
The Church of Three Prophets is the main religion of the Old World. Established by the Third Prophet, it is often criticised for being a means for the Ardenian Empire to control its population, propagating many rules and traditions that seem beneficial for the upper classes of the society. It is also the most organised religion in Windrule, with a strict hierarchy set in place and its monks often treated as soldiers by the higher-ups. The Church has come to possess much power and authority in Ordonia although to a much lesser extent outside of the Ardenian Empire, especially on the Wellimbrook Archipelago. Recently, the Church of Three Prophets has also started to put a lot of effort into spreading its faith and influence across the New World, sending numerous missionaries and Church's own soldiers.
Religious, Organised Religion
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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Organization by Vertixico


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