SANT SLEEP Spell in Vertinall | World Anvil


"There's so little we know about... Him. The reach of his ability is frightening, and yet.. his methods remain so primitive in nature. What is the twisted origin of his wicked power?"
— Survivor of the Silent Night
  Tick, tock, reader. The hands of the clock shift, and so with it does He move forward. SANT will soon be upon us, and we must do whatever we can to prepare and brace ourselves for his arrival. So shall I tell you about just one of the weapons in his arsenal; The power of SLEEP.  

Mr Sandman, Please don't hurt me

The reasons are unknown, but the message is more than clear. You must be asleep when the Silent Night falls. Not a single soul must have an eye open, or your first gift delivered will be the devestating might of SANT SLEEP, a magical spell cast by the one and only that ensures you are given your just rest, and at least a moderate chance that you will be able to wake up the next day.   It's an oddly charming sort of spell, isn't it? I feel like nowdays, we find so many reasons to devesate our sleeping schedules, staying up by candlelight to write up absurd tales and tomes of our respective lands, and stories, and this little goblin man just wants you to get your eight hours by any means necessary, as if he's trying to tell you that you should be taking better care of your health and wellbeing and just going to bed.   What? Why are you looking at me like that?


Sleep. Obviously.   A successful casting of the spell ensures that the intended target will not wake until the dawn of light. Or a little bit earlier, depending on the target's enthusiasm for wanting to open up presents and annoy their parent(s) or guardian(s).

Side/Secondary Effects

Side effects include, but are not limited to:
  • Drowsiness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Mild headache.
  • Severe headache.
  • An enthusiasm for presents.
  • A good night's rest.
  • Existential dread.
  • Manifestation

    How it is fully manifested is not known, or at the very least it is known for approximately 5 seconds and then immediately forgotten when the target of the spell has been affected by it. Attempts to record details of the spell and its various components have been fraught with issues, and it seems any extensive notes that are made on the topic are chewed up and torn apart once the target is in slumber.   two things are known, however. When the target does awake, beside them is a strange, red-coloured stone. Whether it is just a material component, or the spellcasting focus is not known.   And the last thing they remember is him screaming the verbal component of the spell.  
    — Sant, himself


    SANT.   Only SANT.   Always SANT.


    The first stone cast was probably quite a shock indeed, and maybe the true origins of this spell were not fully known until the evidence and existence of this Terror were irrefutable, and the people who did not heed the warnings of their elders kept waking up with bricks on their pillow.   At the very least it has sparked inspiration in the people to form songs/cautionary tales to those who would seek to break SANT's immortal law.
    Related Deity/Higher Power
    Material Components
    Brick (any)
    Gestures & Ritual
    1. Be SANT
    2. Arch arm back fully
    3. Aim
    4. Yell 'SANT CAST SLEEP'
    5. Throw
    Related Discipline
    Related School
    Related Element
    ... Earth?
    Effect Duration
    At least 8 hours
    Effect Casting Time
    about 5 seconds
    Too high
    Applied Restriction
    Despite attempts to recreate the spell based on the speculative notes of some brave souls who have attempted to learn more of this mysterious creature, none have been able to recreate the same effects without severely decreasing the chances of the target waking up the next morning.   Maybe SANT has some sort of magical pitching technique.
    "My attempts to document his visit were a failure.. My lab notes have been torn to shreds, all I attempted to write in the night is long gone.. And my head is absolutely killing me!
    — Professor Caan Cushun

    Cover image: by TheDumbOwl (Me)


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Dec 14, 2023 23:45 by TJ Trewin

    It's super effective!

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 14, 2023 23:46 by Alex (TheDumbOwl)


    Ahoy hoy! Have a happy day! Check out my world Vertinall!
    Dec 15, 2023 00:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull


    Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
    Dec 15, 2023 00:22 by Alex (TheDumbOwl)


    Ahoy hoy! Have a happy day! Check out my world Vertinall!
    Dec 15, 2023 00:27 by Emily Armstrong

    "Material Components: Brick" wrecked meeee xD Love this world so much, great article!!

    Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
    Dec 19, 2023 19:12

    After much time and research, I have actually invented an upgraded version of this spell--using the same material components and casting method no less. I call this spell "Forever Sleep".

    Life is too short to be squandering on things you don’t enjoy or things that do nothing to benefit those around you.
    Jan 18, 2024 09:58 by Jon

    Man, articles like this one are the reason I absolutely LOVE your world, the vibes are just top tier. Peak fiction, if you will!

    While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.