Tarran State Hospitals Building / Landmark in Veneficia | World Anvil

Tarran State Hospitals

One of the first things the new democratic government did in the Tarran League was a reform of the healthcare system, or more precisely, creating it. Earlier doctors operated individually and the few hospitals were operated by the Church of the Saviour. Doctors were usually very expensive and most of the society couldn't afford them. Smaller towns and villages relied mostly on herbalists and homemade remedies. The most important part of the reform was to gather all the doctors together and create a structure for the whole system. Today, every city and town in the country has a hospital, which is financed from taxes, so medical care is accessible for everyone. Additionally, first medical schools were founded.

Purpose / Function

Hospitals are equipped to perform a wide range of medical treatments. People with everything from a common cold to life-threatening conditions requiring operation can be treated in those buildings. Probably the most common condition, with which patients come, is the Factory Workers' Disease. It is a condition caused by long-term exposure to coal fumes and improper hygiene in the factories. Its main symptoms are difficulty breathing and dark spots all over the body. Though the disease isn't contagious, many people are afraid of it. This fear caused many hospitals to separate the sections where patients with that disease are present. Some even move them to another building.


All Tarran State Hospitals have standardized layout and a simple architectural style. On the ground floor there is a lobby with a reception in the centre. Behind it is a staircase wrapped around an elevator shaft connecting all floors from the basement to the second floor. Ground floor also houses doctors' offices for checkups and simple treatments. The next two floors are the main part of the hospital. Both of them are divided into two parts. One has the rooms where patients rest and sleep and the other houses the operation rooms. Additionally, the basement has the heating equipment, storage rooms and a morgue. Basement also houses the kitchen, if the hospital doesn't have any additional buildings. Those additional buildings can be used for storing equipment, medical waste or as additional rooms for patients.

Owning Organization

Cover image: Veneficia cover by julianuc


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Jul 2, 2021 11:27 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Nice article, seems like a very competent healthcare system now after those reforms :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 2, 2021 12:35

Thank you. Yes, I want to make the Tarran League more poeple oriented

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Jul 2, 2021 18:05 by Time Bender

A good article! The reforms sound like they've made the healthcare system much better than it used to be. Nice job on finishing prompt one!

Jul 2, 2021 18:27

Thank you

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