Tyco Settlement in Uto Daeg | World Anvil


East of Kheer Golgur the prairie turns arid, and the grass turns yellow and barren. The rich brown soil near Kheer Golgur and the Gemini Peaks becomes stale, tan dirt with nothing rooting it down. Further east and the ground turns sandy. Dunes rise and fall, and thri-kreen lie in wait of travelers and merchants.   Past all this, though, sits a little oasis, and by the oasis is the town of Tyco. Started as a waystop for those traveling from Tallifir's Arm to Tallibab, Tyco grew in size bit by bit. Twice a year terrific storms roll up from Huxlix Bay in the south to the Garanja (large gorge) in the north. These storms provide ample rain and flooding on the oasis to attract naturalists and agriculturalists to appropriate the land for farming. After a few years, it became inhabitable and is now the cultural hot spot of eastern Tallibab.   One thing Tallibab attracted that no one thought would are artificers and tinkering gnomes from the north. These gnomes from many clans settled and immediately started businesses selling their tinkering products to merchants and townsfolk. Eventually, the clever gnomes with the help of some artificers were able to make truly magnificent machines, one of which is the now-popular flying magic carpet. The carpets put Tyco on the map for merchants. A rug would sell for three or four hundred percent more than purchased.    Tcyo has enjoyed peace from major conflicts and the desert keeps would-be invaders at bay. Of course the thri-kreen pose some threat but with archers and wizards and warlocks and the like trained on the carpets, they can easily keep the land peaceful.


Common: humans (Ffolk)   Uncommon: gnomes, human (Rashemi)   Pockets: human (Damaran), delfir, dwarves   Rare: half-elves


Married monarch

Industry & Trade

Mercantilism abounds in the walls. The whole city is founded upon trade. Magic carpets are known to be a Tyco staple with other curious gnomish inventions.

Guilds and Factions

Thri-kreen killers (mercenary group), Arborea's Envoy (religious cult), The Tongues (thieves' guild).


Started as a colony huddled around an oasis. Grew into a large town when scholars and naturalists began irrigating the rains that came twice a year. Now can support its own population with food and managed to grow grass for pastoral purposes.


Beautiful alabaster houses wonderfully colored. Wooden piles stick out above the flat topped buildings. The affluent make their houses out of stone from the mountains in the north and northwest.


Sandy dunes and arid land outside of the little bubble created by the town. Some hills, but the town itself rests flatly next to the oasis.

Natural Resources

Oasis that has been drilled to fill cisterns deeper down. Some copper mines exist to the east and south.
Founding Date
408, 4E
Alternative Name(s)
City of Carpets, Jewel of Kendrim Desert
Large town


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