Biterli Coast Defense Geographic Location in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Biterli Coast Defense

  After traversing the tumultuous waters of the Verilingeer Ocean and coming to the calmer water of the expansive Grand Biterli, sailors and ships require extensive rest and recuperation. If a ship continues then to the Deadlands southern edge it will eventually run into a unique shore. A quick detour south will get them to Rerya, and tradeports there. After days of sailing, the sight to behold is not one that sailors probably expect to see.   Sand dunes run along the northern border of Rerya like an undulating wall. These dunes sit like long-forgotten sentinels, guarding entrance. Indeed, where there are sand dunes, just off the coast are razor-sharp rocks that will rip the hull of any boat or ship. After the ship sinks, creatures from the shallows come up to snatch whatever prey it can. This are, called Dunecoast, prevents unwanted landings, keeping Rerya's northeastern shores, except for one spot, the Dunegap. This has posed a problem for Rerya and the Deadlands for millennia. Invaders or pirates would assault here in the deep waters of the Dunegap, and so in the Third Era the elves and delfir arrived on the idea of building fortifications, their own dune wall.   The main wall runs along the low-lying coast for about 40 miles. Every quarter mile is a sloping, squat tower watching over the listless bay, its brilliant sandstone rising victoriously. At the port entrance, skimming ships slip into the piers and jetties before unloading their cargo on the large ramp that leads to the gatehouse. The large ebony doors can withstand even a steel-capped battering ram. The design of the gatehouse, walls, and towers are sloped so that they may deflect the oncoming missiles, fireballs, etc. Several war mages reside there and all have the ability to cast spells such as resilient sphere and other defensive spells.   One attack was ever reported since the Defense was raised. Sea-orcs, used to raiding the coasts, came to the usual spot only to find walls and towers awaiting them. They attempted to land but were repelled. On the next day, they tried again and managed to land on the ramp, but the mages used their magic to halt their approach. Enraged, the remaining sea-orcs threw insults and jabs at the Defense as they sailed off into the ocean, never to cause any threat again.
Coast / Shore


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