The Density Settlement in Turien | World Anvil

The Density

Home of the Fairies, located in the middle of the Great Forest. Fairies are very insular and don't often interact with other Races. Much of their history from before the First Magic War has been lost. The Watch also keep other races away, in an attempt to protect the Fairies.     Fairies don't often leave the Density. They stay with their Source Tree (the consistent source of Fairy magic let lets them live indefinitely).

It is very odd to have a travelling Fairy such as Chad Eyles.     Willem Nor and Nada Eyles (students of the The All-Races Classroom) grew up here.   Aunt May was the first Fairy to live here, and still lives here to this day, in the First Source Tree.
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Cover image: by TaraFaeBelle


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